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Everything posted by Houston19514

  1. With respect, that is one of the more ridiculous stories I've ever read, even for a message board. Pretty hilarious the rumors that get going. Mark me down as a non-believer. ;-) For reference here is an article about the transplant of a HUGE 100+ year-old oak tree in League City. The move only cost $197,500.
  2. It is Personage And Birds, located on the plaza in front of Chase Tower across the street, and therefore in the rendering of the building.
  3. ^ As it says in the linked article, these are renderings done by a UH student for an architecture school project. These are not renderings of the planned building.
  4. Great find! It sure is the right location. That has to be it. (Oh, and the link makes it clear.)
  5. Yes, Terminal D is set to be redone and probably expanded very soon.
  6. That sounds great! Hope it is developed that way. (that is how the Hess Tower should have been designed)
  7. Incorrect. The city owns all of the right of way necessary for the revised version, as is specifically discussed in the linked article.
  8. To clarify, the Double Tree on Post Oak (originally opened in 1982 as a Warwick) is now a Hilton.
  9. ??? Are you referring to the article about the LA building? From the article: "In addition, the tower will include 400,000 square feet of office space below the hotel floors."
  10. That slightly mischaracterizes it, I think. USC has apparently approached HCSCC with an "idea". They are gonna vote on whether to agree to a nondisclosure agreement in order to hear the idea(s) USC claims to have.
  11. As opposed to the current tons of apartment development and what not lining the Southwest Freeway?
  12. Thanks for posting, Lockmat. Good find. I'm thinking we're very close to a tenant announcement.
  13. Very cool plan. Thanks for posting. I hope they can make it happen. (Yea, the 10' of addditional land for the linear parks would have been nice, but this is still a great plan that would be a huge improvement.) I'm all for reducing the number of lanes of traffic on those east-west streets. Those streets are ridiculously over-sized.
  14. "Construction is expected to begin [this] spring, Thibodeaux said, and the park should be open in 2014." ;-)
  15. I don't know where you are seeing a tight squeeze through that area. There is plenty of room.
  16. According to this HGAC Executive Summary, estimated price for light rail in 2002 dollars ranged from $245 Million to $313 Million, depending on which of three routings/structures were picked to get from Post Oak Blvd/610 up to the Northwest Transit Center. (The same alternatives for BRT were estimated to cost in a range from $189 Million to $259 Million, again, in 2002 dollars.) The $556 million also includes unspecified amounts for Memorial Park. Based on these old estimates, It seems like there ought to be a lot of money available for Memorial Park out of this...
  17. I think that $177.5 million figure includes the construction of the Westpark Transit Center, but does not include any construction of bus lanes from the Post Oak/610 to the Northwest Transit Center. Query: does the $556 Million number include construction of the bus lanes to Northwest Transit Center? It's really hard to figure out what exactly is meant by the $556 Million they are quoting. Is that the total amount expected to be contributed by the Uptown TIRZ over 25 years or is that the total expected cost of both the transit and park projects? (They expect to use some federal and I think some state and Metro dollars for the transit projets as well... are those dollars included in the $556 million?) Good lord, I wish this town had at least one reporter with some sense of curiosity.
  18. Gotcha. On the other hand, for people completely unfamiliar with the area heading for a certain destination, will they really know whether that destination is "inbound" or "outbound" compared to where they are?
  19. And you'll find the same sort of disputes raging in cities with zoning...
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