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Everything posted by Houston19514

  1. As JamesL and kylejack have noted, the road will still go through scenic parkland. So everyone can be happy.
  2. Now, now.... let's not be trying to muddle things up with actual facts. ;-)
  3. Now, now.... let's not be trying to muddle things up with actual facts. ;-)
  4. Check your history. You are completely, absolutely 100% incorrect. Finger's building has been planned as a rental from its initial conception forward, long before it had its name or exact size.
  5. It was clearly an argument against the idea that building the DFW-San Antonio leg without including Houston made sense. We know the proposal is to connect all the cities. But the post I was responding to stated that the DFW-San Antonio leg should be the state's top priority, and the poster's argument was based entirely on the population of the I-35 corridor from DFW to San Antonio.
  6. But if you build a system between Houston and Dallas, you instantly have a system that can be used by over 12 Million people, without even making any stops between the two.
  7. I presume you are referring to One Park Place??? That has never been planned as condos for sale, and has always been planned as a rental building. (And I haven't heard anybody refer to them as "bargain rates" ;-)
  8. This project is being done to improve traffic flow, but also, as someone posted earlier but failed to comprehend... the new roadway alignment will return approximately 10 acres of land to full park use, rather than being isolated and essentially inaccessible and unusable between 2 3-lane roadways. This is a NET 10- acres gain for the park and I believe the realignment is part of the park's master plan. (And I don't see any reason why the new alignment won't also be a very attractive drive.) Now, please, everyone, climb back in off your ledges and take a deep breath.
  9. I see you've been reading Wikipedia ;-) Whatever technical "gap" may exist, Trenton and Newark are nevertheless connected by Interstate-quality limited access highways, and that is really the point, I think.
  10. hmmm... Houston Pavilions website still says March. But in any event..... so what? The opening has been delayed by equipment delays completely outside of either Lucky Strike's or HP's control. I think HP, downtown Houston and the Houston metro area will be able to survive this relatively minor delay in the opening of a high-end bowling alley downtown. Sheesh.
  11. Where did you get that "info" regarding Lucky Strike backing up its opening date to April? Last I heard it was still March. And the issue is some problem with getting some of the equipment. I'm sure they are every bit as frustrated as you are.... perhaps even more. ;-)
  12. And actually only dropped one floor, not two. Ends up taller because they made some of the floor heights taller.
  13. downtown, right across from Myriad Gardens. On the site of the old "galleria" parking garage, if you're familiar with that. (Immediately to the west of the Colcord Hotel.) It's going to be a really beautiful building; 54 stories, 925 feet tall (about 4 feet taller than Williams Tower, I think)
  14. Specifically mentioned by whom? When? Where?
  15. That doesn't really sum up anything regarding the Hardy Yards development. That had nothing to do with Metro.
  16. Not sure, but Devon's new tower in OKC is planned to be 54 stories and 925 feet. So 50 stories with 750 feet is certainly possible.
  17. I have no idea what kind of growth needs they have, but considering that they currently lease approximately 550K square feet (I think) in Allen Center, an additional 480K would probably tide them over for a while. . .
  18. Way to find the cloud surrounding the silver lining. ;-( They will be leaving behind 480,000 square feet in Allen Center and occupying approximately 870,000 square feet in the building formerly known as Discovery Tower. 390,000 square foot gain of occupied space for downtown Houston. Pretty exciting stuff, especially in times like these... This move may reduce the chance for 5 Allen Center to proceed any time soon (because it gives them 480,000 square feet to accommodate Devon's growing needs).
  19. Fifth paragraph of the most-recently linked article: The facility will offer a non-profit institute and museum, a theme park and resort including amusement park rides, a zoo facility, displays, exhibits, restaurants, a water park, resort hotel and a 4,000 -car parking structure.
  20. Good article on the Chron's website. This project is apparently still moving forward. Earth Quest
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