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Everything posted by Houston19514

  1. There are several claims in the preceding conversation about both BRT and LRT spurring development and boosting property values and claiming that LRT does more of that than does BRT. Can anyone point us to any studies that support those claims?
  2. That's not a solid comparison, as you surely know. DART LRT serves as both commuter and local transit. It would be close to impossible to tease out the numbers of people who use DART in a manner comparable to Metro's park and ride services (e.g., how many people ride from Parker Road to Downtown Dallas, etc). Curious where you got the 60,000 per day for Dallas' LRT system. The last report I can find (for FY 2021) was 44,800. I don't doubt the number but just wondered where you found it.
  3. One imagines there will be stop lights at the intersections of St. Emmanuel and Polk (just last there is now at Chartres & Polk), and at St. Emmanuel and Lamar as well. "Problem" solved.
  4. To that point, has anyone ever gotten useful information from Reddit? 😉
  5. FWIW, I can't find it on TxDOT's website or in the HGAC Regional Transportation Plan.
  6. To be clear, drivers using Polk Street will still be able to access downtown pretty easily, with a short detour around the depressed freeway. Inbound - take right on St Emmanuel, use the U-Turn lane to get on to Hamilton and then a right back on to Polk. Outbound, take a right on Hamilton, left on Leland, left on St Emmanuel back to Polk (or just continue on Leeland for a while). What is the other TxDOT project being referenced? Can someone provide a link?
  7. https://www.houstonarchitecture.com/haif/topic/286-theater-district-master-plan/page/6/ April 2021
  8. I was referring more to the percentage of commuters who use transit for their commute. This is from 2019: Miami 2.9% Atlanta 2.8% LA 4.8% San Diego 2.8% Charlotte Phoenix 1.8% Tempe Salt Lake City Tampa Dallas (w/ silver line) 1.3% Houston 2% https://www.census.gov/content/dam/Census/library/publications/2021/acs/acs-48.pdf
  9. I wonder how transit usage compare in that list of cities? I know Houston's is higher than Dallas.
  10. The language you quoted does not commit them to cap parks. It only commits them to build the structural cap, not the park. The structural caps were already part of the plan. I haven't read it completely, but from what I've seen so far, it's 99% Kabuki theater, as I predicted it would be. The only slightly substantive change I've seen so far is an increase in their commitment to provide funds for public housing by $3 Million (This is over and above the costs of relocating people whose residences are displaced.) It's outrageous that it took 2 years to come to this agreement. What a waste of time and money. Imagine how much more money could have been available for public housing and other worthy endeavors had we not wasted two years (and the employee hours, attorney fees, and increased project costs due to the delay) on this ridiculous exercise. I think his point was that the Andrews Street provisions were already planned. This VRA provision changes nothing.
  11. I looked into this a few years back and to my surprise found that Houston was rather in the lead, at least as to the downtown area where we have no parking requirements. Here are just a few quick comparisons I was able to pull up for typical parking requirements (not applicable to special districts in some cases (such as Houston's downtown/midtown/eado). I'll do more as I find the time; but so far, only Seattle has clearly less stringent parking requirements: Office: Houston: 2.5/1,000 square feet of GFA Dallas: 1/333 Sq ft (3/1000) Austin: 1/275 Sq ft. (3.64/1,000) Los Angeles: 1/500 Sq Ft (2/1,000) and they require 1/1,000 in their downtown area, where Houston requires zero. Seattle: 1/1,000 Sq Ft Apartments: Houston: 1.25/efficiency; 1.333/1 BR; 1.666/2 BR; 2/3 BR+ Dallas: 1/500 Sq Ft. Austin: 1/efficiency; 1.5/1 BR; Larger than 1 BR- 1.5+0.5 per additional BR (so a 2 BR apt requires 2 spaces - 3 Br 2.5 spaces etc) Los Angeles: less than 3 habitable rooms (eg. efficiency): 1 space. 3 habitable rooms (typical 1 BR): 1.5 spaces. More than 3 habitable rooms (typical 2 BR): 2 spaces (and these requirements appear to apply in their downtown area as well) Seattle: 1 space per unit (but only 1 for each 2 small efficiency units).
