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Everything posted by Houston19514

  1. Exactly. Different elements of what are now the same company have tried and failed. Safeway. Failed Albertson's. Failed (very quickly) Randall's. Failing
  2. From the Houston Business Journal: ". . . with the pandemic and the resulting economic impacts, we are taking a wait-and-see approach on next steps based on what market demands will look like as people resume their post-Covid lifestyles,” the company said. BKR Memorial said the next phase of the project will include additional residential units, as well as Class A offices, retail and restaurants, all centered around pedestrian walkways and a central green space. Other uses, including hospitality and entertainment, are being considered for future phases, the company said.
  3. Interesting ranking of existing and emerging life sciences clusters. (As of 4th Quarter 2018, we were not yet in the top 10, but we were no. 2 among emerging clusters.)
  4. FWIW, it would be Harris County residents that matter, not just Houston residents.
  5. Glass is going up on the south side of the building! (Sorry, no pic; I was driving)
  6. I presume this was the part of Clayton Homes that was damaged by the flooding? (When I first saw your post, I thought you were saying that all of Clayton Homes had been demolished, but that is clearly not the case.)
  7. I think that's a pretty standard practice among retail project developers.
  8. It looks to me like the ROW would only require taking one wing (or perhaps only part of one wing) of one building of the Midtown Terrace Suites/Travis Street Plaza veterans housing complex. The "A" is indicating the location and direction of the section view shown to the left.
  9. Where are you seeing the stops? I can't find that detail in the linked Chron article. (EDIT: Never mind. I found it in the Metro link.) FWIW, that section currently has 11 stops. They are dropping it to 7 stops. It looks like they are aiming to have a stop approximately every 1/4 miles. Speaking of the linked article, gotta love the Chron. The graphics show a map of the two test routes next to renderings of a BOOST bus stop and a Metro bus. All good. The caption for the graphic, however, is: "The Texas Department of Transportation is making plans for a $500 million road project in Beaumont. The project would include widening parts of the roadway and constructing two-lane elevated flyover ramps where Interstate 10 and U.S. 69 converge. The agency is looking for residents’ help to determine what aspects of the project would best reduce congestion and improve mobility." SMH
  10. How do you know "that money is not a loan"? You don't. You can't; since I'm pretty sure the "infrastructure stimulus" does not yet exist. More importantly, the article also says: "Aguilar said any funds from the U.S. government that Texas Central would seek would be in the form of loans."
  11. No, they did not stay the night at the Rice. They were at the Rice briefly the day before, attendend a luncheon in the ballroom, and then flew to Fort Worth and spent the night in the Hotel Texas in Fort Worth.
  12. If you don't see how a multi-story unscreened parking garage is worse than a surface lot, I don't know how to explain it to you. But even if they are no worse, so what? Surface parking lots will also be allowed under the new ordinance. So, again, we end up worse off. Currently we can have surface parking lots to the property line, but have means to fight back against unscreened parking garages. Under the ordinance, we have no means to fight either one. Someone is indeed missing the forest for the trees and cutting ones nose off. The world does not have to be binary. It doesn't have to be a question of torpedoing the ordinance altogether or taking it as it is. There is another alternative; we can take a little extra time and make the ordinance better.
  13. I used to think that too, thinking that the humidity from the bathroom would cause problems. But my last two houses have both had it and I love it! With good air conditioning and exhaust fans, the humidity is not a problem in the least. And it is VERY convenient.
  14. The tower on Fannin is no longer named O'Quinn. It is now 6624 Fannin. The new building here on the McNair Campus will now be the O'Quinn Medical Tower.
  15. Relax. I merely wanted to clarify. Without the clarification, a casual reader would have gotten the idea this was new information and more delays were imminent.
  16. To be clear, that article was from October, 2019 and this issue was reported to us on the previous page by mkultra25. This is not a further delay.
  17. Here's the problem (and it is by no means a straw man). Without the new ordinance, a developer has to seek a setback variance. This process gives the city and neighborhood the opportunity to seek other changes (such as parking garage and noise screening). WITH the new ordinance, no setback variance will be required, so there is no opportunity to seek any other changes in exchange for the variance.
  18. Didn't Sam Houston Race Park have live races earlier this year?
  19. The Chron's article about The Parklane going condo included this about Two Hermann Place: "Once a construction loan is lined up, Tema will break ground on the 32-story Two Hermann Place apartment tower in partnership with Nitya Capital. The project has been delayed due to the lending climate with COVID-19, Zabaneh said." https://www.houstonchronicle.com/business/texas-inc/article/Museum-District-condo-tower-renovation-targets-15300476.php
  20. The Parklane apartment tower was originally built as condos, but amid the 80's oil crash, they decided to go rental. "But as Houston’s demand for condo properties has increased, returning The Parklane to its original purpose seemed like a prime opportunity..." Sales will begin mid-June. https://www.bizjournals.com/houston/news/2020/06/01/tema-development-parklane-apartments-condos.html?ana=e_me_prem&j=90511812&t=Morning B&mkt_tok=eyJpIjoiTmpSaU9EQmxaVEJpWm1VeCIsInQiOiI0djU5Mjd6aEdCT1R6V2RrODNxV1YwcDFkRHRYcGtvVG1qU0UwYm01bTd2XC9NOHM4Y2pBaDFRNVZ3WisrRFJDcnoyQkRJVkFYbGxFeGV0SDB4VkcxSTdUTkd0cUtwU255ZE5LUUMwREZHVCtLdkdGZUxZcFF5NnY2bTltVXhRYWoifQ%3D%3D http://www.theparklane.com/
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