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Everything posted by Houston19514

  1. Outside of the exempt areas (downtown and parts of MIdtown and EADO), townhouses are required to provide off-street parking, but I don't know of any regulation that requires them to have garages. Is there one? But more importantly, even if they weren't required to provide off-street parking, it's pretty unlikely many townhouses would be bult without garages, the vast majority with two-car garages.
  2. Gotcha. And that does not seem to comply with the City's ordinances...
  3. Yeah, looks like it’s replacing Subway.
  4. Japan is paying families 1 million yen to move to the countryside https://theconversation.com/japan-is-paying-families-1-million-yen-to-move-to-the-countryside-but-it-wont-make-tokyo-any-smaller-197551#:~:text=The Japanese government has announced,000 on previous such payments.
  5. Per the maps on TXDoT's NHHIP website, it appears the KPFT building will not be taken. https://www.txdot.gov/nhhip.html
  6. Indeed. Not so very long ago, there were only 4 hotels in downtown Houston. With the opening of the Moxy, I believe we'll be up to 30!
  7. I don't know of any reason to think construction would be starting immediately. I can't find any building permit applications either.
  8. Yes, but... that assumes zero sum/no growth. With the addition of boutique hotels such as these, I think we can reasonably hope Houston will start attracting visitors it is currently missing out on.
  9. I think it's just a timing thing. We just happened to have two large ones go delinquent during the month of March. Pretty much a non-story. Pretty sure Dallas, for example, has had more major office building delinquencies and foreclosures than we have in recent years. And of course there's something in the blood of Houston journalists (and Houstonians in general) that just loves to latch on to any negative stories about Houston.
  10. Nonsense. It is irresponsible to just let a huge asset sit there rotting. It is not a waste of time to attend to the county's assets (or, if you prefer, its liabilities). One thing is certain, "leadership" cannot overcome the divide if they don't try. Another thing is for sure, we don't hire "leaders" to avoid making decisions when they are difficult.
  11. That’s not a good excuse. A leader could put together a plan and get buy in from important parties and make something happen. Leadership is required. Don’t ask for a job and then hide under your desk because making decisions s might make someone mad.
  12. She may not be the only person to bear some blame, if you want to look back over 25 years and lay blame on people who once could have made different decisions, but the fact is, she is the chief executive of the county and the county owns the Astrodome. She asked for the job and then asked to keep the job. It is absolutely fair to blame her for the inaction and utter lack of leadership.
  13. Just read an interesting item in the City Council agenda. It has to do with a new standard agreement for airlines who use Terminal D and the ICP and FIS. The interesting part was that United will have preferential rights to the use of three wide-body gates on the west side of the new Terminal D West pier. Now for the really interesting part: They will only have the preferential rights for 10 years. What then? Is the Terminal B FIS making a comeback? Looking forward to seeing United's plans for Terminal B.
  14. To be clear, we are currently no where near 25% surface parking lots, and the Axios article did not claim such. The Axios percentage is of land dedicated to parking, both surface lots and buildings, and includes parking buildings, even if the ground floor is dedicated to retail..
  15. See my October 26, 2022 post: (It does stretch the definition of "Galleria area"... Full Member 8.4k Posted October 26, 2022 Sure looks like it almost has to be. But they clearly have the location address wrong. I've noticed before that these TDLR permits very often have errors or misstatements in them... Hospitality, Inc. is the record owner of the Landry's warehouse at the Loop and I-10 (7310 Old Katy Rd) that was recently discussed in the other thread. Interesting that Tilman is apparently going to renovate his existing warehouse building in to a practice facility. Huh? What European consulates are next to the Landry's warehouse? I can't find any...
  16. I didn’t take that to mean construction has started. I took it to mean “we’re building” in the broader sense, as in, “we’ve kicked off the development process.” Also, the permit shown by Hindesky is not a building permit. So far as we know, there are not yet any building permits.
  17. He did not say it’s already under construction.
  18. Interesting... the last time I saw the Jones Hall fountain working was . . . yesterday. IMG_0430.MOV Also went by Houston Center on yesterday's walk. Here's the fountain:
  19. There are additional restrictions for the CBD sprinkled through the Sign Code. Basically, no signs higher than 42 1/2 feet. Then there are exceptions to that additional restriction. Not sure how this one complies.
  20. It's been slowly but steadily improving. In addition to the two restaurants in the MFA-H, and the soon-to-be 4 restaurants of the HTX Group (Bodega's, The Park Grill, Fia's and The Granger), we also have MF Sushi, Barnaby's, City Cellars HTX, Lucille's, Monarch, Java Lava, Fadi's, Ginger Kale, plus the eateries within the Zoo.
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