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Everything posted by Houston19514

  1. No, the fountain you are referring to is the Gateway Fountain and is to the north of the Alkek Building (the smaller building to the west). As you can see in the photos, the ice rink is going immediately to the north of the Lake House (the larger building, to the east) and is on the part of the lake that is designated as the "model boat basin".
  2. It must be fun living inside that head of yours. You have a CRAZY wild imagination. ;-)
  3. I'm guessing that tearing down the warehouses might actually increase the taxable value of the property, rather than reduce it (and your suggestion that tearing them down will make the site more marketable supports that conclusion)
  4. Well said. And may I add, this is clearly a hugely positive addition to downtown Houston. Anybody who has seen the very comparable Denver Pavilions (also an inward-facing outdoor mall) can see that. Anyone who has spent even thirty seconds comparing HP to the Shops at Houston Center (fka The Park Shops) can also see that HP has not done "exactly what the Park Shops did". Far from it. While the Park Shops does very nearly "eliminate its interaction with the streets" that cannot really be said about HP. There are large, attractive openings on each end of HP and further openings with the cross streets at each of the two mid-center street crossings. Further, there are multiple store fronts and windows on the streets. (The Houston Center Shops, on the other hand, have approximately two streetside store fronts and one set of doors on the street.)
  5. According to the site plan on Wulfe's website, the building under construction is BLVD Place 6. It is coming along very well. They have even taken down most of the construction fence around the front. The linked site does say that BLVD Place 6 is to be completed in December 08. That appears to be possible. (the site you linked actually says that BLVD Place 5 is to be completed in April 2010) .
  6. It seems as though most major buildings these days are LEED Certified. MainPlace is also to be LEED certified. A number of TMC buildings have been/are planning to be...
  7. Construction is above ground. MainPlace live webcam
  8. Not really sure what you're talking about. The parking garage being discussed here has nothing to do with the Doubletree Hotel (other than the happenstance of being located across the street)
  9. Yes, different. (but only slightly so). I don't recall the "bands" of light being quite so sharply differentiated.
  10. I'm confused. First you pronounce that the "stadium site is poorly planned", implying you know the plans; then you ask if anyone knows anything about the plans.
  11. That is correct. But I think these recent white lights might be slightly different from the old ones.
  12. I've been wondering about that as well. I prefer the blue with the logo. I was wondering if the equipment that does the logo projection was damaged by Ike...
  13. I too have always thought it was ridiculous that there is not an Interstate highway (not just a freeway, but a full-fledged part of the federal Interstate Highway system) connecting Houston and Austin.
  14. It's the open-air Houston Pavilions that is dog-friendly, not Lucky Strike
  15. I was talking to the manager of one of the other skyscrapers downtown (one with relatively very few windows damaged). He said it will take a long time (many months) to get all the windows replaced. Just takes a while to get those windows and get them installed.
  16. I am not absolutely certain, but I doubt if sky lobby windows were blown out. (1) The vast majority of the blown -out windows were on the east side of the building, while the sky lobby windows face south-ish. (2) The vast majority of the blown out windows were below the 45th floor. The sky lobby is at what, 60?
  17. Did you mean to say Sakowitz? I don't think Saks Fifth Avenue has ever been in downtown Houston, have they?
  18. Calm down. It merely says "potential" station. It says nothing whatsoever about using the station for transfers. I'm not sure who the station would serve. Perhaps Metro isn't entirely sure either. Hence the labeling of it as a potential station. Perhaps they have in mind creating a large park and ride facility there some time in the future. Bottom line. They have not said or implied anything about it being a transfer station. There will no doubt be different trains going to different destinations. This is not hard to do and not hard for customers to figure out. Most rail systems have this.
  19. I believe the train to Narita makes several stops on the trip from Tokyo to the airport terminals as well. So, your VERY short list is already cut from 6 to 4.
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