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Everything posted by Houston19514

  1. LOL Yes, I do have good reason to be doubtful.
  2. I think you either misunderstood or your sources were confused. FWIW, here is what I was talking about. Have never heard of, and can't find anything about, any Enron investments or activities in Midtown. Enron in east end
  3. Oh, so you found something about it using both Google and Yahoo? ;-)
  4. Not absolutely certain, but I think theNiche is confused. I do not recall any Enron purchase of property in Midtown. He might be confusing it with a purchase/investment they made in the area east of Hwy 59 (east of MinuteMaid Park).
  5. Nope, you're not the only one on the forum RedScare. I agree that complaining/whining about walking 250 feet is the sign of a pansy/chronic whiner. But for those who are too horrified of the surface to be able to handle the ENTIRE CITY BLOCK from 1000 Main to HP, they could ride the air conditioned elevators down to the tunnel level, cross over in air conditioned tunnels to Macy's, ride up the escalator in air conditioned comfort and then just cut across the corner to HP. Very few calories required.
  6. LOL No revised data set being used, my friend and no point has been missed. Just the same old data set correctly applied. But just to humor you, I looked for the posts where you've discussed this to compare my base figures to the ones you've cited previously... but I could find none. All you've done on this topic is repeatedly (and incorrectly) tell us that Philly metro has added counties, delaying the day we overtake them; oh, and once I think you projected that you thought we should overtake them in 2008, but did not share any of your calculations. Edit: Ahhh, I found another post of yours and with it the source of your problem. It was indeed bad methodology. Here is the relevant part of your post from, I believe, December 13, 2007: "The most recent U.S. Census estimates of population growth put the Houston MSA at the top of the list. If the year-over-year rate of population growth in Houston were maintained at the current rate of 187,380 per year and other cities also experienced straight-line growth at the same rate as in the previous year: * Houston would surpass the present population of Philadelphia next month (Jan. 2008). * Houston would surpass the future population of Philadelphia in four months (Mar. 2008)." The methodology problem is that the numbers your reference are the 2005-2006 census growth estimates. That growth number included the influx of Louisiana residents post-Katrina. Any projections of future population growth based on that year's growth are inherently flawed, indeed worthless.
  7. LOL I knew it couldn't be that. ;-) If your methodology was correct, then you must have been using the wrong numbers. I'm curious what you've been doing. Every extrapolation I've done has brought me to mid-2009 as the point where we overtake Philadelphia. I just re-did a couple and came to the same result. I just extrapolated the 2000-2001 growth rates out through the decade and came out with July 1, 2009 numbers of Houston: 5,851,912 Philly: 5,827,674 The intervening years were remarkably close to the actual census estimates as well. For example, for 2008 the extrapolation gave me Houston: 5,716,433 Philly: 5,812,562 The 2008 Census estimates give us: Houston: 5,728,143 Philly: 5,838,471 I also just extrapolated the 2000-2002 growth rate out through the decade and it likewise gives 2009 as the likely year we bypass Philly. Again, the intervening numbers were surprisingly close to the census estimates for those years; for 2008: Houston: 5,776,439 Philly: 5,837,832
  8. Or, perish the thought, there is a flaw in your methodology. ;-)
  9. Again, Niche, no counties have been added to the Philadelphia metro area in recent years. We've been steadily creeping up on them and, you are quite correct, we have probably now passed them. We'll know next March or so. Here's a LINK where you can look at all of the OMB bulletin announcing updates in recent years. The Philly metro area has exactly the same counties in the most recent revisions as it had in 2003.
  10. The growth was in the period July 1 '07 through July 1 '08. Houston indeed appears to have had the third largest numerical growth and NYC was #1. But LA was NOT #2 (and the article did not say it was). I believe #2 was actually Phoenix, edging out Houston by what seems to be a statistically insignificant amount. (Phoenix added 33,184. Houston added 33,063. Notice the HBJ mistakenly told us that Houston grew by 33,184.)
  11. You DO realize, don't you, that this article is talking about Portland, Maine, which has no major league sports?
  12. See post #1193. They hope to start construction this fall.
  13. Ducky, I understand you don't want this stadium in your back yard, but you really should check your facts. They have indeed made plans "on the parking side for the proposed area". They will use the Astros lots. As HoustonRanger said above, the Dynamo stadium will be approximately 1/2 the size of MinuteMaid Park, so there should not be much of a problem (plus there will be a Metro Rail station at one end of the Dynamo Stadium, providing additional relief.
  14. No argument with any of that. It would indeed be nice to see a change in the western skyline. It's always nice to see new towers downtown, wherever they are. It was just an expression of a preference that a new tower would do more to improve downtown if it was built on one of the empty blocks that create such holes in downtown's connectivity. The empty block next to Market Square, for example, the nearly empty block on Main (where Shamrock Tower was supposed to go), any of a number of empty blocks in the northeast sector of downtown...
  15. That is definitely the site. And RedScare is right. It's the perfect "in-fill" for the skyline from the west.
  16. I think it is new. At least today is the first time I've noticed it.
  17. :D So I guess that will be the journalists' excuse. "How were we supposed to know; we couldn't recognize that foolish name..." (I too wonder about the name change. Presumably, they are splitting off or planning to split off from the mother ship?)
  18. I'm pretty sure it was originally built with 6 floors with 3 more added later.
  19. I've been wondering about the Westin. I drive out past it pretty much every Saturday morning and there has been no apparent progress for quite some time.
  20. Not sure there is a price floor per se. The key, I think, is restrictions and taxes on imported sugar. In any event, if you want to know the logic behind the approach you'll have to ask the sugar growers or the federal government. Whatever the logic, and whatever the precise policy, the result is and has been for many years that we in the US pay far more than world market prices for sugar. Thus the need for soft drink producers to seek out (and I believe even help in the development of) alternative sweeteners. As an aside, I just saw at Randall's this afternoon that Pepsi now is marketing "Pepsi Throwback" made with sugar (that is old-fashioned sugar, not the high-fructose corn variety).
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