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Everything posted by Houston19514

  1. Yeah, only 25 years ago, those same pictures would have had 2-3 times as much parking lot/vacant land.
  2. I have no idea. It's a major international gateway. Some walking is involved. As it gets bigger, more walking might have to be involved. The good news is, there will be domestic arrival baggage belts in the new central processor, so there will be significantly less walking for a large number of arriving United domestic passengers. (Domestic E arriving passengers will no longer all have to walk to Terminal C to get their bags.)
  3. Of course there will be a connection to the underground pedestrian tunnel and subway (and the current subway's replacement). It's already there, right underneath the eastern edge of what will be the new central processor/ticket hall/arrivals hall. So passengers will 4 options. Change levels (oh, the horror) and go to the subway. Not change levels and take one of the wide cross-walks across the arrivals lanes. Go up one level and take one of the wide crosswalks across the departure lanes. Go up two levels and take the covered pedestrian bridge. And, actually, for the elderly and/or disabled passengers, there's another option: Make use of the available passenger assistance transportation. This is all pretty similar to most major airports (and better than many... at DFW, for example, if you parked at a different terminal, you have to climb on a bus outside, even in August (no smart Cartes allowed). Bottom line as to the topic of the discussion: Once the ITRP project is complete, international arriving passengers will indeed have direct access (without having to get on the Subway or a bus) to the parking garage, taxis, Uber/Lyft, and private vehicles right there at Terminal D/E. So the inconvenience of having to take the Subway or underground pedestrian walkway to access the parking garage/taxis/uber/Lyft/private vehicles imposed on them by the current closure of the Terminal E arrivals area is in fact temporary. * All of the information I'm sharing here can be found in the documents and videos linked in my earlier post.
  4. I don't know of any new entrances to be added to the C garage, but there is an entrance on the east end of the Terminal C Central Processor (between the original C garage and the C East garage, such that the average passenger won't have to go all the way to the west end.) I believe this entrance is currently unavailable because of the work being done on the roadways, but I'm certain it will be back when the work is done. (yes, another temporary inconvenience.)
  5. No, just as there has never been at Terminal E Yes. the international arrivals lobby will be bumped out to be under the new ticketing hall. It's all there in the plans (whether you call them construction plans or layout plans). And I did not say that the additional walking distance would be a 10th of a mile from what it was when the E garage was in place. I said the walk from the new arrivals lobby to the C East garage will be 1/10th mile or less.
  6. Another cool picture, but again, almost certainly not from the 1930s.
  7. The Crawford to Mt. Vernon project appears to start at Hamilton and Tuam, about a mile away from the subject Hamilton and Clay intersection. Is there reason to think they are connected?
  8. Cool. Thanks. Fun pictures, but not a very reliable source. The Municipal Airport picture is clearly not from the 1930s. The "New rebuilt Harris County Courthouse" is also clearly not from the 1930s. . .
  9. Curious as to the source of these pictures you are posting, Hindesky... And why does this one say "1930s"?
  10. It for sure includes ADA compliance improvements
  11. Compilation of links to videos and documents regarding ITRP to make it convenient for anyone interested in learning about the plans for the international terminals at Bush Intercontinental. https://www.houstonchronicle.com/business/article/IAH-to-break-ground-on-expanded-international-14542242.php https://video.search.yahoo.com/yhs/search;_ylt=AwrVq7H1vrldK2wAPE0PxQt.;_ylu=X3oDMTByNWU4cGh1BGNvbG8DZ3ExBHBvcwMxBHZ0aWQDBHNlYwNzYw--?p=iah+breaks+ground+international+expansion&fr=yhs-Lkry-SF01&hspart=Lkry&hsimp=yhs-SF01#id=1&vid=cb50ea26636cc7dec2a4dfac27d78bf2&action=view http://www.houstontx.gov/council/committees/econdev/20200617/ITRP.pdf https://player.vimeo.com/video/511205954?app_id=122963 https://www.houstontx.gov/council/committees/econdev/20210322/ITRP-Update.pdf https://www.houstontx.gov/council/committees/econdev/20210915/iah-itrp.pdf https://houstontx.swagit.com/play/09162021-772 https://vimeo.com/452854585 https://houstonairport-fis.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/05/HoustonAirport-FIS-Pre-Bid-Presentation_4-19-21-FIC-Main-FINAL.pdf
  12. Yes, without a doubt international travel can involve some significant walking and occasional minor inconveniences, like having to change levels or walk in non-climate-controlled areas to get back to your parked car. Of course, nobody ever suggested otherwise. But, in fact, and as I stated to begin with, the current inconvenience of not being able to take luggage carts all the way back to the attached parking garage is indeed temporary and will no longer be the case when the ITRP project is completed.
