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Everything posted by Houston19514

  1. Any chance you can refer to us to some traffic engineering studies showing any of those things to be true or even likely?
  2. Because rail projects generally don't help to alleviate congestion enough to even move the needle. There are a number of (at least arguably) good reasons to build rail transit. Alleviating congestion is one of the weaker arguments.
  3. Even if we all drove Fiat 500s, the toll road lanes will remain the same width. You may have noticed our highways also serve to transport freight on trucks.
  4. Fantastic news! Thanks for the post
  5. I suggest you focus on the GaWC portion of the Wikipedia page (and perhaps read beyond the Wikipedia page). There are NOT numerous other factors that go into the GaWC ranking.
  6. You are referring to the GaWC study, which makes its designations based entirely and solely on "their connectivity through four 'advanced producer services': accountancy, advertising, banking/finance, and law". Very silly to pretend it means anything more than a ranking of cities with heavy concentrations of employment in those particular industries.
  7. Good post. (But the city does not control the post office land.)
  8. That's a bit of an odd thing to say. There were quite a few Cesar Pelli-designed buildings in Houston prior to his coming to Houston for the Enron Center South building. And is Cesar Pelli a decisively bigger name architect than Philip Johnson, IM Pei? I would think not. Many on this board seem to think that all (or nearly all) buildings being built elsewhere are architecturally significant and that all building built in Houston in the 80s were architecturally significant. Neither is true. In almost all places, the beauties are far outnumbered by the ho-hum.
  9. Then I guess we're not doing so bad... Calpine Center was built a decade ago.
  10. Why would you keep the bike checked out for the entire game?
  11. Why would you think it's too small to do much else with? It's bigger than the next-door property on which a 25 story condo tower is about to be built...
  12. I noticed that yesterday too. And it seemed to me that there might have been some activity in the Battlestein's building. I'm hoping it is going to be part of the hotel.
  13. They might be taking a bit of pause to make sure they (and other apartment builders) aren't getting too far ahead of the market.
  14. ^ This pretty well sums up the difference in the health of Houston's downtown office market vs Dallas'. We whine about 33 story buildings being too short. Folks in Dallas are ecstatic about a 16 story building.
  15. Can someone check on DrLan34? He may have met with an untimely demise after attempting to reveal someone's secrets. ;-)
  16. Yeah, closed a while ago. Their replacement has already been announced. (See above in this thread.)
  17. http://www.jetblue.com/work-here/benefits.aspx Pesky facts
  18. Good question. It seems the answer is probably yes. All references to the new stadium I have seen refer to UH's "new football stadium". I don't think I've ever seen a reference to the "new Robertson Stadium".
  19. Trains will run continuously... no transfers.
  20. I don't think anyone, including UH, knew about the plans to demolish the stadium back when they went through the station naming process. And the local communities had a lot of opportunity for input for the station names.
  21. Agreed, these recent restaurants and bars are a much more sustainable model than the earlier wave of clubs.
  22. As I said, most Houston high-rise condo buildings do not have tennis courts and even fewer have sprawling yards and dog runs. Thanks for confirming. All evidence says that the Astoria will indeed offer condo units that are competitive in the market. You apparently have some problem with Randall Davis and his developments, so we'll mark you down as not interested in purchasing a unit at The Astoria.
  23. The EB-5 program is not based on getting foreign investors to buy condo units. It is based on getting foreign investors to invest in the partnership that will build/develop the building. Minimum investment: $1 Million. That is probably the source of your confusion about the starting prices of the condo units. Most high-rise condos in Houston do not offer all the amenities you list above. All have swimming pools. Few have tennis courts. The Astoria appears to be quite competitve with the other offerings in town (e.g., 2727 Kirby, Cosmpolitan...)
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