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Everything posted by Houston19514

  1. Where are you coming up with your measurements, which at least equal the Chronicle's 90 mile measure for silliness? By what route does one get from RFD to ORD in only 56 miles? [Edit: I see where you got your 56 miles. 2 problems with your number 1) commuters, not being crows, tend not to commute "as the crow flies". 2) Your measurement was from New Milford, Il to Elk Grove Village, Chicago, not Rockford Airport to O'Hare Airport, which is what was being discussed and what you represented your measurement to be. If one maps the RFD to ORD route, one consistently comes up with a distance of about 73 miles. Likewise your 75 mile route to UAL's headquarters, which consistently maps at 86 miles. And fwiw, I don't know that it especially relevant vis a vis Embry Riddle, but United is in the process of moving a lot of hands-on, non-paper-pushing operations (in fact, it's called the operations center) from Elk Grove Village to downtown Chicago (Willis Tower, 86 miles from Rockford airport).
  2. Seriously? you need to get out a bit more.
  3. Two things. (1) The Fire Museum is a private organization, so any land they own is not owned by the city. (2) The new fire museum location is at Main and Hadley, several blocks north of the superblock that has been discussed in the past as a possible park for midtown (McGowen Green), which runs from Anita up to McGowen. There was a little bit of talk of an even more ambitious (and therefore even more unrealistic, unfortunately) project that would have run up to Hadley and included the fire museum as part of the park. In either form it would be a great addition to Midtown. Would be awesome if they could make it happen.
  4. I don't think it had anything to do with cutbacks. And they did not sell it "back" to the developer. They bought the whole block downtown and then sold 1/2 of it in a package deal with their existing property on West Gray. I think the ballet just did not need the whole block.
  5. LOL I like the way you are thinking, Editor
  6. It looks better than the renderings made it look. But the whole thing still sickens me.
  7. as a bit of an aside, where are you guys getting your service area data for MARTA? From what I can glean, MARTA's service area covers Fulton, DeKalb, Clayton and Gwinnett Counties, which adds up to slightly more square miles than Metro's service area.
  8. The new restaurant from the Ibiza/Catalan guys and the move of Tony Mandola's was in the news several months ago. (Sorry, Kylejack and others, the Weingarten empire is far from falling.)
  9. Cute. I'm sure you'll be pleased to demonstrate how your posted list is easily 4 times as long as this list (which incidentally uses a relatively narrow definition of "downtown" compared to the Galleria area list's very broad definition of "Galleria area": http://www.urbanspoon.com/n/8/711/Houston/Downtown-Houston-restaurants
  10. Wow! Great news! Can't wait to give them a try.
  11. This is where all the Wal-Mart haters lose credibility. They have so few actual facts that they resort to exaggerating and plain lying about the few innuendos they can scrounge up. The article clearly states that the woman "went to the lot and sat in her car at about 10:30 PM" She was discovered "around midnight" and somehow, Jesse comes up with a "murder in [a] parking lot that [went] unnoticed for several hours. First, there is nothing in the article that suggests she was shot immediately upon entering her car. Second, even if she had been, 1 1/2 hours is not "several hours". In spite of your sarcasm regarding Wal-Mart's "0.001 megapixel security cameras", it seems fairly obvious that Wal-Mart's cameras are almost certainly the reason the police have as much information about the crime as they do.
  12. Looking forward to your list of 128+ restaurants in the Galleria area open after 8 PM.
  13. Actually, I'm pretty sure the subsidy was only relating to hotel occupancy tax, not involving property tax at all.
  14. Any chance you have source for your claims? Here is what the Houston Airport System says about it: IAH Ready for A380
  15. Agree with your thoughts on advertising, but let's not get carried away with CTA's rush hour ridership. CTA's total daily ridership (a good portion of which is surely non-rush-hour) is approximately 1.65 million. Impressive, yes, but it leaves CTA's rush hour ridership well short of Houston's population (approximately 2.26 million). FWIW, Metro's daily ridership is approximately 600,000.
  16. The quickest (and most honest) answer to your question: NIMBY
  17. I'm pretty sure the only thing that has changed from the initial livery announcement is the font used for the word "United".
  18. If you're going to be greedy, why stop at 930? At least take it over 1,000 ;-)
  19. It appears that the map and aerial photo function shows the exact same site for every Houston project listed.
  20. TheNiche is correct about the staging area ownership, but the HCHSA does not own the land under the new hotel. The land was leased from a limited partnership (ALH PROPERTIES NO FOURTEEN LP) apparently owned by a local family.
  21. I believe that is the way most, if not all, of the other listed systems work as well; which makes them just like Metro's Q-card. One of the primary purposes of having the card-readers at the station, rather than on the trains is to speed the boarding process. Putting the card readers on the rail cars doesn't really make much sense; and I have personally never seen a system that does so. It would require either at least 2, if not 4 card readers on each car (one by each door) or make it ridiculously inconvenient by having only one card reader on each car. Doesn't seem workable.
  22. Note that this tower is still not actually under construction. The only thing that has actually happened is the "official ceremonial" groundbreaking. I have a sneaking suspicion this might be nothing more than another wacky marketing scheme by the Museum Tower folk who in the past produced such knee-slappers as "We're going to start construction as soon as the King Tut exhibit closes because we don't want to cause additional traffic congestion." Mark me down as - Not yet convinced that construction will actually happen any time soon (in part because it is hard to believe anyone would be that foolish).
  23. Agreed. The question is: are they that ignorant or is there some nefarious "back story" here?
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