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Everything posted by Houston19514

  1. The San Jacinto and Fannin bridges will be essentially identical. Each will have a rectangular portion with retail and a round portion for pedestrian bridges. They will be mirror images of each other. The San Jacinto bridge has the rectangular portion on the north (Dallas) side while the Fannin bridges will have the rectangular portion on the south (Polk)
  2. No. There will indeed be retail on the bridges, not just space for people to walk. The circular parts are the pedestrian bridges. The parts that went up first will be retail, over both Fannin and San Jacinto.
  3. To clarify, what the article says is that the building will be tied into the tunnel system by skybridge. In other words, according to Swamplot, there will be a skybridge, not a tunnel. Are skybridges less expensive than tunnels? Or is it just a matter of the preferences of the adjoining property owner?
  4. I can't say that I'm surprised that nobody came up with a dozen examples of the mixed-used developments that are allegedly scattered all about the country, in ever city except for Houston (as alleged by VelvetJ and Nancy Sarnoff, among others), but not even one or two, other than Mockingbird Station? Is this nothing more than another one of those ridiculous myths spun by Houston's relentless doomsayers and negative nancies?
  5. It won't "be". The rail line is planned for Capitol, not Rusk.
  6. When the project was first announced, it was said that they had a lease signed for office space for some sort of medical clinic. Has that lease been canceled?
  7. Uggghhh, why do so many Houstonians only notice what Dallas is getting that Houston is not, and not vice versa (which are at least their equal)?
  8. Maybe there just weren't enough surface parking lots on Lower Greenville. ;-)
  9. CO is preparing to upgrade their BusinessFirst seating.
  10. Ummmm, I think they were saying there is a new design, which we will see in the forthcoming new rendering.
  11. Surely, you know they are YOUR tax dollars only to the extent you rent cars or stay in hotels in Harris County. And beyond that, the debt is paid not just with those tax dollars but also with the rent paid by the Texans and the Rodeo. He has repeatedly said that the rodeo's plan is to re-do the Dome at the rodeo's expense (just like the rodeo built Reliant Hall and Reliant Arena at the rodeo's expense).
  12. Indy definitely would have a leg up, just because of a new stadium. But does anyone know what their hotel supply is like? Do they really have enough hotel rooms to handle a Super Bowl? IIRC, Jacksonville had to dock a bunch of ocean liners on their shore to provide sufficient lodging capacity. I'm not seeing that working for Indy. ;-)
  13. Excellent points. Thank you for the correction. Makes me interested to hear more about the Rodeo's plans.
  14. No, I'm pretty sure the 65% figure was only relating to retail space. EDIT: I just looked at the article again. One can't actually be certain what the writer meant to say. It reads as though the overall project, retail and office space is 65% leased. Who knows? (Typical incompetent journalist, sorry). However, I see no reason at all to think that the retail is 100% leased at this point.
  15. Never mind that "ousting" them from Reliant Park would cause an immediate default on the Reliant Stadium bonds, which are in part funded by the rodeo. Never mind that "ousting" them from Reliant Park would put a huge hole in Reliant Park's revenue. Never mind that "ousting" them from Reliant Park would be biting the hand that feeds Reliant Park (as noted above, the rodeo paid for AstroHall, the AstroArena, and the huge warehouse on the site, and Reliant Center would likely not have been possible without the guaranteed revenue stream from the rodeo.) Yea, ousting the rodeo from Reliant Park is a great idea! Having said that, I too do not think very highly of their proposal to turn the Astrodome into a barn. I can see the problems both the Texans and the rodeo have with the hotel proposal, but it seems like they should be able to work out something to get everyone on board. In general I LOVE the hotel proposal, but I really don't like the plan to cover roughly 2/3 of the outside of the dome with a new parking garage. Rather defeats the purpose of preserving the dome, IMO.
  16. It's not at the corner. It's just to the north of the little shopping center, on the west side of Post Oak.
  17. Good point. But the 65% number does seem pretty likely, given the large chunks of space taken by House of Blues, Lucky Strike, Forever XXI and Books a Million, Plus the shear number of restaurants and other announced tenants.
  18. Because journalists, by and large, are incompetent. Nothing more than that. IIRC, there were other errors in the article as well.
  19. Now that is an interesting idea. Would that likely be the world's largest art museum? Maybe a combo MFAH branch/Houston history museum ...
  20. yes, there was a movie theater, and I belive it was on the lower level. IIRC, the entrance was somewhere back around the northwest-ish corner of the structure.
  21. I don't think there's an office tower planned at BLVD Place. Their website only mentions 175,000 square feet of "boutique" office space. That does not sound like a tower.
  22. I don't think they meant to suggest that the design would be a mirror image... just that the location would mirror the location of the Hilton Americas vis a vis the GRB and Discover Green. I've hoped for a major convention hotel at that location. And I totally agree with your hope for a big hotel with condos on top.
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