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Everything posted by Houston19514

  1. Fascinating. I had never heard of either the Henry J or the Allstate before.
  2. I think I read somewhere that "Lamar has to keep their campus attractive so they keep getting the folks to attend from out the zone." FWIW, Lamar is not the only high school getting an artificial turf practice field.
  3. The facilities in the foreground of that picture are those of St John's High School, not Lamar. (You can tell by the "Mavericks" name and logo on the building.)
  4. All more or less true (except that it was not all different companies; Safeway failed twice). Nevertheless, combining operations that have failed to compete in the Houston market three times does not seem like a particularly good strategy (and the fact that they failed for a variety of reasons does not add to the level of confidence). And of course, the current company is clearly failing in the Houston market; it's kinda hard to pretend otherwise. Sure, Randall's may have been damaged goods by the time Albertson's bought Safeway, but that was 6+ years ago and all signs continue to point to failure.
  5. Quite right. My understanding is that Fiesta's lease had expired and that RIce "begged" them to stay. Hopefully, Rice can accelerate their plans for the Fiesta block (without delaying their plans for other blocks...).
  6. I believe they have said they have plans or are making plans to make the center more pedestrian-friendly and cohesive. . . But to be fair, this is one place where you can't really claim they have large surplus of parking. It tends to be be pretty tight there.
  7. That is correct. I posted those plans a while back. Tried to find that post earlier today . . .
  8. I get what Ross's point was, And you kindly demonstrated its accuracy. Both being about 18 years old, whether they were so intended or not, the Texans' and Longhorns' practice facilities are not looking very "temporary".
  9. Good job demonstrating Ross's point. I guess they are temporary in the sense that all buildings are temporary.
  10. The only surprising thing about this news is that it held out this long . . . I think that leaves us with one Sears store (not counting Sears Hometown or appliance outlet stores) in the metro area, unless the Pasadena store is closing now too. It looks like the Pasadena store survives... for now. It looks like this latest round of closings leaves about 5 Sears stores in the entire state of Texas.
  11. The I-45 project has never been slated to demo the Greyhound station.
  12. Good catch. Very interesting. I guess they must be getting access through Hess Tower. Kinda surprising.
  13. Good thinking!! http://www.h-gac.com/2018-call-for-projects/submitted-application.aspx?id=340 http://www.h-gac.com/transportation-improvement-program/call-for-projects-uploads/1030201845847PM.pdf
  14. I don't think they are far enough along in the planning to have renderings or to even know how much property, if any, will need to be taken.
  15. Surprising to me too. And disturbing. How can our housing authority be sitting on boarded-up units and letting them be vandalized. It's a small step from this to the whole complex being an unoccupiable dead zone. And from there, the whole neighborhood . . . FWIW, I don't think these are "mixed-income". I think these are purely subsidized public housing.
  16. It's best to take those kinds of comments with a huge grain of salt. BTW, did we know this project has a website? https://www.trammellcrow.com/en/projects/block-98
  17. There is really nothing quintessentially Houston about it. This happens in developments everywhere.
  18. Can we please stop posting pictures of his vandalism? Doesn't that give him what he wants?
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