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Everything posted by Houston19514

  1. "SLIGHTLY more"???? That's a rather odd characterization of a ratio of more than 2 to 1. By "giant underground parking garage", I presume you are referring to the 600 car garage being built under Discovery Green? Sheesh. That is being built to serve the park and convention center and replace the surface parking that has been removed. They are not building space there to handle the parking needs of 21 floors of office space. In other words, others have already availed themselves of that parking garage.
  2. I believe the Terrace is condos, not rentals. And both of the shorter buildings (Terrace and Vista) have retail open on the ground floors already (at least according to Victory's website. Are you sure both buildings don't have residences available already? From what I can find online, it would appear they both do. The parking situation should be greatly improved when that giant parking garage currently under construction in the center of Victory is opened for business. So, bottom line... it looks like at least another year, more likely 2+ years before Victory is "jumping".
  3. I recognize that the Victory development is not complete. I'm just curious, what are the "key elements" that are not yet in place, and when do you imagine they will be in place so that Victory will "be jumping"?
  4. Hey, slfunk, it's been three months . . . Any photos for us of the tower structure coming to surface? I'm ready to believe!
  5. RC is pretty awesome, but I think a good deal more expensive than Taste of Texas.
  6. Yeah, because that freeway "towers" in the air, what, maybe 30-40 feet? Roughly equivalent to a 3 story building, at most? Gosh, no one will be able to see any 40-50-60-70 story buildings lurking behind that towering freeway. Sheesh.
  7. LMAO No. Wrong again, Einstein. Sears Tower (which, by the way, still exists) is 108 stories. Look it up. (And FWIW, I don't have the slightest idea WHAT you are talking about in those last two sentences... )
  8. What the &@^$#&^$# are you talking about? The Twin Towers were 110 stories. Look it up.
  9. The closure of a CompUSA store, of all places, is no indication of an area's retail health. CompUSA is a very unhealthy company and is closing almost 1/2 of their stores, nationwide.
  10. Moments before I posted my question to you. On the Site Plan, as I said. Building H.
  11. Just for the record, there are not now, nor have there ever been, any buildings in New York or Chicago that go to 120 floors. (Empire State is 102; Twin Towers were 110; Sears Tower is 108. In fact, it appears that there has never been a building with 120 floors anywhere in the world. Sears Tower (with 108) has the most floors of any current building. Apparently the Twin Towers at 110, still hold the record of having had the most floors.) Edit: More interesting trivia: Chase Tower is the 31st tallest building in the world. There are only 19 buildings in the world that have more floors than Chase's 75.
  12. The Galleria Marshall Field store became Sak's Fifth Ave.
  13. I may be missing what you are talking about, but when I go to the website, I still see "books" on the site plan. And I would imagine offices are what they had in mind for most of the second floor areas to begin with. I don't think having a title company in the second floor is any indication of doom and gloom for this project.
  14. What is the source of your information about the book store?
  15. But I think Bob Stein is just plain wrong about that. I thought the recent numbers showed Houston was actually drawing both internal migration and immigration, unlike cities such as LA, SFO, etc etc. Perhaps he was talking about just the city, not the metropolitan area. (But even then, if you quoted him correctly, he was speaking very sloppily and incorrectly... There are in fact plenty of people moving to Houston and Harris County from within the US, but more are moving out to suburban counties, thus creating a NET internal migration loss for the city and for Harris County.)
  16. Nope. Just another clueless journalist. There's a video of the crane scene on Channel 11's website.
  17. Note to the board: The author does not own the copyright. Getting the author's "permission" to post an article is not sufficient. The publication owns the copyright.
  18. At the time, there was apparently an FAA regulation against naming an airport for a living person... That was Plan A, and the East Concourse was actually part of the Capital Improvements Program that included the new Central Concourse, etc. BUT, they have adjusted the plan and I believe actually made the Central Concourse larger than originally planned, so that it has enough gates for everyone. The East Concourse will now be built only when there is demand for it. Then, if there is eventually demand for it, they would build the West Concourse, as shown in the Master Plan.
  19. Ummmm... BLVD Place and the Whole Foods shown in the rendering, will be a good 5 miles from the Pierce Elevated.
  20. You got it right. In European cities (where the homes generally have TINY refrigerators and much less storage generally) and in dense American cities (ie. NYC) people pick up groceries much more often, so you can carry (or haul in a little 2-wheeled grocery tote), everything home on the walk, or at worst, bus or subway ride.
  21. Again, you really should spend some time looking at the actual list. They even provide a nice colored map showing the location of the projects. The vast majority are in existing transportation corridors and do NOT additionally cut through "healthy city of Houston neighborhoods." (In fact, the only project I could find out of the 64 listed that could even remotely be described as "cut[ting] through [a] HEALTHY City of Houston neighborhood" is the extension of the Hardy, and as noted earlier, that has been in the plans for many many years.
  22. You really should look at the list just a bit more carefully. Of the 64 projects listed only THREE are INSIDE THE LOOP. The extension of the Hardy has been planned for years. The other two (extension of the Westpark Tollway and building of toll lanes in the middle of 288) are unlikely to involve tearing down many (if any) residential buildings. Building infrastructure for an exploding population is such a backwards concept.
  23. The REALLY sad thing was that the Gore campaign based their Houston-bashing on ignorant and dishonest articles and headlines in the Houston Chronicle. Let me guess... the Chron won't even run this AP story. What a sorry excuse for a major metropolitan newspaper.
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