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Everything posted by Houston19514

  1. In Houston, US 59 is the Eastex north of I-10 and Southwest Freeway south of I-45, approximately. (In Beaumont, they call US 69 the Eastex)
  2. According to the Houston Convention and Visitors Bureau website, there are more than 300,000 college students in the metro area. Don't know how that would rank, but I think it's higher than DFW's
  3. That doesn't really make much sense, but, whatever... ;-)
  4. The idea of residential was also tossed out regarding the Macy's space when the Macy's/May Co. transaction was first announced and Macy's said they would be closing the original Galleria Macy's.
  5. Who did you end up using? I have similar problems with mine.
  6. Agreed. I guess it worked initially, when that was the first and only Macy's in Texas, Macy's was apparently enough of a draw to pull the crowds through the then-Marshall Field's store to Galleria III.
  7. I don't think Target is moving anywhere. That "Target" sign appears to be on a wall that currently exists. It would appear to a be sign more along the lines of "This is the way to Target." (There simply isn't space between the current end of the skywalk and the current building to fit in all of that open-air space shown in the rendering PLUS a Target store.)
  8. I don't think it was ever much more than an idea tossed out there as one possibility for the use of the Macy's space on Sage... before Macy's decided to stay in the building keep operating it. FWIW, I agree, it does seem very odd to operate two full-line Macy's in the same mall. I guess it's working for them. I keep thinking they must have something else in mind for the long term, like maybe remodeling the Macy's on Sage into a Bloomingdale's in conjunction with a major fix, somehow of the Galleria 3 space. Surely someone Simon is working on some concepts to make better use of that space...
  9. Damm! He was my most recent "brush with fame" in Houston. (He and his family were at the next table in a restaurant on Thanksgiving Day.)
  10. Yes, exactly what KinkaidAlum said. The homeless assistance (which is really quite a remarkable set of facilities (meals, laundry, showers, medical, job assistance, housing assistance, counseling) is in the same building with the parking garage and the Diocese HQ.
  11. ??? The vast majority of the stores in Denver Pavilions are "tucked away" just as they will be in HP. Get a grip, people. The place has been open for just over a month and a good portion of the tenants who have signed leases are not even open yet. Plus, they opened at a time when retail leasing is VERY tough.
  12. Not bad. In fact, I haven't seen anything better. It's already starting to grow on me. Reasonably applicable description and rolls off the tongue pretty nicely. And, as you said, it could have been SOO...OOO..OOOO much worse.
  13. There's not really any conflict there. Emmett is clearly referring to getting underway with the early planning steps, such as the one reported in the article. He is in no way suggesting that we have to start construction now.
  14. Based on that, I guess one might ask why we have this whole forum. Sheesh. If you don't want to read or contribute to a topic, just move along.
  15. Chase Tower's website also gives the 1,049 foot height. If that height were correct, it would still be the tallest building in the US outside NY and Chi.
  16. What makes you think that mechanical room at the top of WF Plaza is not counted in the building height? True from certain angles, but I don't think it's true from "most" angles. The idea that WF wants to keep the height of its building secret is a bit silly. (1) WF does not own the building; they are merely a tenant. (2) The height is right there on the building's website: 992 feet.
  17. Actually, I'm not sure it really makes much difference. Think about it... the pool area of that design is probably at least six stories high. For people out around the pool, the only way they would see anything of Discovery Green from there would be if they went and stood at the edge and looked down over the railing.
  18. The allegedly canceled skybridge was Discovery Tower, but it was a proposed skybridge to 5 Houston Center that was allegedly canceled (or not agreed to be 5 Houston Center.)
  19. Quite right. Plus, I've always been perplexed by the many people singing the hosannas of the Victory Park plan as some sort of urban planner's dream. I have always thought it was laid out too much like an office park, and it's only gotten worse as it has developed. It is also terribly constrained and handicapped by its location.
  20. Yeah, I'm aware of the two blocks to the south. But those blocks are not as deep as the current structure, I don't think and don't really allow for a very significant expansion... plus how LONG can you reasonably make the building? Not a big concern and certainly not on the short-term list, but I suspect when they built the Albert Thomas Convention Center they never thought they would need room to expand it, either... Clearly, the concern at this time is hotel space. Again, I am talking about long-term... at least 10, probably 20-30 years down the road.
  21. By way of One Park Place. Interesting rendering. Good find, lockmat.
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