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Everything posted by Houston19514

  1. Of course no one ever suggested that no mention should be made of another project and how it might intermingle with NHHIP. The West Belt posts I have suggested be moved to a West Belt thread go well beyond a discussion of its interaction with NHHIP and would be more logically located in the West Belt thread (having these posts illogically located in this highway thread means they are more likely to not be seen by viewers who want to learn about the West Belt project).
  2. You are making a lot of assumptions that are not in evidence.
  3. Not sure exactly what you have in mind by significant step down. I would not consider it such. From a strictly monetary point of view, I believe Congresspeople are paid $174,000 per year. Houston mayor is paid $236,189.
  4. I would read nothing in to that. It listed the Astrodome along with the other facilities at NRG Park, with no particular mention of how any of them could contribute. This is in the VERY early stages of discussions.
  5. FIFY The recent news of discussions among all parties about the future of NRG Park certainly adds a new wrinkle (and new hope), especially with the context of the Rodeo and Texans lease renewals also being in play. https://www.bisnow.com/houston/news/commercial-real-estate/houstons-nrg-park-area-is-underdeveloped-its-leader-is-ready-to-do-something-about-it-118261
  6. That can be easily and clearly accomplished by references and links. NHHIP also affects and interacts with the Inner Katy BRT project and the University Line BRT project. Should we just consolidate those topics here too?
  7. I don’t want it siloed so I don’t have to read it. I want it in its own thread so people can read and clearly understand the various and very much separate and distinct projects.
  8. Federal American Grill is going in the ground floor of Lyondell Basel Tower, across the street from the Highlight. 1221 McKinney, Suite G100.
  9. Mods, can we separate the West Belt project discussion into a separate thread?
  10. Interesting, but note that it was posted on Construction Journal in September 2022, and also says: "As of September 12, 2022, a firm construction timeline has not been determined." I don't think this has come up in any Houston First meetings or City Council meetings, so a June 2023 seems pretty unlikely.
  11. Where did I say an 18-point turn into the east end beyond EADO was going to be easy (and where is this supposed 18-point turn and single access point)? Other than to inquire about the EADO-East End connections, I don't think I've even participated in discussions about that. My focus has always been on the connections between EADO and downtown that are affected by the NHHIP. In any event, if the future of EADO was even half as dire as you and Samagon portray, developers would not be investing money and planning developments, especially now that the NHHIP is virtually certain.
  12. I presume you meant to type the "Rosalie Sharp Centre for Design at OCAD University." (Toronto School of Art is a different organization at a different location.)
  13. The thing is... the DOME CAN be used. It seems the best (and fairly obvious) use is the $217 Million proposal that was poorly promoted and ignorantly voted down a few years back. An Exhibition facility to add to the existing convention/exhibition facilities of NRG Center. The car show was interested in using it. OTC would use it. Rodeo and the Texans could certainly use it. It is a sad time for Houston that we cannot come up with the resources and imagination to make use of an historic structure. (Dallas is in the beginning stages of spending Billions of Dollars to build a new convention center, and Houston/Harris County can't figure out how to come with a quarter billion to do an exciting renovation of the Dome? PATHETIC AND EMBARRASSING) Where are the dreamers and doers that made Houston; the type of people who built a city out of nothing at Allens Landing, turned an inland city one of the world's largest seaports, brought us Bush Intercontinental Airport and, indeed, brought us the 8th Wonder of the Modern World, the Astrodome itself? We need a modern version of the suite in the old downtown hotel where leaders gathered to make things happen. We need LEADERSHIP at the county and city levels!
  14. Odd that someone would want to buy and plan to redevelop a whole block there. Haven't they heard EADO will be destroyed by NHHIP and forever cut off from the outside world? 😉
  15. I don't think it's so hard to imagine anyone doing the transfer at the transit center. I look forward to it, myself. In any event, I thought I had seen some mention of interlining the Silver line and University line. But how would transferring to the #25 be better than transferring to the University line?
  16. I'm not sure TxDoT owns the portion of Clayton Homes being discussed. They will at some point, of course, but it appears they do not yet own them. The portion TxDoT has already acquired (the north side) has already been demolished.
  17. Very interesting interview. But the headline quote is kinda misleading. She was asked if she thought we would ever be as dense as "say, Chicago", to which she responded: "I think we'll have spots that are pretty dense. But as an overall city, I don't think so."
  18. So, if I'm understanding this correctly, they are proposing to close a number of crossings that under current circumstances are already blocked by trains for a good portion of the day (with more to come). And add at least one additional grade-separated access point and improve another.
  19. As is your habit, you seem to now be moving the goalposts. So now you are feigning concern about the northbound St. Emmanuel traffic getting to the u-turn lane? (Any such traffic heading in to downtown would more likely take Leeland or Pease, so doesn't seem like a big issue).
  20. Thank you for that. (Not intending to attack you as the messenger.) Even for government work, that was pretty weak. It seems to have been more of a survey than a study. It merely reported that a bunch of local officials "believe" that "BRT projects are contributing to localized economic development" and "believe" that "rail transit has a greater economic development potential than BRT". When they provide an example of the local development "believed" to have been provided by BRT, it becomes even more lame. ". . . officials in Cleveland told us that between $4 and $5 billion was invested near the Healthline BRT project—associated with major hospitals and universities in the corridor." Does anyone really believe those healthcare/hospital and university investments were driven by the existence of the BRT? (The full report suggests not.) To be clear, I am not suggesting that BRT is inherently less-likely to spur development than LRT. I suspect the difference between full BRT and LRt is probably very little to nothing. (And I think the economic development created by LRT is routinely exaggerated as well.)
  21. Not sure what you are trying to say. FWIW, P&R buses that operate in the Katy Freeway and Northwest Freeway corridors will use the Inner Katy BRT right-of-way. They won't stop at the stations, but they'll use the elevated transitway.
  22. Disappointing for sure. I hope that landscape design was donated... if so, they got what they paid for.
  23. Thank you, except your link doesn't work.
  24. Just as there is a stoplight at Polk now, at the end of the current 900-foot-long freeway exit ramp, there will be a stoplight at the end of the new, 1800-foot long freeway exit ramp, also at Polk. It should be quite easy for inbound Polk traffic to transition to the left side of St. Emmanuel to access the U-turn lane, given the stopped cross traffic and the 600+ feet they have in which to do it (not 300 ft as you claimed). TXDoT plans two westbound lanes on Leeland to Hamilton. I imagine extending the westbound lane beyond to Chenevert is up to the City of Houston.
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