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Everything posted by Houston19514

  1. There are escalators at pretty much every Washington DC MetroRail station that are exposed to the elements. Doesn't seem to be a problem.
  2. I too thought it looked like it is probably a stairway to the parking garage.
  3. You can get the map at Metro Solutions
  4. The latest word over at DallasMetropolis is that the Victory Tower construction cranes are coming down. Apparently, they will not be proceeding any time soon with the tower structure. Not only that, they are not even completing the full height of the parking structure, and as reported earlier, they have eliminated the retail portion of the garage structure.
  5. Yeah, yeah, you've promised us your "final" comments before. read more carefully before you go off on someone. 2010 never made any such disclaimer. I have never said or implied , anywhere at any time, that I have any inside information. In fact, I have repeatedly told people I have no inside information. None. And regurgitated facts are still facts. Facts gleaned from the Harris County public records, accessible to anyone online, are facts.
  6. For anyone who is interested... here are my sources. The Business Journal article I linked earlier, says that they have the adjoining block under contract... that is as of March 2007. Now, many of you know that I don't automatically believe everything I read in the newspapers. BUT, in this case, everything they said in the article matches up with other facts. In an earlier article, they said they had Block 126 under contract in December 2006. According to the county records, they took title to Block 126 in March 2007. Now, the linked March 2007 article claims they have an adjoining block under contract. They in fact, (again, according to publicly-available county records) took title to the adjoining Block 98 in June 2007. Not that hard to figure out; not that hard to verify. (And one doesn't have to be a sr. principal with Crow to do so.) ;-) Again, if anyone has evidence contrary to any of this, I'm all eyes; and I will happily stand corrected.
  7. I thought they started in Seattle. Edit: Just checked their website. Turns out they started in Portland: "The history of McCormick & Schmick's Seafood Restaurants began when Bill McCormick purchased Jake's Famous Crawfish Restaurant located in Portland, Ore., and brought the more than 100-year-old landmark back to life. Part of the managerial talent McCormick tapped was Doug Schmick, a management trainee. The two formed a partnership in 1974, creating Traditional Concepts, a precursor to today's McCormick & Schmick's Seafood Restaurants. In 1979, they opened the original McCormick & Schmick's Seafood Restaurant in Portland, Ore. Since that time, the company has expanded to more than 50 restaurants across the country."
  8. What is your problem? If you have contrary facts, please feel free to post them. Where did I even imply that no is allowed to question my posts? Question away, man. Question all you want. But keep it to the facts. If you can provide evidence that my facts are incorrect, I'm all eyes. And as I have shown on these boards, I am very happy to be corrected and, unlike plenty of board members, will admit to being wrong when shown to be so.
  9. Since 2010 has chosen not to clarify his earlier post or answer my question, let me clear things up a bit. The fact is, TC had the adjoining block under contract at the time they announced their purchase of Block 126 and plans to construct Discovery Tower. The fact is (as I demonstrated in an earlier post) TC had in mind the possibility of building parking on the adjoining block from the very start, contrary to what 2010 wanted us to believe.
  10. Let me guess; you have an issue with the name too, right? ;-)
  11. Initial plans call for 21 floors with 630,000 square feet of office space on top of 10 floors of parking. If demand for space is strong within the next several months, Thielhorn says, more office floors will be added and a parking garage will be moved to an adjacent block.
  12. I'm not sure that's the reasoning at all... They said from early on that they planned approximately 21 stories of office space on top of 10 stories of parking, but that if the demand for office space was strong enough they might make the building all office space and build separate parking on the adjacent block.
  13. How far into the process were they, time-wise when they realized they needed to buy the adjoining block for a parking structure? I mean, did they come to this realization fairly recently?
  14. Are you sure they no longer own any of the land they bought there? I believe that when Boymelgreen bought the land, they bought 9 acres and said their planned project would be built on one-third of the land. Then they put the other portions back on the market. That matches perfectly with this new Dubai development being 6 acres. I think Boymelgreen probably still owns the 3 acres site.
  15. When they first announced the project, they said the first phase will have 740 units and "a future phase" could have 1,000 more units (including both condos and apartments.) 896
  16. Is there any reason a central axis cannot run on the diagonal? Personally, I really like the diagaonal axis. And I am guess is that part of the reason for it is to lead to (and from) the east end of River Oaks Shopping Center.
  17. But nothing unusual for projects of this type. Recall the repeated panic that ensued with every movement of a fence and parking of a car on the Houston Pavilions site.
  18. Did he say anything about gains in apartment occupancy anticipated by some as a result of the housing credit crunch and home foreclosures?b (It was discussed in the article Niche posted and is the reason some investors are still confident in the apartment market)
  19. One thing that is troubling in that article: the statement that "Absorption is at its lowest that it's been in 10 years.". That's just not true, at least according to O'Connor. 2007 positive absorption of 7516. 2006 had negative absorption. The one thing we know with absolute certainty is that those (or I should say "the person", and I'm not talking about you Niche) who told us that 17,000 new apartments would be delivered to market in 2007 was wrong. The actual number delivered, according to O'Connor: 10,070.
  20. The results are in. According to O'Connor & Associates the Houston apartment market in 2007 had the following results: "absorbed a strong 7,516 units over the year" "Despite positive absorption for the year, overall Houston occupancy dipped 0.44 points to 88.17% to close out 2007. Class A occupancy suffered the largest drop in occupancy in 2007, decreasing from 90.77% to 88.61%" "In contrast to 2007
  21. Yes, they had to mean 08. The project was only announced in late July '07.
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