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Everything posted by Houston19514

  1. Oh for Gawd's sake people. It's a frickin' Embassy Suites. Get over it already.
  2. This is the former site of a restaurant? Many zoning schemes would allow such a change without variance.
  3. Just to compare, this "urban" development is proposed to have 1.1 million square feet of office, retail, residential, and hotel, on 75 acres of land, 14 miles from downtown Dallas. City Centre has 1.8 million square feet of office, retail, residential, and hotel (with more to come) on 37 acres of land 14 miles from downtown Houston.
  4. Looks like a genius developer who played the green card to get Texas A&M to help him fund a fairly mundane suburban mixed-used development. A very suburban-looking project indeed. And it's 14 miles north of downtown Dallas. I think the initial response of [YAWN] was the best.
  5. Good analysis, Niche, except that the effect on Wisconsin is more than two-fold. You forgot the effect of the costs Wisconsin taxpayers would have to pay for the project in operating and maintenance costs (and possibly in funding any cost overruns in construction costs, not that federally funded construction projects ever have cost overruns).
  6. Probably not, since the City of New Orleans runs on a completely different route than the CHI/STL route.
  7. Brookfield LOVES downtown Houston. They keep buying up more and more of it. I wonder if there is any chance they might fix that ugly parking garage the prior owner built.
  8. I believe at least the garden portion of the plan is a project of the Houston-Shenzhen Sister City Association, which has apparently already built a pretty impressive garden in Shenzhen.
  9. What are you talking about? The "former" Continental Building has not gone dark and nobody expects it to.
  10. One thing is certain. It will not be on the "other" side of Post Oak from Williams Tower. It will be on the West side of Post Oak.
  11. It is far more than just rumor, but also seems unlikely that construction would be starting early next year. Here is a quote from the MFAH's 2008-2009 Annual Report: The Long-Range Planning Committee . . . directed the planning of a new building for conservation and storage. This facility will replace the current MFAH storage and support buildings, which are no longer adequate for housing the increasing volume of the permanent collections. Final plans will be completed during the next fiscal year. This committee also continued its search for an architect to design the new museum building for modern and contemporary art. The curatorial staff has worked intensely on broad ideas for the program of this future facility. Our goal is to select the architect and to begin the design process in the next fiscal year. The "next fiscal year" to which they refer would have ended on June 30, 2010. So, with their "goal" being to select an architect and begin the design process during that year, it seems quite unlikely that they would be ready to start construction in early 2011, especially since there has been no word of the selection of an architect, let alone a capital campaign to fund the construction.
  12. That is essentially correct. The new construction also was to include ballrooms and other hotel facility space too (I think health club/spa, etc)
  13. Yes, exactly like that. Oh except for the salient differences already mentioned in my post: (1) those bridges had not been removed 10 years beforehand. And (2) those bridges provided the exact path and exact Ingres and egress points desired for the bike path.
  14. That old wooden railroad trestle was taken out about 10 years ago. It seems likely that even if it was still there, re-habbing an old wooden railroad trestle into a bike and pedestrian bridge (and then continuing the maintenance on an old wooden railroad trestle) would cost more than building this new structure. Especially when one considers the ingress/egress points provided by the new bridge vs. what would have been provided by the old railroad trestle.
  15. I don't think any of the lines have been "officially put on hold". Some work continues on lines, but the next round of contracts has to wait until the federal funding is regained. Planning and engineering work continues on the University Lines and I think on the Uptown line as well.
  16. Simple. If you got out more (beyond the places you pass every day), you might notice that Metro has a couple thousand "real" bus stops. They are adding more every year - 100 new ones in 2010.
  17. The linked HBJ blurb was hideously bad writing and certainly left one with the impression that the HQ is up for a relocation bidding and Houston has been eliminated. Don't be expecting intelligent writing in a newspaper. Other than having earlier left the impression that the HQ was part of the current study (which impression may have been the result of bad journalism) there has been absolutely no indication that they are considering relocating their headquarters. I'm still hoping that the mayor and downtown developers (Hines) are doing everything imaginable to try to get Exxon Mobil to build downtown rather than a new campus in Spring. Imagine an urban "campus" around the Exxon Tower downtown. Could fill up those vacant blocks surrounding their current tower with an amazing complex.
  18. Not buying that one. Let me guess, that article was in the Dallas Morning News.
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