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Everything posted by Houston19514

  1. Great pics. Thanks. And they reminded me... I walked aroudnd this a week ago or so and noticed that the construction fence also covers the front of the very narrow shorter building on Rusk. Hopefully, it is also included in the hotel property...
  2. I think the answer is yes. Plus, I think these are in the area in which they plan to do significant rebuilding (to expand the open space). So I don't see these being in place very long. Seems a little odd to me...
  3. ^ Wacko nutjob with an agenda.
  4. The Chron now says it's going to be a Holiday Inn "flagship", whatever that means. (Can't get access to the full article yet.) Great news!
  5. Yes. 2014. All the new lines were scheduled to open in 2014. The red line extension is getting done ahead of schedule (December 2013).
  6. Apropos of nothing in particular... what became of the "ignore" feature on this forum?
  7. River Oaks District announced they signed Roberto Cavalli to a lease. "An array of other luxury retailers are eyeing the complex, such as Hermès, Christian Dior, Tom Ford and John Lobb, reports Culture Map." (For the record, the Business Journal referenced Culture Map as its source, which in turn referenced Paper City as its source.) http://www.bizjournals.com/houston/morning_call/2013/06/roberto-cavalli-houston-river-oaks.html
  8. Cool site. But note that it is not Hobby's site. It is actually Southwest Airlines. While our airport administration and websites have improved drastically over the years, sadly, they still don't have the ability to have that good or current of a website. (See, for example, HAS's "latest construction update" dated March 2013. (And it is consistently 2+ months behind.)
  9. Are you referring to Houston Metro?? We don't have a Brown line, nor do we have one planned.
  10. Not to mention the new parking garage/retail at the north end of the GRB
  11. Yeah, that will promote pedestrian activity ;-) There is no need to change any rules to allow bikes on sidewalks.
  12. Not sure, but I would guess that means they sold it. ;-) Yes, Interfin sold the property quite some time ago to PM Realty. PM Realty is the developer of the project and has been since it was first announced.
  13. Ditto. (and I would say it's usually closer to the pleasant greenish color than the dark murky (muddy) brown.) I would add that it is highly doubtful that the water was ever clear. The Mississippi has been pouring mud into the Gulf basically forever.
  14. Yes, there is a tunnel from the Foley's Garage into the store building, and the tunnel map shows a "tenant only" tunnel access from the Foley's garage to the Americana Building.
  15. It would have been nice if they could have swapped the locations of MMP and Toyota Center. Oh well, at least this way, the cheap seats get something the expensive seats don't... ;-)
  16. The Kirksey rendering could be a proposal for the block being marketed by Houston First Corporation (the block bounded by Rusk, Capital, Avenida de las Americas, and Crawford). That would explain the 2.3 acre block.
  17. Make that three fronts ;-) The Kirksey mixed-use rendering looks nothing like the Texaco complex.
  18. Source? I think you might be confusing this project with the JW Marriott, which is Pearl Realty project.
  19. Supposed to start this week. I'm sure it will go on for a number of days along different segments of the line.
  20. Very cool, if true. Makes more sense than Holiday Inn Express, since there is already one of those downtown.
  21. Just saw on the Metro website that they will start testing railcars on the North line next week.
  22. ^ I think that is probably correct, Ricco. At one time, the plan was for either the southeast or east end line (I forget which; they both run on the same east-west tracks in that segment) would turn and go to what was then planned to be the intermodal center and is now just the Burnett Station. The other of those two lines would continue west to the Theater District. I'm pretty sure that changed when the Intermodal was elminated and they added the Central Station Main for transfers to the red line.
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