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Everything posted by Houston19514

  1. Link to a PowerPoint about the project
  2. I don't think anyone is "assuming" the old metro corridor is the path. I think the old metro corridor is the path.
  3. It doesn't seem that difficult to me. Each block has the routes clearly labeled. And what is the meaning of 'inbound' and 'outbound' signs when you are downtown? Aren't they all essentiall outbound? In my experience, the direction in which they are traveling is a pretty solid clue as to which direction they are headed.
  4. It also includes improvements to Memorial Park
  5. ?? There are very few buildings on Post Oak that are "right on the current sidewalk or pretty close". In the few cases that a building is within, say, 20 feet of the sidewalk, there is plenty of space on the other side of the street. They should need something in the neighborhood of 34 feet total to add BRT lanes while keeping the current number of lanes on Post Oak if they maintain the full current size of the medians. Of course if they reduced the medians, they can do with less additional land. Here's an article discussing Metro's plans for property it would have to acquire in order to put in rail along Post Oak. I would presume we'll be looking at something very similar. http://www.yourhoustonnews.com/river_oaks/news/uptown-rail-requires-land-from-waterwall-park-more/article_3abfd47c-179c-5482-aeab-f0d22a4f4c52.html Edit: On further investigation, it turns out they only plan to add a total of 16 feet to the Post Oak right of way. (Currently 120', expanding to 136'.) The bus lanes will be a total of 26' and will be inserted into an "expanded median". See: http://www.uptown-houston.com/images/uploads/TIRZ%20%2316%20Post%20Oak%20Boulevard%20Transit%20Summary.pdf
  6. And thanks for ignoring my primary point and continuing on with your bull-headed desire to prove that your house is only worth $155k. Again, an off-market, short sale is simply not a good comp, no matter how badly you might want to lower your taxes. If you want to waste your time on such a mission, have at it. ;-) I would suggest using O'Connor or one of the other companies that does tax appraisal protests. They usually charge you 50% of the savings for the year of the reduction they achieve for you. You might be able to get them to reduce the rate. http://www.poconnor.com/ Another thought: Be careful what you wish for. While you are right that the land on the even numbered side of Pecore is consistently valued higher than the land on the odd-numbered side. The improvements on the odd numbered side appear to be consistently valued higher than those on the even numbered side. It's possible that HCAD will notice that in the process of your protest and end up raising your improvements value. . .
  7. I think it more likely means the city plans to put its prisoners in the county jails.
  8. No. At least not most of them. The bulk of the downtown jail space is county, with one federal and I think one state jail. I believe the City Jail is across the bayou and freeway at 61 Riesner Street. Also, http://www.chron.com/news/article/Harris-County-wants-to-build-a-joint-processing-4349678.php
  9. I think you are correct in that the Marriott Marquis hotels are the larger (and perhaps nicer) Marriotts. I noticed the JW Marriott Marquis hotels too (there is also one in MIami). I presume those are also larger than the typical JW Marriott.
  10. That is pretty close to what the Metro App is doing (except it doesn't offer non-mass-transit options).
  11. The good news for Houston is that within the next year or 2, another 9-12 blocks of surface parking will bite the dust and be replaced by buildings.
  12. ^ Exactly. I was thinking, " . . . and THAT is the picture they chose???"
  13. That is VERY exciting news. Thanks for the tip. I'm eager to check it out.
  14. Ditto. Especially in its location. For urban architecture, it's a major fail. This is at the junction of downtown, uptown and Victory Park. A pedestrian friendly development was critical in this location. Instead, Dallas leaders plopped down another starchitect trophy, this one literally on a pedestal, set off from its surroundings.
  15. That is the plan. 2 lanes of traffic in each direction.
  16. It was still a short sale. Not a good comp. (And you are giving us conflicting messages. One post you told us what it sold for and now you tell us you didn't have access to the sales information.) And no, realtors would not have access to the sales information unless a realtor was involved on the buyer's side. The only way realtors get access to sales information is by realtors who are involved in transactions posting the information to the HAR database.
  17. Didn't say it was. I am not in a position to know. But I can guarantee you that a house sold off-market on a short sale is not a good comp. It's barely worth looking at.
  18. This is the way it should have been designed to begin with. Major architectural design failure on the original development (Note: I do not claim to know whether that architectural design failure was the fault of the architects or the client.
  19. Your "comp" 3 houses down is not a good comp. It does make sense to use a more-distant market sale rather than a closer non-market sale.
  20. These are great (if a bit obvious) changes. I think it has a much better future with these changes. I have to admit I groaned a bit upon seeing the name, but it does roll off the tongue nicely.
  21. Okay, got me on the room service. But you and KinkaidAlum are kind of stepping on your message there. Earlier KinkaidAlum told us that people who will stay at a Springhill Suites are on tight budgets so will supposedly not be able to spend enough to benefit downtown restaurants (as if all downtown restaurants are uber-expensive). Now we are to believe that those travelers won't go to restaurants because they are blowing their money on room-service meals? Which is it, guys? Tight-fisted travelers apparently going hungry or expense account spendthrifts living it up on room service? ;-)
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