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Everything posted by Houston19514

  1. Not particularly a fan of overhead wires either, but let's keep some context. 1) Most of those poles were there before this development started. 2) This is along what is effectively nothing more than a service alley. I can't think of a better place to have utility infrastructure 3) It's pretty clear this development itself will have underground electrical service. To the extent this development has added poles it appears to be for the purpose of bringing in underground service. 4) Plenty of other "first world" cities have overhead electrical wires to a similar extent as Houston. We are not unique in that respect.
  2. The limestone rock is too impervious to handle rain and paving it will resolve that issue?
  3. The address in the topic title is incorrect. This property is 119 East 20th St, not West. FWIW, according to their website, they are already operational, not "coming soon".
  4. I'm not detecting a gap in the waterfront trails in that rendering. Of course, one should not take the writings of a Houston journalist too seriously. Apparently the Houston stylebook requires something negative to be included in a story, even if it's made up. After taking a look at the East Sector master plan, yes, there is a gap of about 7/10ths of one mile on one side of the bayou. There are bridges planned on both ends of that gap, plus bike lanes on nearby streets to get around the industrial property that requires the gap. Where did the Houstonia writer get the idea that "There will sadly not be one long contiguous waterfront trail à la Buffalo Bayou Park".? That is plainly false. (Plus, it's significantly longer than Buffalo Bayou Park, so there will actually be a far longer contiguous waterfront trail than in Buffalo Bayou Park.)
  5. More detail: Chicago (Midway): Two flights each way Dallas (Love Field): Six flights each way Denver: Three flights each way Nashville: Three flights each way New Orleans: Four flights each way For a total of 18 flights per day (and 18 arrivals) and all 5 routes start on April 12.
  6. Waffle Bus is opening their second bricks-and-mortar location here. https://houston.eater.com/2020/12/2/21804673/the-waffle-bus-montrose-opening-west-alabama
  7. And yet another Amazon Fulfillment Center. This one in Missouri City, and 1 Million Square Feet. https://www.bizjournals.com/houston/news/2020/12/07/amazon-to-open-fulfillment-center-missouri-city.html
  8. What state agency has jurisdiction over park design/construction? And why would a porch-style swing not pass approval?
  9. This is very much intended to be a "temporary" location and situation for Southwest, pending the upcoming renewal and expansion of Terminal A. And FWIW, I'm pretty sure the first expansion will be on the southeast side of Terminal A.
  10. I just took a quick look at the flight schedules from Bush Airport for today and can confirm that United is still using their remaining gates in Terminal A.
  11. Yes, Southwest's passengers will board via stairs. United returned A3 to the airport some time ago (around a year ago,I believe). AFAIK, they still use their other gates in A. I didn't notice a start date for the lease.
  12. It appears they are not currently operating from Houston because of the pandemic, but I don't think they've pulled out permanently.
  13. Do you seriously think grass growing in the wilderness has similar requirements to the grass we grow on lawns or that they are similar in any meaningful way? https://planitwild.com/blog/2019/1/25/whats-difference-between-native-grass-and-lawn-grass-arent-they-both-grass
  14. It's not a rumor. It's a fact. City Council approved the lease agreement. And where are you seeing that will be the site of first construction? I think not.
  15. I think there are reasonable arguments to be made that artificial turf can be more environmentally friendly than live turf, depending on the installation and type of turn, of course. Live turf can require a lot of supplemental water, fertilizer, insecticide etc, not to mention the expense of weekly maintenance.
  16. They are effectively going to have three gates. Three aircraft parking/boarding positions at "Gate A3". Mostly correct, but Southwest's return to IAH was merely accelerated by COVID. It was already in their long-term plans before COVID.
  17. Very true, and the reality is that most (almost all) of the headquarters relocations to places such as North Texas that some HAIFers often envy, are also to suburban locations.
  18. I hate to be a wet blanket, and I would love nothing more than to be proven wrong, but a downtown campus is not happening. Their new headquarters is/will be in Springwoods Village.
  19. Very cool news! #109 on the Fortune 500! It's not really Compaq coming home. I think the remains of Compaq are largely housed in the company known as HP Inc., not Hewlett Packard Enterprise. Maybe HP Inc will follow (they are also recently moved to a new Houston campus).
  20. Southwest is going to operate out of Gate A3 at Bush Intercontinental. They will have 3 aircraft parking positions at the Gate.
  21. From the Joy School website: " In February 2020, we completed the schematic design process for an 11,000 square foot multipurpose building to meet our most pressing space needs and expand programming opportunities for the students. Based on years of surveys and focus groups, the most pressing needs are related to indoor eating, indoor recess and PE, large gathering space, expanded space for art, stage performances, and new space dedicated to STEAM and maker work. The new building will provide it all! It is a dream that has been a long time coming and because of that, our capital campaign has been aptly named Dream Big. The Dream Big Campaign will fund the $14 million project which includes the purchase of the Portland property as well as the construction of a new multipurpose building, an expanded playground area and additional parking. We can’t wait to share more details with you in early 2021!" Link to renderings and site plan: https://www.thejoyschool.org/support/dream-big-capital-campaign
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