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Everything posted by Houston19514

  1. I'm not an expert on Gehry, but doesn't it seem like every building he's designed (at least since Bilbao) looks an awful lot like Bilbao? Maybe it's the clients' fault, but it sure makes it appear that Gehry does NOT have another masterpiece in him, at least not one that is ground-breaking and would catch the world's attention. Hiring Gehry would almost be playing it safe. I'd rather they do a good international competition and come up with the "next Frank Gehry," with an exciting, iconic design, not just another rendition of Bilbao. In any event, it sure is an exciting time in the Museum District and I too hope the MFAH is a little more adventurous this time around.
  2. I'm not sure I'd call a "no-reserve" auction a successful conversion. It seems like there must be more to this story. Why are units being auctioned, especially with no reserve? Sounds like someone is desperate.
  3. ^ One can never predict of course, but Neiman's has looked at relocating to MCM several times in the past and has always decided to stay put. In fact, one time there was even a relocation announced, that was to happen in conjunction with the massive refurbishment of MCM. But something happened to change Neiman's mind.
  4. LOL L&T is owned by the same company that owns Foley's (May Co.) and they are actually trying to be more upscale. Your comment is an indication of how much of a struggle they are having and why they are pulling out of Houston and a number of other markets. They are not going completely out of business, just leaving a bunch of markets, including all of Texas. May Co. has been stumbling around in the dark for a number of years in my opinion. One minute they remodel the Galleria store and the next minute they build a new prototype L&T store at Memorial City Mall, going for their new slightly upper-scale market, the next minute they decide to pull out of Texas altogether. Speaking of L&T. Has anyone heard any rumors of what might replace them at either the Galleria or Memorial City?
  5. My dear, as was quite clear in my earlier posts, it's not MY definition I'm asking people to follow. There's no request for "the world according to Houston19514." Just something like "the world according to Webster." I'm all for hearing other peoples' ideas... when you get one, be sure to let us know. Let's share ideas, indeed. But if we are to share ideas, we have to start by sharing a language.
  6. Now I'M confused too ;-) The quoted post was not directed at you, Gary. I don't think anyone has suggested you misunderstood the question or were getting off-track...
  7. If by "us people," you are referring to yourself, then, frankly, no. When you choose to make a post relevant to the discussion of "what makes a city cosmopolitan," that in some way relates to the actual meaning of the word "cosmopolitan," then you'll be "worthy of this thread" (Your words, not mine)
  8. Will you people PLEASE read the definition of the word "cosmopolitan"? If each person on the board goes on posting using their own personal (and, I might add, incorrect) defintion, we'll have a proverbial tower of babel, and a huge waste of time.
  9. All of those things can be, and often (I would suggest usually) are, done either without or separate and apart from zoning regulations. As I mentioned in an earlier post, Houston in fact has land-use regulations (eg., building setback, parking requirements, outdoor dining regulations etc etc) and signage regulations. (For one little example, I believe the Memorial Hermann Medical Plaza had to get a waiver of the building setback requirements in order to be allowed to build up to the sidewalk. This strikes me as a wrong-headed requirement in a dense urban zone such as the TMC; nevertheless the city does have such requirements)
  10. EXACTLY! Zoning laws do not include building codes. Houston has building codes and also has signage ordinances. (Unfortunately, it would have been nice if it had had sign ordinances earlier and I wouldn't mind seeing the on-premises sign ordinances beefed up a bit; nevertheless it does have such ordinances) Zoning laws also do not include parking requirements or building setback requirements, both of which Houston already has. Zoning laws also don't generally include density requirements or restrictions, something which Houston also already has, at least in some areas. (denser residential development is allowed inside the loop than outside)
  11. Well, somebody said "Oh, and for the feeders - I agree, we don't need them. But the sad truth is that they're already here. It all comes back to that nasty little six letter word: "zoning"." I don't know how one can read that and not come to the conclusion that the author was suggesting the two were related.
  12. so, you would prefer those areas on the feeders be zoned... residential perhaps?
  13. It constantly amazes me how many things get blamed on the lack of zoning. Feeder roads and zoning are two totally different and unrelated matters. You can have feeder roads in cities with zoning. You can have unzoned cities without feeder roads. Likewise, the matter of billboards has nothing whatever to do with zoning. Zoning has nothing to do with whether American Airlines Arena or Toyota Center is "better" (which is a purely subjective matter of opinion. Because of its location alone (being that it is actually in downtown), I prefer Toyota Center. Neither exterior is particularly exciting to me, but I also prefer the Toyota Center exterior. I have not been inside either one. Zoning has nothing to do with whether the Hobby Center or the Meyerson Center is "better". Again, a pretty subjective matter of opinion. And since they actually serve rather different purposes, it's somewhat hard to compare them.
  14. It would be quite difficult for a developer to tear down a condominium building. I'm not saying it cannot or will not happen. But for a developer to do so, he would have to go in and buy each and every individual condominium unit in the complex, reaching separate purchase agreements with each owner. Does anyone know of any condominums anywhere that have ever been torn down and replaced bya new development?
  15. Do you have a source for the statement that the Hardy is still subsidized by the Sam Houston? I've seen allegations on this board several times to the effect that the Hardy Toll Road is underutilized/a miserable failure/should never have been built, but of course, nobody has ever bothered to back up such statements with a source.
  16. What does that have to do with Rod Paige?
  17. ^ Yeah, and Im not sure which of those is the worst.
  18. As stated in the second sentence of the posted article, The 55th annual All-Star Game will be played at the Toyota Center, home of the Houston Rockets on Feb. 19, 2006.
  19. ROFLMAO You kinda stepped on your point there... You are "proving" Dallas has money and refinement vs. Houston's money and brashness, by pointing out that Dallas has a National HOCKEY League team???? That's too rich for words. These discussions would be helped immeasurably if everyone could use a dictionary to look up words before they start bloviating, or, in this case, just read the dictionary definition helpfully posted by kzseatlle. We are all entitled to our own opinions, but we are NOT entitled to our own definitions.
  20. Thanks, man! If and when I manage to move back to Houston, you can bring my 12-pack over for a house-warming.
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