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Everything posted by Houston19514

  1. If the gauge matches, they could surely get permission to run them on the main lines to get them off the island for emergency purposes. However, since the tracks are not connected at any place, they would have to transport the cars to the main lines in some way. Once they have loaded them up to transfer them to the main lines, it seems it might be just as easy to keep them loaded and haul them off the island.
  2. Halo House is at 2940 Corder Street, the parcel labeled on the map above as "UT MD Anderson Cancer Center East Campus". Grand opening was in May 2019. UT Board of Regents also owns the land surrounding that parcel (to the east, south, and west), but does not own the larger parcel at the intersection of Corder and Cayuga.
  3. Is the Proton Therapy Center in the UTHealth Research Park (the topic of this thread)? It is an MD Anderson project, so it seems unlikely; or is the Research Park actually a UT System Research Park (and not just UTHealth)?
  4. The only place in Houston in which there are any height limitations (other than those imposed by the FAA) are neighborhoods that have enforceable and enforced deed restrictions. Hines required no special considerations to build Williams (nee Transco) Tower.
  5. Hmmmm... I meant to post it here as well (and thought I had). There seems to be some movement here.  Scroll to page 73
  6. Lots of Interesting stuff regarding plans for Segment 3. Scroll to page 29
  7. Fields [Houston's Chief Transportation Planner] said he is looking to work with the city of Houston, the Downtown District and the Metropolitan Transit Authority of Harris County to even further expand outdoor dining options along Main Street in Downtown Houston. The initiative would allow restaurants and bars to expand onto the sidewalk and close some of the street to car traffic. “There are a lot of partners involved, we need to make sure we get it right. So [we will consider] things like the traffic signals on that stretch, which not only are used by people driving or walking but also the light rail,” Fields said. “We also need to look at things like our sidewalk ordinance, which says what can be out there. They have to figure out what needs to change, just like we did before the More Space program, to allow this.” Read more at: https://www.bisnow.com/houston/news/economy/houston-joins-growing-list-of-cities-embracing-parking-lots-for-outdoor-dining-105589?utm_source=outbound_pub_4&utm_campaign=outbound_issue_41213&utm_content=outbound_link_15&utm_medium=email?utm_source=CopyShare&utm_medium=Browser
  8. This just in from the Houston Business Journal: Developers said that in its place [former Sears building] will stand a new outdoor lifestyle and retail district within Memorial City.
  9. If you are asking literally how far down it goes, the answer is not at all. Memorial Drive will not be lowered. https://www.memorialparkconservancy.org/discover/master-plan/land-bridge-prairie-restoration-project/ https://www.memorialparkconservancy.org/discover/master-plan/ten-year-plan/?location=Land+Bridge+and+Prairie
  10. You should read beyond the first sentence of the article and maybe even look at the study. 😉
  11. Watch the presentation to the Transportation Technology and Infrastructure Committee. Lots of information about the North Canal project. A few highlights: Detailed hydraulics studies have not been done yet, but preliminary analysis shows that it will not have significant impacts downstream (modeling shows the bayou staying in its banks). The project includes: 1) The North Canal 2) Bridge and channel work upstream of the North Canal; The decks of the Yale & Heights bridges will be physically raised. The bridges will not be demolished. Channel improvements under I-10 west of downtown (just to the west of Studemont). 3) In-line detention channel downstream, connected with the detention basins that will be added by the NHHIP.
  12. Wow, do we know what the plan is for the Jury Assembly Plaza? Renderings?
  13. That project description makes it sound like they are just going to demolish the Sears building and pave the site over.
  14. Good news about Post Oak Shopping Center, but it dashes our dreams of redevelopment of Post Oak Plaza, apparently for the foreseeable future... I look forward to the new K & Z's. It sounds like it will be pretty cool.
  15. I was thinking the same thing. Not sure if I'm remembering correctly...
  16. I imagine they allow themselves some considerable cushion and don't really plan for it to take 5 months (and we're already 2 weeks + into the time period). I presume they will move McCue to the western end of the property?
  17. How do you know they don't have some plans for lighting or other ways to "pizzazz" it?
  18. Sorry to take this thread further off course, but I'm curious about this. What are all the good things in Austin that are public that differentiate it from Houston?
  19. Unlikely they are dialing back the construction schedule because tolls might be less than expected. In addition to the possible daily delay penalties imposed by the contract, they don't start collecting tolls until the project is done. They have already committed/borrowed the money to build it. Their payoff is collecting tolls. No doubt, they are more eager than anyone to get the thing completed and operating.
  20. After a little more digging... From the agenda for the Downtown Development Authority's May meeting: They commissioned a study to see if a boutique hotel at Sam Houston Park could generate enough cash flow to pay a lease to the City. The proposed hotel is 80 rooms with "Unique Bar Centric Restaurant - Rooftop, Poolside or Park View with a Patio, etc." CONCLUSION: Boutique Hotel at Sam Houston Park would be able to generate enough revenue to pay a lease to the City -- The lease payment would be enough to reduce or potentially offset the cost of operating the Heritage Society -- The lease payment would reduce the returns to a potential developer, making it more difficult to attract a developer to this project -- Non-cash public incentives could be offered to make project more attractive to a developer, if available NEXT STEPS: Market study was completed prior to Coronavirus, as such no analysis of its impact was completed -- Determine what, if any, incentives would be offered -- Developer selection process to determine developer interest in the project (beginning in 6+ months) -- An update to the study can be conducted at a later date, once more project details are determined to re-evaluate market conditions and the impact of Coronavirus and the resulting decline in oil and gas demand
  21. In the course of trying to find out about a splash pad at Market Square Park, I ran across this interesting piece in the May meeting minutes of the Downtown Redevelopment Authority (My best guess is they are considering a hotel/restaurant development at or near Sam Houston Park and someone just accidentally reversed the words "Hotel" and "Park". How sad is it that this meeting was 2 1/2 months ago and apparently not a single local business journalist has made note of this potential development. Mr. Douglas called on Mr. McCaslin to initiate the presentation by screen-sharing the hotel study performed at Sam Houston Hotel Park in November 2019, Mr. McCaslin noted this study was performed prior to the COVID-19 Pandemic. Mr. McCaslin continued through his presentation, presenting project specifics, including dollar amounts, and renderings. Questions were asked and answered, discussion ensued. Mr. McCaslin then called on Ms. Rosenfeld to begin the restaurant side of the study. Ms. Rosenfeld began her oral presentation by discussing the restaurant and foodservice operations possibilities, one stand-alone location and one located within the proposed hotel. Ms. Rosenfeld presented project specifications, type of service, and opening of the restaurant is suggested at the time of the hotel opening simultaneously.
  22. Where did you see this? I have not been able to dig up any information about it.
  23. Holy cow! That's awesome! Last time I went by there (several months ago), I noticed they were doing work on that old motel. I never expected anything like this!
  24. And continue it on down to the Museum District, perhaps in a slightly altered format after passing the Ion
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