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Everything posted by Houston19514

  1. The first rendering in post #1 is of an entirely different project that was envisioned by different players/developers. Has nothing to do with Houston Pavilions. The HP renderings in post #1 show that what is being built is hardly puny compared to what was initially planned. The development that is being built is as pictured in the renderings minus ONLY the residential element (which actually was never all that large anyway).
  2. A mere shadow of of its original plan???? Dial it down a notch already. The only thing that was in the original plan that is not being produced is the residential portion. The focus of the city's attention and assistance was on getting more retail in downtown, not on the residential portion of the project. Plain and simple. And that focus appears to have been the appropriate focus, as we have seen a large unsibsidized residential project go up in the same neighborhood. (One Park Place)
  3. This is one of those enduring myths about Houston... It is simply not correct to say that there are currently NO land use regulations. There are many neighborhoods with deed restrictions and there are building setback, parking, and other regulations on land use covering the entire city.
  4. I agree with your thoughts. What someone told us (and I don't remember who it was), was that the owners of the adjoining block have no interest in selling or otherwise agreeing to allow Finger develop their property.
  5. When One Park Place was announced, the media told us that Finger had contractual control of an adjoining block for a possible additional tower. Someone here on HAIF has told us that cannot be true.
  6. The north concourses will stay. The south concourses have always been planned to be temporary and will be replaced when the long term master plan is achieved. (This is all according to the master plan... I have no idea why they went temporary on the south side, but it's part of the master plan.) In any event, the new FIS and the existing central terminal would indeed have to be torn down in order to complete the full linear terminal arrangement.
  7. At least part of this (the new FIS) is a departure from the Master Plan; Perhaps they are making further adjustments to the master plan so that less of this will have to be torn down than one might initially think.
  8. Not impossible at all. In fact, I think it's quite likely that Houston will exceed 6,000,000 in the 2010 census, even without upward revisions or adding additional counties. 2007 population estimate was 5,660,245, so we are only 339,755 short of 6,000,000. 2006-2007 growth was 120,296, even with the reverse Katrina effect going on. Given the recent job growth, I would expect Houston's population growth has, if anything, accelerated, plus the reverse Katrina effect is probably over (or at least insignificant at this point). With all that, I think we can expect the 2007-2008 growth to be significantly greater than 120,296. I would be very surprised if it's less than 150,000.
  9. Not sure you have the correct numbers for Terminal E and the FIS building. From what I can find, the FIS building cost $440 million. The total International Services Expansion Program (ISEP) was $600 million. That article once again displays the Chron's utter incompetence. A much better understanding of the plan can be had by reading the airport's press release. The most interesting part, to me, is that they will be adding an FIS facility to Terminal B. I had heard rumblings about Continental wanting to do that. I imagine it is primarily to serve Continental Express flights from Mexico. Having to take unload those flights at Terminal E or D and then relocate the aircraft for outbound service has to be very inefficient and costly for Continental.
  10. Again. What are you talking about? Who has predicted that Houston will add 2 m people in 2 years? The Houston MSA only has to grow by about 340,000 people in 3 years to hit the predicted 6 million.
  11. But of course your "knowing" about this apparently uninteresting development a year before anyone else was interesting enough to post... Amusing as always.
  12. LOL Yes, yes... and let me guess... you don't remember his name, or, better yet, can't reveal his name because that might expose your identity. ;-)
  13. That is actually just their "Americas" office. Their HQ is in the UK.
  14. Lockmat is correct. Starwood is not based in Atlanta. In addition to that flaw, Ritz Carlton is not related to Starwood. Ritz Carlton is owned by Marriott (although I believe the Ritz Carlton division of Marriott is based in Atlanta)
  15. Of course you know very well I never said or implied any such thing. You do love your straw men, don't you? First, I'm not sure it's even the mission of a city library to be a great research library. That's really a better mission for the universities. Second, given your rather fast and loose assumptions about what the Houston library has and doesn't have, color me skeptical that you really know much about how good of a research library it is. Third, despite your unsourced assertions, I remain unconvinced that there are very many city libraries ranked among the great research libraries of America. NY certainly is, probably Boston. After that, I'm not so sure. Chicago's public library, for example, does not appear to make any such claims for itself and certainly does not focus on research in its mission statements and master planning documents. We can all wish it were better; No harm in that. But there's also no harm in (and a lot to gain from) approaching the subject fairly and honestly.
  16. I can't believe you continually post your drivel with no effort to check your "facts", back them up or give sources.
  17. Is the Ritz Carlton in a better location?
  18. I believe the "separate thread" is actually about a different building. There does not appear to be any movement on the 1500 Smith development. Brookfield seems to be focusing, for now at least, on their Gateway site development.
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