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Everything posted by Houston19514

  1. I know they were hiring employees two weeks ago, so it must be coming soon.
  2. Not true. See figure 1-2 in the Executive Summary of the linked Master Plan
  3. Once again, you got it completely wrong. Houston's light rail system is much more similar to Portland's light rail than to Portland's street cars.
  4. hmmmm... that restaurant space being advertised was originally slated to be Americas. I had been wondering why we weren't hearing ANYthing about their impending move. Looks like they aren't moving in to the new space. Wonder what's up with that?
  5. The separation allows for full operations in low-visibility conditions (instrument landing). I believe the key is for runways to be one-mile apart.
  6. You are correct that it's designed to turn to look towards the main campus, but it's only a stairwell from the first floor to the second, maybe third. The rest is what the architect calls the "collaboration tower". Not sure exactly that that means, but it suggests a gathering space on each floor.
  7. That is correct. People have been moving in for a number of weeks already.
  8. As usual, CityKid got it wrong. He did NOT say that Houston's economy will get [worse] than the rest of the nation. He said it will get worse, following the rest of the nation's decline. He also did not say we would lose 60,000 jobs this year... he said we would lose 60,000 jobs over two years.
  9. Trust me, the Dynamo already knows all about the renovations of ten years ago. They apparently have also been noticing the same sort of things that caused the recently-retired AD of UH to tell the university that "A total renovation of Robertson Stadium [is] the linchpin of improving the facilities on campus." (This was reported in the Chronicle less than 2 weeks ago.) They may also have noticed that, to quote a member of this forum, "It would be cheaper for UH to tear down and build new than to renovate the current Roberston Stadium because of issues with the ADA. That is why the most recent expansion build structures that were not connected to the old structure (both new endzones as well as the new concession stands are free standing)." (If this is true, it means the older structure has not been renovated, even as recently as ten years ago.)
  10. It's obvious you have hard feelings. What is hard to figure out is why. Stating the facts (which is all Oliver Luck is doing, at least at the lunch in question) is not bad-mouthing. You seem a bit confused about the parking garage issue, first demanding to know why the Dynamo didn't just offer to pay for it and then telling us that you know for a fact that they did offer to share in the costs. Why is it so that "OF COURSE" the Dynamo would not be able to run the garage. And why would the net result necessarily be that "thousands of night students would have LOST parking?" You are making several unwarranted leaps of "logic". You say the University has other needs that need to be met before Dynamo parking. That's fair enough and I think the Dynamo understands that. That is why they just state the facts of why Robertson Stadium is not going to work for them and move along. No hard feelings, no bad-mouthing. Just the facts. We needed X. The University is unable to do X. So we have to go elsewhere. That's really all there is to it.
  11. I assure you I am NOT putting words in Oliver Luck's mouth. They need to have operational control over the stadium, yes. But that could have been accomplished at UH.
  12. Calm down, man, and enough with the strawmen. Nobody has proposed anything like your ridiculous, over-wrought list of actions. And Mr. Luck did not even present it in a negative manner. He was very matter-of-fact about it. Very simple. They would have liked to have stayed at Robertson Stadium but, obviously, they need to have parking available for their fans. They had hoped some kind of structured parking could be worked out. But the then-AD at UH was not interested. They also wanted to be able to manage the stadium (and he's not the first one to point out that the stadium has been allowed to deteriorate... others on this board have said the same thing); and they could also bring in better service and higher-quality concessions. He's not the first person to notice that state-run facilities do no necessarily provide the best product. ;-) For whatever reason, UH wasn't interested in even discussing those issues. No complaint in that regard from the Dynamo; just a statement of fact; the result of which is: Robertson Stadium won't work, so they went elsewhere. No complaints; no hard feelings.
  13. Well, actually, he (Oliver Luck) also addressed that very issue. He said the Dynamo was very willing to negotiate a deal with UH to stay at Robertson Stadium. They had two requirements. (1) UH must address the stadium and arena parking issue (there is very little parking available in the evenings); and (2) the Dynamo wanted to manage the stadium because the current management, well, doesn't do a very good job. The stadium is in bad condition, especially considering it was fairly recently refurbished and apparently the concessions suck. UH was not interested in addressing either of those very basic requirements. He also said that they never had any interest in moving to the suburbs. They want to be in the central city.
  14. Decentralizing jobs.... now there's a great, creative idea. We could have a concentration of jobs near Westheimer and the West Loop, and another, say, near I-45 and the North Belt. Another further north, let's just say in The Woodlands. Then we could put another concentration further west, along I-10/Beltway; I-10 Hwy 6. Maybe another at Westheimer and the Beltway. Oh, and we could put a concentration of medical jobs somewhere south of downtown.... maybe near Hermann Park. Then let's get really crazy and have a concentration of industrial jobs somewhere; I'm thinking maybe east of downtown...
  15. The posted article appears to be comparing the costs of light rail vs heavy rail running in the same or very similar r-o-w. It is NOT comparing the cost of a surface light rail with a subway heavy rail system.
  16. Was at a lunch with Oliver Luck earlier this week. He said the stadium deal is with the attorneys and he expects it will be final in about 3 weeks. Also repeated the 21,000 capacity and "nothing fancy".
  17. What do you mean "no one else will say it"? ;-) I said it... twice. But thanks anyway, for agreeing with me.
  18. It can and no doubt will attract visitors, just as AAC attracts visitors. The point is, those visitors will do nothing for downtown Dallas. They will come and go from the ballpark, just as they do from AAC and just as they did from Reunion, without any interaction with downtown.
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