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Everything posted by Houston19514

  1. I imagine Mercer County is in there somewhere, but it's not in either of those metro areas (Philly or NYC). Presuming you are talking about Mercer County, NJ, it is actually its own metro area - the Trenton Ewing metro area,with a 2007 estimated population of 367,605. It is party of the NYC-Newark-Bridgeport CSA. As far as I can tell, it was part of NYC's CMSA (as they were called then) in the 2000 census already.
  2. It actually looks like Houston should overtake Philly pretty easily in the 2009 estimates and will probably break 6 million in time for the 2010 census. To get an accurate picture of Houston's current growth, you have to look at 2005-2006 and 2006-2007 growth cumulatively, because of the Katrina refugees inflating the 2005-2006 growth and reducing the the 2006-2007 growth. Those estimates may even be conservative... if anything Houston's growth has probably accelerated. 94,000 new jobs last year; that should like lead to at a population growth more like 200,000.
  3. In looking at the Census Bureau website, I find no Mercer County in either the Philadelphia or the NYC metropolitan statistical area.
  4. I am confident Philly will still be its own metro, at least under current definitions. They may be combined into NYC's Combined Area, but that's a whole other topic.
  5. Interesting. When did that happen? Can you give us a link?
  6. I noticed that too. I have no explanation. I wasn't aware that they would revise estimates.
  7. Part of that is perhaps due to the departure of many of the Katrina refugees. We might get a more accurate sense of the population growth by looking at 2005-2007 cumulative population growth.
  8. "Pitifully few points of entry?" There are something like 8 or 9 points of entry, including 6 at street intersections. For a 12 acre park, I would hardly call that "pitifully few". Lack of nodes of dense activity deactivating the edges of the green? Hotels, convention center, office buildings, high-rise apartment buildings? How are those not nodes of dense activity? Showing a lack of use at other downtown green spaces is hardly proof that hotel, office building, and apartment building dwellers will not use Discovery Green. There is nothing like Discovery Green currently downtown or anywhere else in Houston. The "double block" on the north end, the permeability of which you see as the only possible way to save the park, is not even a double block. It is only perhaps 1 1/2 blocks, and given that Houston's downtown blocks are small to begin with, it's hard to see that as a major impediment to the viability of the park. IMO, a mix of activities around the edges of the Green is far preferable to surrounding it with apartment buildings. A mix of uses is more likely to lead to usages around the clock.
  9. The following was DMN article was taken from DallasMetropolis.com. It does a nice job of exposing as "misinformation" many of the statements that have been made by our Dallas friends regarding the Victory Tower/Mandarin Oriental project. "Questions surround Mandarin Oriental Hotel tower http://www.dallasnews.com/sharedcon...n1.39b07c9.html 07:50 AM CDT on Friday, March 14, 2008 If you think something's missing at the Victory Park development, you're right. Two big construction cranes that have been across the street from American Airlines Center for months were recently taken down. The cranes were for the construction of the parking garage to accompany the planned Victory Tower
  10. You are almost certainly correct about their likely having renderings they are marketing to potential tenants. And I think we can safely presume that all of Hines, T-C, and Crescent have or are making plays to Devon.
  11. ROFL Indeed, someone needs to think it through, and perhaps write more carefully. Here are your exact words; read them carefully ;-) Post #6: ". . . the LRT doesn't (and won't) go anywhere that I'd want to." Post #39: "I do go places that are theoretically served by the existing rail line" Also in Post #39, you told us that you have in fact ridden the LRT (presumably to some place you wanted to go): "I know that it doesn't make sense for me because I've tried riding it a couple of times and regarded each trip as a waste of resources. " When I asked if your statements in Post #39 meant you had been lying when you said the LRT did not go anywhere you'd want to go, you responded in Post #41 by reiterating your initial claim: "It doesn't (and won't)." And of course when I called you on the stark contradiction, you blame everything on my reading. You are too much, Niche. ;-)
  12. LOL You're starting to get twisted up by your own lies. In post #39, you said that you do go places served by the existing LRT, but you choose to not use the rail line.
  13. Think of the quotes as air quotes. I used quote marks because you have stated all of those things as if they are verifiable facts, but have not and can not provide any evidence in support. And after reviewing the thread, we can add another oddity... Someone who never goes anywhere served by the rail line who somehow mysteriously "knows" there is a problem with vagrancy and panhandling at Midtown stations, not to mention very detailed "knowledge" of the train horn practices... If you can hear it from your place of residence, apparently you do indeed go to places the LRT goes... whether you choose to use it or not is irrelevant. So, I guess you were lying when you said "the LRT doesn't (and won't) go anywhere that I'd want to. "?? And your annoyance at having to interact with it as a driver (which again suggests you were lying when you said the LRT doesn't go anywhere that you'd want to) does not equal or provide evidence for your statements that the LRT is a miserable failure or that it has caused congestion in Midtown, or that it has caused more congestion than it has alleviated.
  14. Does it strike anyone else as quite odd that someone who claims to never go anywhere served by the rail line nevertheless -- "on many nights, after the traffic has died down, . . . can hear that horn up to a half-mile away, sometimes even indoors."; -- "knows" the rail is line is a miserable failure; -- "knows" the rail line has caused congestion in midtown; -- and "knows" the rail line has caused more congestion than it has alleviated ?? I'm just sayin'...
  15. 1500 Smith is a different project. The one they are apparently concentrating on, and that we are discussing in this thread is their "Gateway" site.
  16. I understand your logic and agree with it. (But, we're also assuming that the journalist got it right when they wrote that 50-story thing, not something I would bet money on...)
  17. Yes, everything in Houston: Bad. Everything in Austin: Good. ;-) How many of the serious research libraries on the website you "once saw" do you suppose were city libraries as opposed to libraries at major research universities? Kind of comparing apples and oranges there. I just did a search of HPL's card catalog of 12 randomly chosen books from the Modern Library list of 100 Best Novels and HPL had all 12 of them... 100%. That rather strongly suggests that, rather than a "small portion" as you assumed, they have a huge portion, if not all of them. And so what if they are "scattered all around the branch libraries? That is the way library systems are supposed to work... make the books available to the largest number and widest variety of people.
  18. NEWS FLASH: Like it or not, the renovated Central Library will include a cafe. It's right there in the linked article, which is all of 7 sentences long. ;-) FWIW, it will also include wireless internet.
  19. I think any earlier discussion of a proposed height for the gateway site was just speculation based on the 700,000 square foot size stated on Brookfield's website (reasonable speculation, but speculation nonetheless). FWIW, the Brookfield website still says 700,000 square feet.
  20. Not only that, but it would appear there is a VERY good chance this tower will never be built. Anything announced now with a projected ground-breaking of "Summer '09", followed by a question mark, appears to be less than a certainty.
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