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Everything posted by Houston19514

  1. Again, they said “within five years, peak hour travel times on the freeway were longer than before the expansion.” They did not even look at pre-expansion travel times, so it is not possible to truthfully make the claim that is the premise of the Observatory article, the New York Times article , and this thread.
  2. I have not in the least pretended the pre-expansion numbers don't exist. I am certain they do exist. That makes the narrative all the more mendacious. Evidence? Look at City Observatory's report. They show you the numbers on which they based their report. 2011 - 2014. Not sure why you spent your time putting together your own spreadsheet when City Observatory had already shown us their work. AND, they explained it: "We extracted these data from Transtar (Houston’s official traffic tracking data source) for two segments of the Katy Freeway for the years 2011 through 2014. They show that the morning commute has increased by 25 minutes (or 30 percent) and the afternoon commute has increased by 23 minutes (or 55 percent)." https://cityobservatory.org/reducing-congestion-katy-didnt/
  3. Only in a fantasy world do other reliable transit options prevent traffic from increasing in a metro area growing as fast as Houston.
  4. Just ran across this info and wasn't sure where it was best to post it: The City has applied for a federal grant as follows DOT Railroad Crossing Elimination grant for West Belt Phase 1 to fund the construction of two railroad underpasses at Commerce Street/Navigation Boulevard and York Street in the East End neighborhood of Houston (Announcements expected in Q1 2023).
  5. I can find master plans that designate it as F1 (and perhaps partly the plaza). I cannot find anything that designates it as residential.
  6. Nowhere did I suggest that Transtar's numbers were lies or in any way false or misleading. The lie is in City Observatory's, The New York Times' and your narratives that the number tell us that "within five years, peak hour travel times on the freeway were longer than before the expansion." The Transtar numbers do not tell us that. In fact, it would be impossible for these Transfer numbers to tell us that, because they don't include any pre-expansion numbers. The earliest numbers shown were 4 years after the completion of the expansion. The only thing these Transtar numbers tell us is the rather obvious fact that, in a metro area adding 100,000 - 150,000 people every year, traffic volumes increase.
  7. Back to the topic, I want to be 100% clear that the above quote posted by Editor from the New York Times is not supported by the source they reference and appears to be completely false. If their theories of freeway expansion were true, one would think they wouldn’t have to resort to lies to “prove” them.
  8. Good for Frisco, indeed. But unless you are a family with young children, nothing really to be jealous about. This is not going to be a full-fledged amusement park targeted at adults.
  9. That was my first thought as well; that they might just be building a whole new McDonalds. But I think their practice is generally to NOT remove the freestanding signage in such cases, especially where they may not be able to put up a new sign like the old one...
  10. My favorite line in that City Book article: The location is between Downtown and the Med Center, How did Houston get stuck with such uniformly incompetent journalists?
  11. "downsized somewhat" is a bit of an understatement. Especially since everything but the 15-story Goldman Sachs building is little more than marketing fluff.
  12. OMG. This whole thread is based on a lie. Did anyone read the article? Did anyone look at the source of their claim that "within five years, peak hour travel times on the freeway were longer than before the expansion." That (yes, the very premise of their anti-freeway-widening article) is a lie. One wonders if the NYT author even read his/her own source material; if so did he/she not understand it? Either way... the both the City Observatory article and the NYT article are deeply dishonest. The linked "study" is one I believe we have discussed here before and it compares peak travel times on Katy Freeway for the years 2011, 2012, 2013 and 2014. In a city adding 100,000 - 150,000 people every year, it should come as no surprise that traffic is increasing. The expansion of the Katy Freeway made it possible to handle that additional traffic. But the noteworthy part is the earliest year they compared is 2011, three years after the completion of the Katy Freeway widening. No comparison whatsoever to the freeway's performance before the widening project commenced. For everyone's convenience, here is a link to the NYT's source https://cityobservatory.org/reducing-congestion-katy-didnt/
  13. I've also been wondering if they were really cut down or if they were dug up to be replanted.
  14. A subjective judgment to be sure, but I wouldn't call them mature and far from HUGE. They looked fairly spindly to me.
  15. Seems unlikely. I suspect it was a sale/leaseback kinda thing... FWIW. I believe it was formerly owned by the former owner of Greyhound.
  16. It’s not as if it was an old-growth forest. Those trees were, at the very most, 25 years old. Also, I suspect they have plans for the rest of that space. Our seems unlikely they would have removed all those trees just for this small billing extension.
  17. Do we actually “know” that this is for a team store? Has anyone confirmed that?
  18. I guess they were hoping people are unaware that The Woodlands is almost entirely in Montgomery (not Harris) County? FWIW, ND has ALWAYS been this way (and thus 99% useless), at least in my experience.
  19. I suppose so. To be clear, it will butt up against sidewalks along the two-lane surface street that will run along the cap park/development that will cover the depressed freeway. So this will sit immediately across a two-lane surface street from the cap park. It will be a great location.
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