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Everything posted by Houston19514

  1. More to the point, the HGAC vote was presented not as evidence of public opinion, but as evidence that the purpose of the NHHIP is to make it easier for people in Galveston to get to Conroe. Of course the HGAC vote provides even less evidence of that premise than it does of public opinion on the project.
  2. Well, I presume 609 would be included the pacarlson's count of 64 existing buildings taller than 400'. 609 is an existing building (not currently under construction)).
  3. Yeah, I know that. But the post to which I responded was counting up the total of all buildings (not just residential) over 400'
  4. Of course it's not true. Not even close. That's the thing about this "debate" both here and more broadly. The opponents (including the county's lawsuit and including the self-proclaimed urban experts like Jeff Speck) routinely rely on misstatements, exaggerations, misunderstandings, and flat out lies.
  5. But, with your plan those intersections will still be there, unimproved. By all accounts, even if the traffic is (temporarily) reduced by re-routing some of it on 610, in short order traffic will increase to where it is today (either by "induced demand" or continued growth of the area economy/population).
  6. This is just one of the reasons I don't take the county's lawsuit very seriously. They repeat the silly lie that the Katy freeway expansion accomplished nothing.
  7. Not disingenuous at all. The 610 route covers 14+ miles. You're not looking at the route very carefully if you really believe it would affect fewer homes (not to mention businesses) than the 6 mile route.
  8. Quite right. And it clearly would NOT solve the problems with the current highways in Segment 3. Even if we were to re-route the through-traffic on 610 (and even assuming that makes a significant impact), I-45 through downtown needs work.
  9. Of course. Developers tell the story they can tell. As you suggested, "sales" don't tell us much more because we don't know how real they are . . . All promotional statements (which is the same as saying all statements) made by all real estate developers should be taken with a grain of salt.
  10. I don't see it as misleading at all. And while not as meaningful as "sales", I don't think it's fair to say it's meaningless. It's an indication of traffic and interest.
  11. Spend 5 minutes with Google maps and you'll see that widening the East and North Loops plus I-45 north of the North Loop would easily impact as many households as, and probably quite a few more than, the current plan.
  12. Gasoline taxes (both state and federal) ARE on a per gallon basis, not percentage of sale.
  13. I think the library is the top 2 floors. Restaurant/retail space on the first floor. https://8e87c62f-5dfb-40b9-a567-3b15184f7b32.filesusr.com/ugd/8bb064_942fedd587d24cf6b5713e385ad1bd87.pdf
  14. Again, there has never been a vote by any body or group to demo the Astrodome. Has. Not. Happened.
  15. True, but we very much seem to be suffering more from it than any country I can think of Compare the costs to build a mile of subway in this country with the cost anywhere else.
  16. FWIW, without a link to see the "world population stats" you are quoting, they are almost certainly based on a projection of (now outdated) census estimates. According to the US Census, July 1 estimated population of San Francisco was 866,606.
  17. FWIW, nobody, least of all the City, has ever voted to demo the Astrodome.
  18. Just to fill in a bit of context... Dallas didn't exactly build "a light rail" that goes from Dallas to Denton. To get from Dallas to Denton, one actually has to take DART light rail to the end of its line and then switch to the Denton County Transit commuter rail. Minimum trip time from St Paul station downtown Dallas to Denton: 1 hour 32 minutes. That's from the time the train leaves St Paul station to arrival at Denton. This is for a trip similar in length to the drive from Hobby to Galveston. FWIW, pre-COVID, the entire Denton County A-Train line, 21 miles long with 6 stations, service every 30 minutes all day (roughly 32 trains per day in each direction) was carrying less than 1500 people per day.
  19. San Francisco grew by 61,000 in the past decade but lost 12,000 from July 1 2019- July 1, 2020.
  20. The former Exxon garage is owned by Shorenstein.
  21. Brockman Hall for Opera page on the theater planner's (Fisher Dachs Associates) website Brockman Hall's page on the engineers' (Collaborative Engineering Group) Brockman Hall's page on the acoustical engineer's (Threshold Acoustics)website
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