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Everything posted by Houston19514

  1. It would surely be prominent, but it actually wouldn't stick out anywhere near as much as Williams Tower. This (perhaps fantasy) tower would be about 40% taller than both 600 Travis Street and Wells Fargo, which are both within about 2/3rds of a mile from the likely site of such a building. Plus at least 7 other buildings downtown are more than 1/2 of the height of the fantasy tower, all less than 1 mile from the likely site. Compare to Williams Tower in Uptown: The second tallest building in the entire Uptown area is San Felipe Plaza. There is a greater relative height difference between San Felipe and Williams than between 600 Travis and the fantasy tower plus they are separated by 1.5 miles, compared to .5 mile. Likewise with the 3rd tallest building in Uptown, Marathon. Williams is 60% taller and they are separated by more than 1 mile. And those are the only 2 buildings in the entire area that are more than 1/2 the height of Williams. Other than those two, the nearest buildings that are almost 1/2 as tall as Williams Tower are the 4 Leaf Towers and they are almost 1 mile distant. Within a 2/3rd mile radius of Williams, the tallest building is the Mercer condos 400 ft tall.... Williams is 2.25 x the height of Mercer. After that you drop down to Dominion Post Oak... 351 feet. Williams is more than 2.5x the height of Dominion. After that, it drops off to a whole bunch of buildings that are closer to 1/3rd the height of Williams (and less.)
  2. Not to mention, over the course of the past couple of years, Exxon spokesmen have put out some pretty contradictory statements regarding their plans for consolidation or non-consolidation, or whatever the message is this week.
  3. I suspect you meant Austin, La Branch, Dallas and Lamar. Building a W on the block you specified would obviate any need for the Four Seasons to up their game, since it would have to be demolished to allow for a W on its block. ;-) Another good site would be on the remaining land on the block on which the Embassy Suites sits. Would allow for a cool, creative structure... perfect for a W hotel.
  4. Construction starts in March. To be more precise, Excavation and foundation activities will occur in March 2014,
  5. Only if you ignore the spire on the new One World Trade Center. It would almost be a shame to build it at 1400 feet, leaving it only 51 feet short of overtaking Willis Tower. In any event, it would indeed be amazing if this was real.
  6. Just for fun... If the building was going to be 832 feet with 50 stories, assuming the same average height per floor and adding 10 additional stories would give us a total height of 998.4 feet = 304 meters = supertall.
  7. Give us a post #. FWIW, BLVD Place's current website does not show what you speak of. It still shows a plain rectangle in the Apache spot and the shape we are speaking of (the residential tower) is still in its original location on the northwest corner of BLVD Place. I don't think they have ever shown this residential tower (Landmark Tower) in the Apache location. Pretty sure it has always been shown on the northwest site.
  8. I like your thinking. It would be a win-win if one of the proposed downtown towers could snag the Apache headquarters and Blvd Place could revert to a plan more similar to the original (without the retail break between phase 1 and phase 2 that would be (would have been?) caused by the insertion of the Apache tower in the middle of the development. Having said that, it would be a pretty surprising turn of events for Apache to not build at the Blvd Place site, given that they (Apache) bought the acreage last year.
  9. Amazing list. It seems pretty likely there will be a substantial crane for the Texaco Building project as well. Do we really have reason to think 6 Houston Center is likely to start in 2014?
  10. Good grief. Galleria III and the Galleria III Macy's (Macy's on Sage) will be torn down. That's all. They will be replaced by a new, larger Sak's Fifth Avenue and possibly/probably a 300 unit high-rise residential building.
  11. It will be even cooler than that. We'll also have the Marriott Marquis crane(s) in the air. Possibly Apache. And possibly several more.
  12. Yeah, when I read about the $125,000 average salary this morning, I too thought this is probably not just a "back-office" facility.
  13. I wonder why they want a separate location for their "back-office" employees. Any idea of the thinking behind this?
  14. I believe those options arose during the "brain-storming" phase and apparently were fairly quickly dismissed. One suspects they were dismissed early on because they were not actually feasible.
  15. Actually, they are very much contemplating/exploring adding some ground floor retail to tbe front of the GRB.
  16. Makes sense.. the building they are in is slated for dsmolition
  17. Not really sure. I imagine it gets more page views, kind of a teaser, I guess. Also maybe gets their articles to come up more often/higher in Google searches. The service exists and the Chron, along with Dallas Morning News and many other publications have signed up for it. It's called First Click Free.
  18. One would imagine that competitive search engine companies would come up with similar offerings.
  19. FYI, It's not a secret loophole that you are slipping by the Chronicle. It is an arrangement they have with Google.
  20. For the love of God, what became of that ignore button?
  21. A more revealing post I cannot recall.
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