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Everything posted by Houston19514

  1. It's pure silliness to pretend these very same kinds of battles don't occur in cities that are zoned.
  2. Not sure. But it looks to me like they might still be using the crane to haul stuff up to the lower 1/3-1/2 of the building.
  3. Projects are rarely "canceled" in any formal way. Furthermore, even if this particular design for 5 Allen Center is not built, the "gateway project" will not be "canceled". It's been on the books for a long time and will stay on the books as a planned project.
  4. From the day it was announced, they have said it will be open through January 19. It's been on the website and in their emails.
  5. Don't know... Jillian's, maybe? All I know is that it was NOT a Rain Forest Cafe.
  6. According to this, it opened in September 2002. It does include a parking garage, but Kylejack is correct; the food court is on ground level. There is a nice restaurant (Trevisio) on the top level along with conference facilities.
  7. If that is important to a home buyer, then they would be well-advised to purchase in a deed restricted neighborhood, and avoid buying a house that has apartments in its backyard, especially old, run-down apartments that front on an arterial street.
  8. Rain Forest Cafe at I-10 & Silber? I don't think so. The first Rain Forest in the Houston area was at Katy Mills. The second was in Galveston. The third will be at The Galleria. Pretty sure there have never been any others.
  9. I think I just read that the first residents will be moving in in March, and the building will be completed a few months later, like maybe August. I'll see if I can find that and post the exact info.
  10. I think you slightly misread the story. As I understand it, Berman hired Schussler to develop a restaurant (not Rain Forest Cafe) for his casino(s). While working with Grand Casinos, Schussler gained some other backers and got a favorable lease with the Mall of America in Bloomington, Minnesota. That was enough to bring Berman aboard as an investor. They opened the first Rain Forest Cafe in the Mall of America. (October 1994) The second one opened in Woodfield Mall one year later. (Interesting that the first two (and I think the third) were in malls.)
  11. Interesting and relatively positive report from GlobeSt on Houston's apartment market PS for 20thStDad: You actually took time out of your life to tell us you don't care?.... sounds like you really do care.... ;-) Thanks for posting.
  12. That's cool. Not too big of a problem then, really... although it is a shame you have to ask for some semblance of quiet.
  13. Reading comprehension doesn't help much when there is nothing to read. If you have never seen a system like this, you are standing there wondering how you are supposed to identify where you are parked, and whether you really want to fee money or a credit card into the machine not knowing what slot you are in.... Only at the very end (I think on the receipt) does it tell you how it works (i.e., to place the paper on your dash).
  14. LOL I agree those machines are indecipherable for first-time users. My first time, I was thinking of Candid Camera too as I searched along the curb for a number for my parking spot and then studied the machine for instructions... I think it's a pretty slick system, once you figure it out. (And don't they still have meter gizmos in the historic district where you have to enter the number of your slot?)
  15. Truly pathetic. ANYONE can go through the threads and see that he pronounced 2727 Kirby on life support on the 20th of the month and other posters witnessed construction activity on the 22nd and witnessed a poured foundation and garage structure on the 23rd. How, exactly did I revise the history? (Notice he very slyly doesn't say...) Nor does he say what I am supposedly frustrated about... 'tis a mystery. And for someone who has me on ignore and supposedly isn't "bothered" by my posts, he sure is quick to respond... ;-) BTW, Red, I hope you didn't lose too much money investing with Madoff ;-)
  16. Oh my God! The sky is falling! The sky is falling! It's a BLOODBATH!
  17. Well, now I can't wait for it to open. Never been much interested in it before. ;-)
  18. I remember quite well that H-D posted some nonsense about HV supposedly planning to build a hotel. Funny thing. They already announced their plans for that site and the announced plans are what they are in fact building. I LOVE self-proclaimed insiders who post alleged inside scoops that are absolutely unconfirmable. I suppose it makes him feel important. I await some significant truly inside information from H-D. A quick scroll through his history of posts shows a paucity of verifiable insider advanced information provided by H-D. (Perhaps my favorite post was when he popped in to pronounce 2727 on life support and three days later they finished pouring the foundation.) And that quick scroll through H-D's posts shows a remarkably thin skin . . . anyone having the audacity to question his posts is immediately labeled a troll. Everyone is obviously free to believe any posters they want and hang on every word of those who proclaim themselves to be insiders. Personally, any time someone reacts with such vitriol to any poster that dares question him, my antennae go up and I start doubting how much "inside" information they really have. Then when such person actually provides very little, if any verifiable information that is not publicly available with a minimal amount of effort, well, for me it's time to pretty much discount their posts. (And trust me, there is no miserable banging of a head or turning red with frustration on this end. I could not be happier or less frustrated.)