  12. Instead of your butthurt rant, how about an explanation how Houston's parking ordinances are some of the worst and strictest in the country and maybe some examples of how other cities do it.
  13. I'm sorry, but I'm pretty sure the bolded statement is just false.
  14. More to the point, the FEIS clearly states TXDoT's plan is to remove the Pierce Elevated structure: I don't see anything on that map that shows a plan to keep the Pierce Elevated standing. It merely indicates that the area where Pierce Elevated is located will be "Surplus Right of Way". In the FEIS, they say "Removal of Pierce Elevated would eliminate visual barrier between Downtown and Midtown and enhance connectivity between communities. Removal of the Pierce Elevated would improve mobility on local streets between Downtown and Midtown; proposed boulevard along Pierce Street would improve access to south Downtown streets from I-45." On Page 3-119, the FEIS says "Under [the Preferred] Alternative, the Pierce Elevated segment of I-45 along a portion of the west and south side of Downtown would be removed and replaced with “Downtown Connectors.” The Pierce Elevated on the side south of Downtown would be removed, eliminating the visual barrier between Downtown and communities on the west and south side, including the Midtown neighborhood." On page 3-125 of the FEIS: "the existing elevated I-45 roadway along the west and south sides of Downtown, also known as the “Pierce Elevated,” would be removed." On Page 5-5, the FEIS says "Potential redevelopment and increased community cohesion are expected to result from the removal of Pierce Elevated between West Dallas Street and I-69 (Exhibit 3b of the technical report)" Page 7-13 of the FEIS: "The contractor will develop a demolition plan for the I-45 Pierce Elevated Bridge structures and associated road, drainage, and utility facilities."
  15. I don't see anything on that map that shows a plan to keep the Pierce Elevated standing. It merely indicates that the area where Pierce Elevated is located will be "Surplus Right of Way". It doesn't state a plan either remove or retain... so TBD. As you said, no concrete plans ;-)
  16. Can you provide a link to where you are seeing that? There is actually a pretty good summary of the status of plans for the Pierce Elevated contained within the Midtown Master Plan referenced above: " "On the north edge, Pierce Elevated has been determined to be redundant, so it potentially could be removed or converted to an alternate use. Plan Downtown, which was developed by downtown partner organizations, proposes removal of the elevated roadway and creation of a greenway connecting to Buffalo Bayou. Other groups, such as Pierce Elevated Park and Pierce Sky Park, have proposed keeping the elevated structure and converting it to a signature linear park."
  17. Also from the State of Downtown Austin 2022, downtown Austin absorbed almost 550 residential units in the period 2nd Q 2021 through 1st Q 2022. Sounds great!. But at that rate, it would take more than 7 1/2 years to absorb the units under construction; more than 12 years to absorb the number delivered since that report, those under construction and the 1,400 known to be currently proposed.
  18. Thank you. So , within a period of 2-3 years, they will have increased the supply by 56%! And there are at least 1,400 additional in the "proposed" category -- another 14.8%!
  19. Are you sure about that? It seems the Yankees are indeed looking for jersey patch sponsors (as I showed three posts above yours). https://yanksgoyard.com/2022/07/22/yankees-jersey-sleeve-patch-advertising-2023/ https://www.nbcnewyork.com/news/sports/new-york-yankees-begin-search-for-jersey-patch-sponsor-per-report/3774903/ https://www.legendsinternational.com/legends-news/forbes-new-york-yankees-working-with-legends-in-search-for-inaugural-jersey-patch-sponsor https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=&cad=rja&uact=8&ved=2ahUKEwju9dm_u5r9AhU1MDQIHaZXBCUQFnoECEUQAQ&url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.forbes.com%2Fsites%2Ftimcasey%2F2022%2F07%2F14%2Fnew-york-yankees-working-with-legends-in-search-for-inaugural-jersey-patch-sponsor%2F&usg=AOvVaw0tK7Tr4VRGJ2NWyC8ElZp7
  20. Is anyone keeping count of how many apartment units are under construction in downtown Austin (and how many there are currently)?
  21. Referring to the building at 4203 Fannin. As of today, the building is still there. Looks to me like they might be keeping the shell of the building.
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