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Everything posted by Houston19514

  1. Not likely. Most shopping complexes require stores to keep pretty consistent hours.
  2. That would be the one. It wasn't posted on their site earlier this morning. I too noticed the press release does not mention retail. I hope that was just an oversight. We need some street level retail along there.
  3. Where did you find Hines' press release? I can't find it on their website...
  4. Those don't strike me as the words of an optimist ;-) I am quite certain the Pavilions will indeed be staying open "past business hours" and I'm also very comfortable that Discovery Green will be well lit, well secured, and active, such that people will want to be there at night (obviously, not "right now"; it's a construction site "right now"). But I do agree One Park Place may be more important for downtown's future development than any of the proposed office towers, as exciting as they are.
  5. No source for your construction information regarding the Signature Tower in Nashville?
  6. The Earth Day 2008 event is a "ceremonial groundbreaking" and, while the building is scheduled for completion during 2010, they plan a "Grand Opening" on Earth Day 2011.
  7. Are you sure about that? May I inquire as to your source? "Rumor is Signature Tower (Downtown Nashville)
  8. Chase Tower: 305 meters Key Bank: 289 meters That's a pretty substantial difference. Key Bank Tower would be the third tallest building in Houston.
  9. Does anyone know if they have started building this Signature Tower?
  10. The Grayco website says those apartments (Museum Place) will be in the 5300 block of Fannin. I'm not certain, but I think that would put them a couple blocks to the north of this particular site. BTW, moderators, would it be possible to move this thread to the Museum District, where it belongs?
  11. How much activity? Are they still parking cars on the lot? (I presume you were speaking of the surface lot across Binz from the MFAH parking garage)
  12. Well, I suppose that depends on what time you get off work and how long you plan to spend eating... ;-) The red line runs until roughly 2 AM, I believe. And the planned University Line and all BRT lines will have the same hours.
  13. I think that one might be where the Hardy Toll Road extension will tie in.
  14. I think Market Square would be a better place for a giant fountain with coordinated music. Like the International Fountain in Seattle Center.
  15. There used to be two Dillards in the Beaumont. Did one of those become Foley's?
  16. There used to be two Dillards in the Beaumont. Did one of those become Foley's?
  17. Whatever "weasel" words some paranoid group may find in the FAQ, a very quick glance at the DEIS makes it abundantly clear that an all-Richmond alignment west of Main to Post Oak is NOT even being considered and is NOT going to happen.
  18. I think the CVB probably has more of a convention-style large hotel in mind for the north end of GRB. At least that's been my personal hope. Picture it, directly opposite from the Hilton, on the north side of Discovery Green... A beautiful, tall, hotel and condo mixed use project. Maybe a Marriott Marquis, for example... Gives me goose bumps just thinking about it. :-)
  19. The more important question... Do they have them in Atlanta? ;-)
  20. No, the old Sheraton would almost certainly not be counted, since it has never been office space and has not been marketed as office space.
  21. New CBRE 2nd quarter office market report: Entire market office vacancy rate is down to 11.11%, with almost 1.5 million square feet net absorption during the second quarter. Downtown's vacancy rate is down to 11.34% (all classes combined), down from 12.55% last quarter, with over 500,000 square feet net absorption during the second quarter! Further, they note that almost all recent new construction has been in the suburbs, but the CBD is about to take center stage: "In the CBD, where almost no new construction has occurred in recent years, growing demand and shrinking supply are now combining to initiate a new round of development. No buildings have been formally committed at the moment, but we anticipate the construction of 4 to 5 buildings totaling 3 to 4 MSF. Colliers is also out with a 2nd quarter report: Total vacancy of 13.4%, down from 16.3% this time last year, with 2.85 million square feet net absorption during the 2nd quarter. Downtown's Class A vacancy rate is 9.6%, down from 18.7% last year this time. Overall CBD vacancy of 14.4%, down from 20.1% last year this time, with over 1.25 MSF net absorption. And one more, from Grubb & Ellis: Overall vacancy rate: 12.8%, down from 16.5% last year at this time, with 2.7 MSF net absorption during the 2nd quarter. Overall Class A: 9.1% vacant, down from 14.5% last year at this time. CBD (all classes): 11.5% vacant, with 1.7MSF net absorption during the 2nd quarter. CBD Class A: 8.7%, down from 23.4% last year this time.
  22. Actually, Sevfiv's post did not explain it all, as the linked article said only that there were no definite plans for the site. According to the Baylor College of Medicine Strategic Plan Progress Report -2006, "Texas Children's Hospital has made a commitment to build a maternity hospital on Fannin Street where the current Wells Fargo Bank Building and Crowne Plaza Hotel currently stand. Programmatic and space planning for this program is well underway and the facility, to be completed in 2010, will be approximately 20 floors in height."
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