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Everything posted by Houston19514

  1. It's 2022. There are other ways of doing tunnels now. ;-)
  2. 10 minutes to travel 2 or 3 miles is evidence of connectivity problems? My goodness, we are spoiled with how easy it is to get around our central city.
  3. Eventually, maybe the Chronicle will notice. But since it's not in Connecticut, maybe not (has anyone else noticed the plethora of Connecticut stories we're getting in the Chronicle these days, at least in the Business section? Hard to imagine, but the paper keeps getting worse.
  4. Better yet, anyone want to take a stab at explaining what "unique connectivity characteristics of close-in east end areas" is supposed to mean?
  5. No, they are not. No. Boost stations are not elevated for level boarding. Here's the new B BOOST station at Studewood and Merrill. And the routes will operate with standard buses, not the low-floor variety used for BRT.
  6. I think not. At that location, I think it just takes the western half of the block.
  7. FWIW, there is currently a very pleasant and safe pedestrian/bike bridge over Memorial just east of Montrose, with dedicated off-road bike lanes from Memorial to Memorial Court. The city's bike plan calls for dedicated on-street bike lanes on Montrose/Studemont from Memorial to White Oak.
  8. FWIW, if the bus is running on (or ahead of) schedule, there is no reason for it to not wait for the red light. To the contrary, there is every reason for it to wait, so as to not get ahead of schedule and bunched up.
  9. Of course there is something Metro could do about panhandlers. They could check for fare items more frequently, and have security officers on trains/stations more often and kick the panhandlers and free-riders off/out. Easy.
  10. OR, they could have provided some honest leadership, including by demonstrating how the cynical opponents (assisted by the clueless/dishonest local media) were misleading the public. Please note, everyone, that the list of "accomplishments." which matches lists of things already included in the project, ALSO happens to match what the project opponents complained about, i.e., the project opponents either didn't understand the full proposal/plans or were deeply dishonest and cynical.
  11. Read the FEIS and the ROD. But also carefully read the MOU. TXDOT's "commitments" are very general and, as mentioned above, often use the same language they used in the FEIS and ROD.
  12. From the ROD. I suggest you read the FEIS and the ROD. It's interesting how much of the MOU language is taken directly from the FEIS and ROD. "NHHIP Mitigation for Housing and Community Impacts TxDOT will offer direct financial assistance to affordable housing providers to support specific affordable housing initiatives. The eligible initiatives include construction of affordable single-family or multi-family housing, and support of programs that provide assistance and outreach related to affordable housing. This affordable housing mitigation commitment is budgeted for $27 million and will be coordinated with local partners to administer these funds effectively. Assistance will be directed towards those neighborhoods most impacted by the NHHIP. It is important to note that this $27 million affordable housing commitment is separate and apart from, and is above and beyond the funding for the acquisition, relocation and enhanced relocation services for the directly impacted residential properties. Additionally, displaced residents will be offered enhanced relocation assistance in the form of individual advisory services for the purpose of locating a suitable replacement property. These services will be provided by qualified personnel employed by, or contracted with, TxDOT. In providing these services, TxDOT will consider language needs, mobility restrictions and other special provisions that might be needed to communicate these services to displaced residents. These services are intended to guide the affected residents through the process and facilitate the transition into their new residence." Interesting that you view flood mitigation and "connecting neighborhoods" as a given. The MOU treats them exactly the same way it treats the other topics, i.e., as if they are happening because of the MOU with the City, not as a given. a few more tidbits from the ROD: "In negotiations, HHA requested that TxDOT take an additional four buildings (28 units) for the purpose of creating more green space at the apartment complex." Improve greenspace along Little White Oak Bayou with connecting trails to Woodland Park and Moody Park Provide an opening at Little White Oak Bayou under I-45 north of Quitman Street for a trail to connect Woodland Park and Moody Park. Visual and aesthetic impacts Where practicable, include landscape plantings and revegetation per TxDOT's Green Ribbon Landscape Improvement Program Coordinate with local groups and agencies to accommodate enhancements to standard landscaping and recreational use of open space in and around storm water detention areas, where feasible. Wet bottom detention basins will be considered if a partner entity agrees to maintain them. Provide miscellaneous aesthetic improvements along Heights Bike Trail between Taylor Street and Main Street In the final design phase, TxDOT will consider the City of Houston’s request that TxDOT adopt, design, and build new highway components with a neutral theme so that highway elements visually recede and green landscaped components become more prominent, to the extent practicable.
  13. Because everything TXDOT "agreed to do" were things they had already included in their plans. Including replacement of public housing (and then some), flood mitigation, connecting neighborhoods, green space and enhanced public transit. It's all in the FEIS and ROD. This was kabuki theater at its finest...
  14. Not sure that's even the case. There is VERY little, if anything, in the MOU that was not already planned and set out in the FEIS and ROD. They could have accomplished more for the "displaced" residents and others they are purporting to protect if they had refrained from wasting the money and time invested in this silly PR exercise and had instead used the time and resources to honestly attempt to accomplish something.
  15. Yup. Years of delay, and greatly increased costs. Houston/Harris County leadership has failed us again.s We need better.
  16. and (FWIW): ". . . But with blessing of local, state and federal elected officials, it is likely TxDOT and the FHWA could come to a separate agreement and work could proceed, people involved in the deal said."
  17. Yes, the Mayor said there is a separate MOU with the county and the two have to be viewed together. County is set to vote Thursday. Sadly, this is turning out just as I predicted when the County threw their wrench into the process almost 2 years ago. They've come to an agreement by which TxDOT agrees to do a list of things they had already committed to do. The only thing I got wrong in my prediction is that Sheila Jackson Lee was not at the press conference (but her name was mentioned). I'll bet someone got an earful for this being scheduled without her presence.
  18. You have provided no evidence that we need another large stadium/concert venue. What is the basis for this claim? (Other than your default stance that whatever Houston has or does is not adequate; one wonders why you would return to a city you so clearly despise.)
  19. Plus Minute Maid, as previously mentioned. How many 15,000 + venues do you imagine we "need"?
  20. FWIW, in most areas of the city, riding bikes on sidewalks is not illegal.
  21. The first 20 [electric] buses, to be manufactured at the Nova Bus factory in Plattsburgh, New York, are expected to be on local roads sometime in in late 2022 or early 2023. They’ll run on the 402 Bellaire Express (Quickline) and 28 OST-Wayside routes.
  22. .. Never Mind. I have not seen any timelines for light rail extensions.
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