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Everything posted by Houston19514

  1. That's the name of the company. Their (Highstreet's) website has this listed as "Block 98". Not sure if that will be it's permanent name, but it seems likely. I like it.
  2. It's almost like some posters are cutting and pasting comments from the early Discovery Green thread. šŸ¤£
  3. Is this the one you said was leaking water out the side? If so, thatā€™s the design of the fountain. Always had that ā€œweeping wallā€ feature. FWIW, most of the pylons were never fountains. The one with the baseball crashing through the sidewalk also works, so we are up to at least three that are still working fine. Sadly I believe it is true that some are turned off because they became baths/urinals for the homeless. That points to a failure to address the homeless issue (an issue that is not unique to Houston, by any means).
  4. Iā€™m sorry to hear you donā€™t plan to live until 2023. šŸ˜’ i walked to and from Post yesterday and was surprised to find that it is much easier to walk to than has been suggested on this forum. Sidewalks Congress St bridge are already pretty decent, with improvements coming.
  5. From Downtown Management District: Congress Street Bridge Improvements: Based on the re-positioning of the new Post Houston with a grand opening on November 13th, the District has been approached by Lovett Commercial and the City to consider a shared funding improvement of the Congress Street Bridge from Smith to Franklin. The primary purpose and benefit is improved pedestrian sidewalks and safe intersection crossings between Post Houston and the Theater + Historic Districts. The design proposal is roadway narrowing on the bridge with attendant widening of the sidewalks, new streetlights, new traffic signals at Congress/ Smith, Congress/ Franklin, and Franklin/ Bagby, with no modifications to the historic bridge railings. Project engineering is scheduled for 2022 with construction improvements extending into 2023.
  6. Another interesting piece of information from that permit that seems to double-triple confirm that this is indeed a new RH gallery/restaurant: The "Tenant Name" given is Michael Avellone. Who is Michael Avellone, you ask? Director, Architecture and Design Galleries at RH.
  7. FWIW, Target dropped the CityTarget branding several years ago (August 2015 to be precise). They are all Target.
  8. Or . . . becoming an RH Modern (since the very reliable CREGuy has told us he thinks RH is not leaving Highland Village, it seems conversion to another of RH's concepts might be the most likely scenario.) FWIW, we had either the first or second of the large gallery stores they have later built in many locations, so it seems reasonable to think we might get one of the earliest locations of the RH Modern stores.
  9. Are you sure you were in St Louis? šŸ˜‰ Busch Stadium is NOT on the other side of a freeway from downtown St Louis...
  10. Not sure what you mean... How is it completely different than [their] typical store? The description, including the size, in that permit sounds exactly ike an RH..., especially with the name "RH" šŸ˜‰ This being a second location is very unlikely. Way too close to Highland Village. (If they ever do a second location in the Houston metro, it would probably be in The Woodlands). Maybe they'll convert the current location to an RH Modern
  11. Last week In the conversation with the media that is the topic of this conversation (sadly and not surprisingly the Chron did not include that part in their story, but it's in video posted in Nate's post above).
  12. I wouldn't put that much weight on that choice of words, especially if it was the Chron's choice of words. šŸ˜‰ Consider that the same article tells us that TxDoT plans to reroute US 59 and I45 underground "on the stadium's southwest side". SMH
  13. HCAD still says that property is owned by the Permanent School Fund and FWIW, the rest of that block is owned by a variety of parties, none of which appear to be Crane or the Astros.
  14. Am I understanding you correctly? Crane's comparison to the STL Ballpark Village and the Battery in ATL causes you to assume he doesn't plan a highrise? Ballpark Village in St Louis includes a 29-story apartment building... The Battery includes a 16-story Omni Hotel... Crane specifically mentioned planing apartments, hotel, or both.
  15. 1701 Prairie appears to be in the middle of the ballpark. Not sure what land you are saying the Astros own in the area west of the ballpark.
  16. The Who concert was in Riverfront Coliseum, not Riverfront Stadium. Riverfront Coliseum is still standing. Riverfront Stadium was not demolished until 2002.
  17. Interestingly, that Neiman Marcus building was very recently put up for sale (it's not now, and I don't think has ever been, owned by Neiman Marcus; they just have a lease). The Olympia Centre model is one which could be done with the Post Oak Dillards without demolishing the current building, because the Neiman Marcus building is not really in the base of the tower; it's more like a separate building adjoining the base of the tower.
  18. Oh yes. Thank you. Sad that the transportation writers for the local paper don't have a clue. But hardly surprising when that same writer also thinks there are "southbound" drivers on the South Loop. ("Southbound drivers wanting to exit at Fannin Street"). Sheesh. At least get someone who can differentiate South from West.
  19. Just curious... are there updated schematics?
  20. Not sure there's really any reason to think that. Is there damage on that trailer? (If it took out a branch that size, there would be.) Here's the street view of the tree from January 2020. The branch doesn't look low enough to be taken out by a semi trailer.
  21. Per the above graphic, it looks like it is 14' wide for most of that segment (and Google maps measurements confirm this). Too narrow for 2-way traffic. But that begs the question of why we have a 14' wide street . . . How was that allowed to happen? I suppose it's a relic of the way things were done in Houston for many years.
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