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Everything posted by Houston19514

  1. I honestly doubt his passing will have any impact at all on future developments in Houston. The company and its leadership (including Mr. Hines' son) are still headquartered here and I don't think he had been actively running the company, or living here, for some time anyway.
  2. This impacts the height and size of "on-premise" signage. Along freeways in the Airport corridors, the height would be limited to 31 feet (rather than the currently-allowed 42.5 feet). The size would be limited to: 150 square feet for a single business 300 square feet for multi-tenant, 2 or 3 businesses 450 square feet for multi-tenant, 4 or more businesses, (rather than the currently-allowed, 225, 450, and 600 square feet). Major Thoroughfares in the Airport Corridors would be limited as follows: Singe Business: 14 ft high and 100 square feet (vs current 20 feet high and 150 square feet) Multi-Tenant, 2 or 3 businesses: 19 feet high and 200 square feet (vs current 26 feet high and 300 square feet) Multi-Tenant, 43 or more businesses: 24 feet high and 300 square feet (vs current 31 feet high and 450 square feet) Flags are limited to 20 feet high vs current 35 feet.
  3. Pretty sure there has never been a cap seriously proposed in this area. It appears someone may have gotten carried away with the green coloring in a couple of the Management District's Program Diagrams, but the accompanying renderings and text do not indicate any plans for a cap on the west side. That level of benefit and enhancement is reserved for the preferred east side. 😉 http://www.downtowndistrict.org/static/media/uploads/attachments/180131_nhhip_vision_&_opportunities_final_design_report_swa_72_dpi.pdf
  4. Interesting article in The Architect's Newspaper: Dazzling Glaze: Steven Holl Architects tames the harsh Houston glare with clever massing and opaque tubular glass
  5. FWIW, HCTRA's website has nothing about it being shelved. But construction of the extension toll lanes is not scheduled to start until September 2021. The other (preparatory) items on the time line seem to be going pretty much according to schedule. http://www.hardyconnector.org/
  6. Perhaps they haven't yet made all of the planned route adjustments. Is the Transit Center even completely finished?
  7. https://www.flickr.com/gp/190082073@N05/cfaJQT https://www.flickr.com/gp/190082073@N05/cy6121
  8. Apparently the Research Park is actually the UT Research Park, and includes facilities for both UTHealth (which is a DBA/name brand for the UT Health Sciences Center at Houston) and MDAnderson Cancer Center. Mods, could the title of the thread be revised to correct this naming?
  9. Even if your characterization of the ownership of the sidewalk is accurate, (a) it is nevertheless almost certainly still in the public realm by virtue of city right of way or easement and (b) even if a trespassing charge was available, if the city police won't cooperate in enforcement, it's not worth much. (FWIW, again, a trespassing charge is probably not tenable, given that it is a public sidewalk, nominal ownership notwithstanding). To add further clarity, the encroachment agreement referenced above is to allow for the encroachment into the city's right-of-way (below grade, and probably also allowing for the canopy). It would have no impact on the treatment of the surface as public domain.
  10. Not entirely certain about this, but I'm not sure it's Episcopal Health Foundation that has "allowed" the homeless encampment. My understanding is that they have tried to get the city to take action, but the city has not been cooperative.
  11. If that's the location, in order to come up with 4 acres, the site of Sideout Volleybar would have to be included too. (Unless they've acquired the row of houses along Ideal Street...)
  12. I think it is a new canal, the South Canal. This was in the original BBP master plan, I believe, but I thought the concept had been abandoned. Apparently it is back, perhaps in a slightly different mode (more as flood control, less as an amenity).
  13. I saw something recently in HGAC's transportation plans regarding Ft Bend acquiring a bunch of buses to provide transit service, IIRC, to downtown Houston.
  14. Yeah, except the Galleria Neiman's is not on the closing list and is not likely to be, unless the whole company liquidates (which is also not likely).
  15. Drove by the other night and the interior lights were on. Looking very nice! (It's almost as if the architects considered what it will look like to ground-level passersby.) 😉
  16. Great idea! </s> Almost double the length of the I-69 route to get through/around downtown and add a bunch of additional twists and turns. Wouldn't the reverse be a below-grade capped freeway, with plans by other entities to develop green space on top? In that case, one can imagine certain people complaining that the "rich" side of town gets everything while the "poor" side gets nothing.
  17. It appears to be either owned by, or under long-term lease or easement to, Centerpoint Energy, which makes sense given the large electricity transmission lines that run over the property. So, we won't be seeing any buildings on those parcels.
  18. I've been wondering the same thing. Seems like Dillards would have/should have had serious objections to being cut off from Galleria foot traffic this way.
  19. Love this line: "engineering challenges due to floodway". I'm thinking this is a parcel for which the highest and best use is to remain undeveloped.
  20. One hopes nothing will be going up here. It has long been desired to have this be open space along Buffalo Bayou.
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