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Everything posted by Houston19514

  1. Except that's not all I'm saying. I'm disagreeing with the premise. I don't thinks look rough or hopeless for Midtown. The cancellation of a proposed development (especially a development like Laneways) is of course disappointing, but as I mentioned above, that happens all the time, in all markets. It doesn't mean the end of Midtown. Given the huge amount of development in Midtown in recent years, it might just be time for the market to catch it's breath, so to speak.
  2. Sure, that would be significant, but so is the context. Pandemic and all... Not to mention the fact that proposed projects "fail" all the time, all over town, even in Dallas. Remind me.. what is the second of the two largest private developments that were brewing?
  3. Yes, but it's still a LOT of money. I believe Metro was collecting around $75 Million per year in passenger fares prior to the pandemic.
  4. Yeah, I'm a little perplexed about the basis of this whole conversation. Two high-rises were just completed in Midtown, restaurants, bars and other businesses have been popping up like crazy over the past few years. Why all this talk about slow/no development?
  5. No. 7. Page 2 (Easily found by searching for the word "desperately"): 7. By filing this lawsuit, Harris County does not seek to cancel or unduly delay the NHHIP because the County readily recognizes that the existing I-45 desperately needs improving. But the NHHIP must be undertaken in accordance with applicable law, including NEPA, § 4(f) and the APA. The thing is, TxDOT has always acknowledged that the plan is not final final and is subject to further reivision as they work through the process, especially with regard to Segments 1 and 2. As I said when this lawsuit was filed and letter sent from FHWA, look for a press conference (attended by Sheila Jackson Lee, of course), announcing TXDoT's agreement to do things that would have been done regardless and things that would have been agreed to in regular course. Local and federal politicians "win". The only losers are taxpayers because a whole bunch of money will have been wasted to achieve nothing and time will have been wasted on accomplishing, in the county's own words, "desperately needed improvements." I'm not necessarily a huge Sylvester Turner fan, but I much prefer has approach to this matter.
  6. For starters, even the county’s lawsuit acknowledges that the existing I-45 desperately needs improvement and makes very little complaints about Segment 3; the bulk of their issues are with Segments 1 and 2
  7. Golconda Ventures. Long-term owner of a bunch of blocks in the southeast part of downtown Houston and they have historically had no interest in selling or developing.
  8. With regard to the Clayton Homes site, the county's objections to the NHHIP plan are almost 100% with regard to Segments 1 and 2. Segment 3 (the downtown part of NHHIP) is likely to be built as planned. In any event, there it's unlikely there are any clawback provisions. TxDOT would just have surplus property it could sell.
  9. What a bunch of nonsense. Dallas's cancellation of the ill-conceived Trinity tollway has nothing whatsoever to do with TxDOT's plans for the I45 reno. The Trinity Tollway was not a TxDOT project. (They have plenty of their own work going on in Dallas, including the rebuilding and expansion of I-35 all the way through town.)
  10. I think I read that the budget office would be moving in to this building.
  11. It was less ambiguous than the previous letter; I'll give you that much.
  12. Ooohhhh, the FHWA "requests that the pause apply to right-of-way acquisition..." That is some STRONG language. 🥱
  13. Not really a "plan". It was little more than an idea that was floated and pretty quickly dropped for cost and other reasons. It seems the Municipal Courts/police project got put on a very back burner after the City got hit by Harvey and then COVID.
  14. Construction of new Terminal D West Pier proceeding.
  15. The successful rehabs of the old Conrad Hilton and First National Bank Towers in downtown Dallas suggest otherwise.
  16. According to Emporis, Brava will be 51 feet taller than Market Square Tower
  17. Wow. Love that map. I never would have guessed that Montrose didn't go north of Westheimer (and that section of what is now Westheimer was "Hathaway", with Westheimer ending between Mt Vernon and Yoakum).
  18. Perhaps what you are meaning to say is that you wish the law considered all eminent domain by all private companies to be theft. But that is not the law. The law clearly allows for eminent domain by certain private companies in certain situations; ergo, in those situations, it is, by definition, not theft. This is simply not a matter of opinion.
  19. Sorry, no. It's either stealing or it's not. In this case, no one is stealing anything and there is zero indication of such.
  20. Correction. It's the Travis (not Main), Leeland, Milam, Pease block. Just to refresh everyone's memory, Chevron bought this block in 2013.
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