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Everything posted by Houston19514

  1. Just imagine for a moment how many thousands of people said, upon hearing of the proposal for building the Astrodome: "An indoor, air conditioned baseball stadium makes absolutely no sense whatsoever."
  2. What is that building? The Harris County District Courts map does not identify it and I cannot recall.
  3. The concept is for them to move into the intermodal facility (leased space). No purchase of land, inflated prices or not; no building of a new facility.
  4. "Little actual use"?? Have you ever taken a look at ridership on the Red Line?
  5. If you are coming from near 1960 on the northeast side, why would you even think of going to the airport on JFK? It will take you a whole lot LESS time to take Will Clayton. You'd have to go past it and all the away around to the south side of the airport to take JFK. Just take the Eastex to the Will Clayton exit. Or, if you are working west of the Eastex, you can take McKay, Kenswick, or Lee Road.
  6. Very cool. (Except the next sentence tells us that Novare has it back on the market, so apparently no plans for developing it at least any time in the short or mid-term future.) The Ballet project is sounding and looking better and better. A great addition to downtown.
  7. LOL This board doesn't like ANYTHING.
  8. No, those were just single family stats. I never pretended or suggested otherwise. (Source: HAR) But I'm guessing there's more connection between local single-family stats and the local condo market than there is between national single-family stats and the local condo market. Predicting the performance of an individual local condo project on the basis of national single-family stats, as you tried to do, is a risky enterprise.
  9. Just a few thoughts: 1)Case-Schiller doesn't even cover Houston 2)For Houston, the latest inventory numbers are from June, 2009. Total inventory: 45,989. DOWN 14.5% from June 2008. Not sure where you came up with increasing inventories. If your comparing June to May, that's nothing but seasonal. Happens every year. Also from the latest real estate summary: Sales of single-family homes for the greater Houston area continued to improve in June, with the highest volume recorded since August 2008 and the highest median price in history.
  10. Kylejack (and anyone else interested in learning the truth about this urban legend of rail-induced congestion), I strongly encourage you to take the time to drive the red-line route during rush hour, as I did this morning, both directions. The only thing on the route even close to earning the term "congestion" were the crowds packed into MetroRail train vehicles and on MetroRail station platforms. Driving the route in a car is ridiculously easy and congestion-free.
  11. Well done. Now let's take a look at performance. The Miami rail is roughly 3 times as long, almost twice the number of stations, and yet only about 33% more daily ridership. Also, the fact that their stations are 1 mile apart tells us that this line is intended to serve a different function (less local service, more a collector/commuter rail type of service).
  12. ??? Nobody is talking about a condo building here... whatever the occupancy level. We're talking here about an office building. 100% occupied, at that.
  13. The first building is essentially finished. Hermes, Festari for Men, New Balance, and RDG/Bar Annie have moved in, and I believe one other retail tenant whose name escapes me at the moment.
  14. I believe the tradition is for it to be on the highest structural element.
  15. I would be quite surprised to see this going forward soon, even with a Devon expansion. Hess will be vacating a big chunk of space in Allen Center well before a new 50-story building would be ready. But I suppose stranger things have happened.
  16. Wow. That's pretty sweet if they are actually starting construction on this one.
  17. Their analysis of standard of living is highly suspect. They say it's based on affordability, and yet both Dallas and Houston ranked "low". Crazy.
  18. Actually, Houston is at #18, compared to Dallas' #14 and Austin's #6. You have to go to page 2 of the report. I look forward to reading it more in-depth to see the sources and methodology of their rankings. Seems very odd that Dallas got a "high" ranking for water quality and conservation while Houston got a "low ranking in that category, when just last week I read an article about how Dallas lags seriously behind Austin and Houston on water conservation and is having trouble finding enough sources of water to supply itself for the future.
  19. Interesting, but in addition to RSB's point about not knowing where the eliminated positions are/were, 75 in conjunction with a reorganization/combination of divisions is pretty insignificant, and tells us pretty much nothing about current/future office and growth needs.
  20. any chance of a source or more information about Devon having recent layoffs? According to Fortune magazine, as of mid-January 2009, Devon had never had a layoff - ever. Seems unlikely anything has changed that dramatically in the intervening 6 months.
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