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Everything posted by Houston19514

  1. There is a group committed to doing this. To donate to this effort, please make your check payable to Houston Botanic Garden And send to Houston Botanic Garden P. O. Box 27510 Houston, Texas 77227
  2. Reliant Center already competes, to a certain extent, with GRB. I don't think the proposed renovation of the Dome will actually change. Events that would be using the Dome would not have the GRB on their radar. I like the plan. Like Naviguessor, I am very happy to pay $8 a year to keep the Dome.
  3. Nope. I believe that is the massive Allen Center garage. Allen Center has plans/rom for three additional toeers.
  4. Don't blame the Doubletree for that parking garage. It was built for the Heritage Plaza office building.
  5. Regarding the possibility of retail, (1) we do not know that there is not going to be retail (2) the renderings look like there will be some retail (3) Alliance has built other projects with retail. On a related note, the downtown current projects map says the building will have an underground garage (which makes 1st floor retail even more feasible/likely). I have no idea how reliable that note is, but there it is.
  6. Yes, you can now see at least one building from I-45.
  7. Has anyone actually ever noticed a problem with the visibility triangle at that intersection? I haven't. Good grief. Who are these busy-bodies? Do they really have nothing better to do than to object to the re-purposing of an existing building to provide space for a pizza parlor?
  8. They are enlarging the center court. Along Dallas, they will be adding sidewalk seating/cafe space. They will also be adding fountains and, as was mentioned more greenery. Also, they will be adding mid-block pedestrian crossings. I have great confidence in the the new owners. GreenStreet should have a good future.
  9. If you are referring to the idea of the park under the Astrodome superstructure, I don't think we have any idea at all what the cost of that would have been, do we?
  10. FWIW, I routinely do it be copying and pasting the link.
  11. ^ Agreed, we need to and almost certainly will see some estimates of expected revenues that should pay for some of the bond payments. FWIW, if the entire $217 Million is borrowed and if the entire amount is funded by property taxes, it would cause the taxes on a $200,000 home to go up by about $8.00 per year.
  12. Dude, get your facts straight. The Power Point says nothing about completing all three phases by 2017. In fact, it states that the final phase (phase 3) construction must start no later than December 31, 2017. The Power Point also does not say anything about Phase 2 starting in 2014. There have been some hints that Phase 2 will start next year, but it depends on whether United is done with their temper tantrum. You can access the PowerPoint presentation here.
  13. Very unlikely. The whole project consists of three phases, intended to be completed over a period of 7 - 10 years, depending on demand. Even a 7-year completion schedule would not have it done by 2017. Plus, there is the question about how long United will continue it's temper tantrum over having to endure competition in Houston... (They have threatened to not proceed with further phases of the Terminal B project.)
  14. I'm not sure what in the linked document you think imposes annual assessments on residential property owners, including single-family residences. But note that page 13 of the document lists exempt properties. The list includes "all other property exempt from assessment by the Act." Section 375.161 of the Local Government Code (part of the "Act"): "CERTAIN RESIDENTIAL PROPERTY EXEMPT. The board may not impose an impact fee, assessment, tax, or other requirement for payment, construction, alteration, or dedication under this chapter on single-family detached residential property, duplexes, triplexes, and quadraplexes."
  15. Whoahh there. I think we need a fact check. The bridge that was town down over the past weekend was the remaining south-side bridge to the original flight stations. Nothing is happening yet on the north side of Terminal B.
  16. They did. Most of the retail space is in the apartment building, not the parking garage and more than 1/2 of the Main Street frontage is devoted to retail. (At least that's what Wulfe & Co. seems to think.)
  17. Hmmmm... I wonder what variance they would be seeking. Regardless, it's good to hear there is activity.
  18. paste the link into a google search box. Then click on the first search result.
  19. What is the plat summary report? Can you give us a link?
  20. Hyatt Market Street JW Marriott downtown Marriott Marquis downtown
  21. ^ Mar. 21, 2013: Austin Planetarium Tower Canceled
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