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Everything posted by Houston19514

  1. To amplify mattyt's point, per the Census Bureau, the Houston metro area has added an average of 147,229.7 new residents NET every year from 2000 to 2020. Yes, that's almost 3 Million more people. We took Houston 2000 and added the entire 2020 Austin metro area population, plus an additional 1/2 million people. IN 20 YEARS.
  2. From the document linked above: "The master plan proposed an improved trail network that addresses serious safety and maintenance issues in the existing trail system. The plan proposes several solutions. First, an extensive multi-use trail system connects to major roads and surrounding neighborhoods outside the park as well as to all major use areas of the park. "The plan also separates the many trail users on the site into different areas of the park connected by this multi-use trail network. The Seymour Lieberman trail is expanded to 3 miles. A cycle loop is added in the northwest portion of the park to accommodate cyclists who currently use the picnic loop. A quarter mile timing track is introduced next to the existing trails center. The current system of natural surface mountain biking trails are improved and expanded, while pedestrian trails are provided in the more sensitive areas in the Old Archery Range, the Houston Arboretum and Nature Center, and proximate to the bayou on the south side of the park and in Hogg Bird Sanctuary."
  3. See page 5 of the Record of Decision" "The Selected Alternative provides a structural “cap” over the proposed depressed lanes of I‐45 and US 59/I‐69 from approximately Commerce Street to Lamar Street. There would also be a structural cap over the depressed lanes of US 59/I‐69 between approximately Main Street and Fannin Street, and in the area of the Caroline Street/Wheeler Street intersection. Future use of the structural cap areas for another purpose would require additional development and funding by entities other than TxDOT."
  4. In a city of 7 1/4 million people... seems like there might be 30 who could be interested in a small apartment without a parking spot...
  5. Or we could require they include detention, which we do in Houston and Harris County. Is detention required in Fort Bend County? It depends on the location of your site. If your site is located within a Municipal Utility District or in a Levee Improvement District chances are you will not need to detain the developed flows from the site. Usually those types of Districts have already accounted for full development flows based on the Land Plan authored by the Developer. Otherwise, detention will be required in accordance with the Fort Bend County Drainage Criteria Manual. Montgomery County was a leader in upgrading regulations on development, becoming one of the first communities in Texas to adopt the new Atlas 14 standards. Commissioners voted in October 2018 to implement the new standards, which went into effect Jan. 1, 2019, and were amended in the Montgomery County Drainage Criteria Manual. This is for drainage criteria analysis and design of detention ponds, taking into account the new 100-year flood event rainfall rate of 16 inches per 24-hour period vs. the old rate of 12 inches per 24-hour period. Waller County: Individual developers must provide infrastructure required to meet Waller County’s stated objective of zero net increase in runoff rates and no negative impacts. Practically, this will mean that developers will provide adequate on-site detention volume to off-set increased runoff rates and must provide compensating storage volume for all fill placed in the 1% annual chance (100-year) and 0.2% annual chance (500-year) floodplain. Austin County also appears to require detention.
  6. The second pic shows the first and second floors of the building that houses SheSpace and the first and second floors of the building at the southern end of Home Depot; it is not showing an additional 2 buildings.
  7. I think the Project Brays has already proven itself to be quite successful.
  8. That was really interesting. Thanks for posting it, BeerNut!
  9. I think you pegged it entirely with your first sentence. This is entirely conceptual. I wouldn't interpret it to mean anything at all with regard to plans for the Pierce Elevated.
  10. I'm familiar with Houston's parking requirements. With respect, one only needs to look at some of the parking garages built downtown in recent years to see that removing parking requirements will not solve the problem of ugly parking garages being built. There are NO parking requirements in downtown Houston and yet... More to the point, with regard to this particular development . . . the developer is advertising this project as having 5.61 parking spaces per thousand square feet. That is far above what the city requires for office space, even medical clinic space. That rather strongly suggests that this parking is market-driven, not regulation-driven, and removing parking requirements would have zero effect. I favor the city's continuing to consider and expand market-based parking zones, but it is foolhardy to think that eliminating parking requirements will ipso facto mean we see no more buildings such as this proposed or built. (And FWIW, Houston's parking requirements are not on the extreme end of the scale, especially when compared to similar cities).
  11. This brings to mind the Stanley Marcus quote: "in Dallas you can sell the sizzle, but in Houston you have to show them the steak"
  12. Since everyone there got that idea, did anyone there ask any questions about the sound they are concerned will be projecting from the kiosks? Seems like an opportune moment to address those concerns. Or, did anyone send a follow-up question to the IKC SmartCity rep (who gave out her direct email address) asking to address this very worrying question? It turns out getting an answer to this concern was extraordinarily easy. I emailed the company late last night and they already responded this morning. "The only speaker on the kiosk is for the Emergency Call Button, which is only activated when pressed and allows for two-way communication between the user and the local police. Otherwise, the kiosks do not emit any noise."
  13. Very interesting. Brass Jar Productions is a New York production company that produces standing productions in New York and Chicago of "Drunk Shakespeare" and other shows. Are they expanding to Houston?
  14. I don't think changing parking regulations will solve this. We need design standards for parking garages, STAT.
  15. I don't think the kiosks will even have speakers. In any event, I see no reason they wouldn't be subject to the city's noise ordinance.
  16. https://www.hcfcd.org/Activity/Active-Projects/Brays-Bayou/C-11-Project-Brays/Project-Brays-Construction-Updates
  17. Just listened to a presentation given by Kirby Liu earlier last year. The concept of connecting to Amtrak is on their radar. It sounds like, at least so far, they haven't been able to get Amtrak interested... But are hopeful once they (Post) demonstrate some success...
  18. I took that to be a reference to the surrounding properties, not to the building's physical exterior.
  19. In the warehouse district master planning, there is a concept of encouraging Metro to relocate the bus facilities to the north on part of the land that is currently occupied by I-10, but will be abandoned by TXDoT when the freeway is relocated as part of NHHIP. This would free up the Metro land for private development along the north canal.
  20. Where have you looked? ;-) Watch Downtown TIRZ board meetings, Houston First Corp board meetings, I think even Midtown TIRZ.
  21. That's pretty cool. A small theater would be a great addition to the area.
  22. TXDoT is building the deck/cover upon which others (Houston First Corp, Downtown TIRZ, City of Houston, probably EADO TIRZ, possibly private developers) will build the park and other items. The East side cap park/development is going to happen.
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