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Everything posted by Houston19514

  1. Oh, for crying out loud. Metro is truly an agency that cannot possibly win, no matter what they do. We have seen on this board many complaints about Metro having built TOO MANY stations on the Red Line, resulting in too-slow travel. Now, based on some alleged inside information, we are already getting complaints about too FEW stations. Likewise, we have seen many complaints about the supposed "forcing" of people off buses and on to the Red Line by the reconfiguration of bus lines, and now, already, again based on some alleged inside information of questionable authority, we are already getting complaints about a supposed failure to do the very same thing. Sheesh. (And fwiw, anyone can look at the plans in the FEIS documents on Metro's website. They define where the stations will be etc.)
  2. Pay attention, man. I am quite clearly NOT saying that current market conditions alone merit the construction. In fact, I'm saying quite the opposite; that, in fact, current market conditions are barely relevant to a project like this, because it is a TOTALLY different animal than anything currently being offered in Houston, and the whole concept is to create an entirely new market.
  3. I see they are now in Bayou Place. That is great news, especially if they plan to have regular exhibits.
  4. All I can tell you is that Gaylord seems to be pretty darned successful with that "dangerous" concept. Still no source for your claim that Reliant Park area hotels are struggling?
  5. The Houston Public Library Power Card will be accepted at the Clear Lake City-County Freeman Branch Library: # If you have a Houston Library Powercard but have never before registered with Harris County Public Library, please complete the brief registration form so that your Powercard account can be created in the County circulation computer system. Seems easy enough... The city did a lot more than "donate some money for books". The City paid $5.9 million to build the library.
  6. Source? The latest info I have seen shows a 73% occupancy rate for that area of town. Not that bad, and above the average for Houston and for Texas. F Furthermore, the idea behind a project like the Astrodome hotel is to develop new business, not just further split up the business that is there. I think that concept has been at least partly successful in the case of the Gaylord hotel in DFW. Facilities like these go for large gatherings that want all of their people and functions in one facility (think Red Hat Society conventions, Mary K conventions). None of the hotels currently in the Reliant Park market (or for that matter in the Houston market. with the possible exception of Hilton Americas) are in that business.
  7. Okay. But why would TMC have a "veto", or is that a bit of an exaggeration? I do recall a number of the TMC member institutions were concerned about the traffic patterns caused by the development, but that doesn't make a veto.
  8. Did I miss something? When did the TMC Transit Center mixed-use project die?
  9. Kingwood was never its own city. It was always unincorporated territory within Houston's ETJ.
  10. In DC, it's more like the subway lines are lined with the greatest "streetwalls". DC's subway just opened in approximately 1980. Fro the most part, those dense areas were dense long before they started planning the subway.
  11. I believe I saw recently that the plaza is scheduled for construction in the 2007-2008 fiscal year.
  12. If you scroll down to the next page of the flyer, they show the location. What they outline on that map as the "site" does not include the space you refer to, so I presume they do not own that piece of property.
  13. Just curious... where did you find those numbers?
  14. Their website says the Commerce Street patio homes are priced from the mid-200's, not 300's. Waterhill has some pretty nice designs; does anyone know anything about their quality?
  15. Nice try, but it's either a roof or it's not a roof. If it's not a roof, it cannot, by definition, be a retractable roof. Awnings are not roofs, whether they happen to be retractable or not.
  16. For the moment, let's just say it does not involve hiking or backpacking ;-) Thanks for the thoughtful and honest response. I am considering a possible relocation myself, but mine would be to Houston. I asked the question of you in part because in the process I want to be careful that I am not misperceiving the quality of life in Houston. My definition of qualify of life revolves more around having access to a multitude of great restaurants, theater, art, museums, variety of sporting events etc., all at a reasonable cost. (In my perfect world, there would also be skiing available within a few hours' drive, but we can't have everything, I guess)
  17. I am curious... What does San Mateo County (or the general area) offer that will give you an improved quality of life compared to Houston?
  18. Where is Sunset Terrace and where is the train going to be elevated?
  19. Because it's, what, 2 blocks from a rail station???
  20. Where did you get the first set of numbers? Everything I can find comes closer to the 1.4 million squre foot number. Here's one quote from the Business Journal that may explain: "The building will include 500,000 square feet of patient care, says Felker. The other 1 million square feet will be solely for parking, she says, and will include more than 1,300 parking spaces."
  21. It's not much, and perhaps it's been posted before, but I found this on Turnberry's website: Turnberry Tower at the Galleria Houston, Texas Turnberry Tower will consist of a 42-story condominium tower, offering 180 expansive, ultra luxury residences. The 42-story tower will be located in the heart of Houston's upscale, internationally known shopping mecca, The Galleria Mall. (Currently under design development). That was quoted from a brochure on their website. I don't know when it was written. I'm a little surprised they haven't publicized the contruction of the sales center.
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