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Everything posted by Houston19514

  1. Losing buiness? Perhaps not. But it is a fact that the OTC is short on space and will use the Dome. It is a fact that the Rodeo is short on space and will use the Dome. Further, this will give us a facility unlike any other for enticing more major events. It will make Reliant Park much more attractive for future Super Bowls and Final Fours and other such events.
  2. Just like there was not a singe case in which an enclosed air conditioned baseball/football stadium had ever been done, prior to the Astrodome. Just because it's never been done, does not mean it cannot be done.
  3. Actually, Urbannizer's list of projects says the start date is in 2014. No mention of which quarter. The downtown development map says expected completion is "fall 2016."
  4. That doesn't necessarily mean anything. Realtors and developers often do not rush out on closing day to take down their signs. I suspect this is even more common in the commercial world than in the residential world.
  5. Well, there's a surprise. The GRB cannot and will not host the types of events that will be able to be hosted by the Dome. For starters, and immediately upon completion, it will be used by the OTC and the Rodeo. That books it for probably 6 weeks a year without even trying. With naysaying, persistently negative attitudes like Subdude's, we would have never built the Dome in the first place.
  6. The point isn't what any individual house is being marketed for. The point is that the average sale price is up 58% over one year ago in Boulevard Oaks, the highest increase of 18 high-end neighborhoods, and up 29% in Southampton. And that the average sale time is 25 and 23 days, respectively "faster than many [other neighborhoods]".
  7. No. Rice University does not own the Sears land. Sears owns the Sears land.
  8. ^ I would not assume that 6 Houston Center is actually moving forward so soon. I imagine it will only do so if they sign sufficient leases. Remember, they had a "ground-breaking" for this building once before. Announcing that construction is set to begin in the 1st Quarter of 2014 is a far different thing than actually starting construction. Developers often make such statements as part of their marketing.
  9. This forum's deep negativity and rush to attack and criticize every building project in this city never ceases to amaze. We are quite used to attacks on renderings, and attacks on uncompleted buildings... but now we are getting attacks on planned buildings based on having seen or heard "or whatever" a lecture by a theorist who, according to rumor, has a big influence on the work of the project's architect??????
  10. But we do have a defined means to mediate among various interests. You just don't seem like the defined means Houston has adopted.
  11. Reliant Park already competes, to a certain extent, with the GRB. The renovation of the Dome will not change that in any significant way. Events that will most likely use the Dome facilities would not be able to use the GRB (such as OTC, the Rodeo...). We are a HUGE city. We can handle more than one major convention facility. And no one will have a facility anything quite like the Dome.
  12. Having a "process" in place to allow input into local development would do nothing to reduce, let alone eliminate, nimbyism.
  13. After looking at the linked document in more detail, it is apparently not part of the Hines project. On one page there is a note on the renderings that says something like "421 Travis approved." Very interesting. Wish someone could find the info.
  14. No, it didn't. The plan is on the first page of this thread. The primary focus is Dallas Street, not Main.
  15. I think it must be part of the new Hines building. Makes for a better tansition to the 2-story Franks/Big Bad building.
  16. A little more info, courtesy of First Presbyterian Church: As we have known, the main new building will be on the site of the current surface parking lot between the MFAH's Law Building and First Presbyterian Church. MFAH also apparently plans to build a new Glassell School building (Query, will this replace or be in addition to the current Glassell)? The new Glassell School and underground parking facility will be to the west of First Presbyterian, presumably on what is currently the Glassell's surface lot. The MFAH is seeking to acquire the portion of the Roseland Street right of way that abuts the back of that lot. The action is to start this fall, with the relocation of the church's utilities, followed by the relocation of the Museum's utilities and the construction of the new Glassell School and underground parking facility. Then the new building and underground parking on the Main/Bissonnet lot. The Museum is in the quiet phase of their capital campaign (that's when they take the plans to the major donors and and get the big money gifts). We'll hear a lot more about it when they get to the public phase of the capital campaign.
  17. Very interesting. I had not previously realized that the structure connecting 1500 Louisiana to the new tower will be elevated, with it open to pedestrians on the ground level (roughly along the path of Leeland St.) This project keeps getting better.
  18. Wow. Very interesting and exciting. Question: Did you really mean to say new building on top of the existing museum parking garage? The plan had been for the new building to be on top of the existing parking lot? Has that plan changed or are they planning 2 new buildings?
  19. There is zero reason to think they are planning any changes to the exterior facade of Pennzoil Place. Zero.
  20. It would be quite odd if it did not look similar to the existing wings.
  21. Yeah, it's clearly Pennzoil Place. Transwestern manages Pennzoil Place . . . hmmmm
  22. Only in a long term unfunded future master plan sort of way.
  23. Google It. ;-) Funny that Hines' description calls it "Greenspoint Place" in the headline, but refers to it as "Greenspoint Plaza" in the body of the description.
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