  13. I wrote several posts ago that upon completion the walk from the international arrivals lobby to the parking garage will be less than 1/10th mile. I wrote in my immediately preceding post that parking will be available just across the drop-off/collection lanes, via elevated walkways if one prefers. Beyond that, you posted links in this very thread showing the plans in detail. I presumed you had some familiarity with the information you had posted, especially after we had the discussion in which I clarified for you that there is an elevated covered walkway going directly from the parking garage (currently known as C East) to the D/E central processor. The cover page of the linked document (which link you provided earlier in this thread) shows just how close the parking will be to the new D/E central processor. https://www.houstontx.gov/council/committees/econdev/20210915/iah-itrp.pdf
  14. I guess the way to resolve the problem is for you to familiarize yourself with the construction plans. It is simply a fact that when it is done, there will be access to parking from the International Arrivals area at an equivalent, relatively short, distance from what was available before (and that also means parking will be closer for non-United international departing passengers than was available before this started). That also applies to meeters/greeters... parking will be available just across the drop-off/collection lanes, via elevated covered walkway if one prefers.
  15. United Airlines Early Baggage Building construction.
  16. I don't doubt that the vast majority of passengers using them are VFR passengers arriving... That tells us nothing about how many are being used... But whatever the number is, it's nothing but a temporary inconvenience for some arriving passengers. (And other than complain about it, what would you propose be done?) And now you're also complaining about them clogging the elevators too? You are sounding as if you want to completely ban the luggage carts... Not really sure what point you are trying to make...
  17. Especially when the very premise is a complete falsehood. Rice's project is causing exactly zero displacement.
  18. Hmmmm... I routinely take two suitcases on trips and haven't used an airport luggage cart in more than 10 years (and I've never carried a suitcase on my back.)
  19. How about gliding them on their built-in wheels? Usage of airport luggage carts plummeted 10 years ago (and has no doubt dropped even further since then), because practically all suitcases now have their own wheels. Yes, the D/E Garage is gone forever, but there will be a direct connection to what is now known as the C Garage (The new Central Processor facility will be where the D/E Garage currently stands, so the current C garage will be adjacent; less than 1/10th mile from the arrivals lobby.) Plus, when the project is done, passengers arriving at D and E will be able to get ground transportation directly from the D/E Central Processor. And who knows, maybe the new subway will accommodate those antique airport luggage carts...😉
  20. Some times long-term gain requires a little short-term pain... (And in this case it is truly a little short-term pain... again, in 2021, who is still using airport luggage carts?)
  21. I wasn't questioning that part. I think you had suggested the train was not operating between Terminal C and D/E. The train is operating. IIRC, luggage carts have never been allowed on the subway trains. But in 2021, who is still using luggage carts? ;-)
  22. I don't think this is true. Pretty sure the subway train is still operating between Terminal C and Terminals D/E.
  23. A couple things wrong with that rumor: (1) TXDoT’s plans were well known before Central Houston Auto bought this property. (2) the effect of TXDoT’s plans on this property is probably positive, not negative.
  24. I've been looking, but haven't run across any... But here's a picture I took of the New Terminal D West Pier construction site.
  25. There was talk at one time of some office space. Seems like too small of a site to be parking.
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