  19. More revisionist history as anyone can see if they are interested enough to take a look through the posts. The fact is, Haidar's plan for the site of the Gap and Harold Powell store was public info months before H-D posted it as some kind of inside info. Here it is: H-D's exciting insider announcement: Posted on: Monday, February 25th, 2008 @ 9:08am "i didnt know where else to put this and not worth creating a new thread.. haidar, owner of highland village, is no longer planning to put a hotel where the gap (nw corner of westheimer and drexel) use to be. he plans to demolish the entire building where harold powell is and replace it with 60,000 sq of retail. " Very exciting news indeed, except, wait, it all sounds sort of familiar. Sure enough, on APRIL 6, 2007, the Houston Business Journal had reported that Highland Village planned to tear down the former Gap and Harold Powell buildings and replace them with a 2-3 story retail building!! And in fact had already applied for a variance from the city to do so. -- H-D's job-loss data is a fun example of how he inflates his own claims to brilliance. Reporting what an economist said one day and then actually posting the quote the next day as proof of his own brilliance. Hilarious. -- Whoop-de-doo Barton Smith predicts 50,000 jobs lost, and, what, exactly... Is that somehow supposed to make H-D's incorrect prediction of an apartment bloodbath less incorrect? Personally, I've never been impressed with Barton Smith's forecasting abilities. I'd be interested in a detailed review of his past predictions. As I said earlier, IF we lose 50,000 jobs, we MAY see something approaching a bloodbath in the apartment market in the coming year or two. But again, that does not make any less incorrect the prediction of a bloodbath for the last 2 years, does it? And I appreciate the PMs and emails too. But they are not really necessary because I know I have the facts on my side.
  20. All construction activity ceased for the holidays beginning December 23 through January 5. Utility construction was to resume January 5, between Milby and Lockwood. The plan for this construction is: 1st Phase: Relocation of all public and private utilities. This is where we are now. Would not likely involve a whole lot of very visible "construction" 2nd Phase: Widening of streets, where necessary to make room for the tracks. 3rd Phase: Lay tracks 4th Phase: Building stations and finishing touches.
  21. It won't be the first one... There are at least 2 others, one of which is right here at Katy Mills Mall. Edit: Just found a list of their locations. It appears that close to 1/2 of their approximately 37 locations are currently in malls.
  22. LOL You never really were very good at keeping your facts straight. Let me clarify again for you. NO credible report (including ads, or oconner) ever said that 17k units would be delivered in '07. NONE. And yet you kept pretending and continue to pretend that they did. What they in fact said was that approx. 17,000 were under development at the end of 2006, not that 17,000 would be delivered in '07. HUGE difference and it's mystifying that someone who claims to be in the industry does not seem to understand the difference. And contrary to your revisionist history, back in late 2006-early 2007 you are the one who first posted the misinformation regarding the "delivery" of 17,000 units to the market in 2007 and then you carried on for post after post insisting that 17,000 number was the correct number. -- In fact, I did not say anything about knowing that Houston would "explode" in employment growth in 2008. And again, you are being dishonest to pretend I did. And it is being either ignorant or dishonest to pretend that nobody expected good solid employment growth in 2007 and/or 2008. On the contrary, I think it was widely expected. -- I also did not say anything about the effects being felt on Jan 25, 2007. And it's again dishonest of you to pretend I did. But if YOU knew anything about the business you would know the effects of a so-called "bloodbath" would not all of the sudden appear on Jan. 1, 2008. And the fact remains, the bloodbath didn't happen in 2008 either. And it STILL hasn't happened. I wasn't really referring to your overall batting average, but to the extent you make any meaningful predictions, I think it probably is not much above 50% (and "predictions" such as "predicting" that Highland Village will tear down the former Gap and Harold Powell buildings to be replaced with new 2-3 story retail structures months after they issued a press release to that effect don't count.) Of course, when you serially predict death and construction for projects, such as 2727 Kirby, you are bound to be right on one of your predictions, but it does tend to lower your percentage. ;-) You can ignore me all you like. But that won't stop me from correcting your misstatements and lies.
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