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Everything posted by Houston19514

  1. LOL Somehow I knew you'd be throwing out the apples and oranges trope. How is it apples and oranges? And then you proceed right into strawman territory. I never said it was perfect or the greatest thing since sliced bread, and of course you know that.
  2. Actually, KMart bought Sears. Then they changed their name from KMart Holdings to Sears Holdings, which owns both Sears and KMart.
  3. Yeah, I'm pretty sure RSB is right. Ricco, the Garden Inn is only the 12-story structure at the front of the rendering. The Wedge International Tower is the taller structure in the background, I believe; so it clearly fits on one-half block.
  4. Whether or not any of that is true, it doesn't change the fact that UH has undertaken to build dormitorieswithout having to prioritize them over other programs.
  5. Yeah, I understood that. So, apparently he's never driven along the light rail line either. One has to have an extraordinarily low "nightmare" threshold for anything along the light rail line to trigger it.
  6. I was wondering that too. I'm guessing Iron Tiger's cousin has never ridden the rail.
  7. The city does not provide housing for its mayor.
  8. We shall see. These are planned to be ready for the 2010 school year. I would presume/hope that someone at UH has run the numbers on demand for dorm space. And, since I believe they are probably using revenue bonds to fund this, apparently the bond purchasers have been satisfied with the numbers as well. But more to the point, whether or not their projections are accurate, UH does not believe that it is necessary to prioritize dorms over other projects, and they have in fact not done so. They are of the belief that the dorms can be self-funding, something that many other schools have done and they have done before as well.
  9. So, I guess you are predicting they won't be able to rent these dorm rooms at their forecast rates?
  10. So, you're predicting they won't be able to fill the Calhoun lofts at these prices, and therefore, they won't be able to self-fund? Time will tell...
  11. Apparently, UH disagrees with your analysis: February 19, 2009 REGENTS APPROVE NEW RESIDENCE HALL, RENOVATIONS TO DINING FACILITIES The University of Houston System Board of Regents recently approved two major construction projects that will play key roles in building a stronger "Cougar Nation." The regents approved a new undergraduate residence hall and a major renovation to Moody Towers
  12. I was addressing your complaint about them prioritizing the dormitories over other investments, not the question of public or private developers. If they are using revenue bonds backed by the revenue from the dormitories, then they are NOT in fact allocating resources to dormitories instead of to other programs. The resources being allocated to the dormitories are being generated by the dormitories and are not available for other programs.
  13. Yes. Very much so. I really don't get it. Every other major chain is downtown.
  14. This is where I think you've gone astray, Niche. It is very possible (even likely) that the dormitories are funded with revenue bonds, backed by the revenue generated by the dormitories. (This is the way the graduate student housing was funded, I believe.) If so, then they are not allocating resources to dorms instead of to other programs. (Because the revenue bond resources would not in fact be available but for the dorms.)
  15. Not sure how they are funding the dormitories at UH. Is it possible they are not using general University funds for their construction, but are essentially self-funding them e.g., with dormitory system revenue bonds? I think some schools do it that way.
  16. I don't think we really have a disagreement. I am just coming at it from the point of view that "given the current spending and revenue of the federal government..." Yes, absolutely, if we chose to re-direct the priorities, we could certainly "afford" subway construction.
  17. Very simple. Because I'm tired of CityKid constantly posting lies and misinformation, and I'm going to continue to call him on it every chance I get.
  18. No, it really is that we can't afford it. But, as you say, we've made frivolous investments before and spent money we "can't afford" to spend (and continue to do so).
  19. and somehow that caused you to tell us that "the Times Square area now has a few of the main streets in the area permanently closed of and turned into pedestrian malls"??? Too funny.
  20. How does it do that? "The Mix" was always planned to be a multi-block development. The fact that they now may be proceeding with another block of the development hardly proves otherwise. (Remember a few weeks ago, we completely DISproved what you were saying before.)
  21. To clarify and correct cityKid (who, to nobody's surprise, misread the linked article), only one street has been closed and turned into a pedestrian mall: Broadway, from 42 to 47th streets.
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