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Everything posted by Houston19514

  1. He didn't just all but say it. He outright said it. "I would pick a woman to be my vice president.”
  2. The Quitman grade separation is scheduled to start next year (approximately April 2021). Construction of the Hardy extension is scheduled to start in September 2021.
  3. Developers build buildings when they can sign sufficient leases for the new building to make the financing work, regardless of the stability or instability of other buildings in the market.
  4. Yes, those orange ramps are for the Hardy.
  5. Yes, we know I-45 is being relocated. But in the area where the freeway (both I-45 and I-10) crosses Elysian, the freeway is in the same location as I-10 is currently (yes, with expanded right-of-way), obviating Zaphod's concern about what to do with the I-10 right-of-way under Elysian.
  6. Yes, of course a bunch “looked” at moving but from the Galleria to ROD. But at the end of the day, how many made the move? Did anyone? As for showcasing, that is not unique to Galleria stores. That is done by high end stores all over the country (and no doubt the world) for their best customers, and I’m quite certain at least some of the stores at ROD do it too.
  7. Again, no one is forcing them to stay in The Galleria, and.. they want to leave the Galleria and move to ROD . . . "if they could increase conversion rate of foot traffic"?? Are you saying they would like to move from the Galleria to ROD but don't because they won't do as good of business in ROD? If that is the case, in what sense do they "want" to relocate?
  8. Reality suggests otherwise. No one is being forced to be in the Galleria, and yet, there remains the largest concentration of luxury retail in Texas. Contrary to Trae's theory that the luxury retail customer doesn't go to the Galleria. They clearly do. Thank you.
  9. The freeway is not being relocated at the point where it intersects with Elysian.
  10. They actually plan a small vineyard somewhere in Spring Branch. I presume this is the site.
  11. TxDOT land is not the only place where homeless are encamped or consistently gathered. Further the State is supposedly doing once-a-week clearing in the Midtown/Museum District area, but the results have been undetectable.
  12. The city has a mitigation plan for homeless camps?!?!?!?! If so, why don't they use it for the seemingly multiplying homeless camps and gatherings all over downtown, Midtown, the Museum District, etc. Sorry Jeff Weatherford, but you should be ashamed of even saying such a thing at a public meeting. Not at all surprising that the room was "not convinced." The people in the room experience the city's "mitigation" on a daily basis.
  13. I kinda liked the way it looked with the framework surrounding it.
  14. Exactly. Plus, it's not really downtown. It is near downtown, but not particularly walkable to much of anything.
  15. Just trying to clarify and get some information. I know it has been rumored and talked about for years, but is RH really building a hotel (or Guesthouse, as RH is calling them) with their upcoming new Knox Street store in Dallas? I thought that was no longer happening.
  16. I don't know about any repossession (one would think that would have been mentioned in one of our newspapers), but the developer was purchased by Brookfield a couple years ago. Just did a very quick Google search. It was not anything like a repossession, as was seemingly implied, and the original developer did not "exit." Back in2016, JPMorgan Asset Management purchased the River Oaks District, in a partnership with Oliver McMillan (the property's developer). The cash transaction was more than $550 million, and Oliver McMillan retained an ownership stake in the property and a management role in the partnership. Then in 2018, Brookfield bought Oliver McMillan, so presumably took over their interest in the ROD partnership. https://www.chron.com/business/real-estate/article/River-Oaks-District-fetches-550M-plus-in-cash-7973054.php
  17. Totally right. Not only did Safeway do everything exactly the opposite way from previous management, they seem to do everything exactly the opposite way one would do if one wanted to stay in business.
  18. Then why would Tom Ford move from ROD to the Galleria. Why would Akris (apparently) move from ROD to the Galleria. Why would Balenciaga choose to locate in the Galleria? How do you explain Gianvito Rossi and The Golden Goose choosing to locate in the Galleria? Explain to us all of the stores added to the Galleria just in 2019? (And note how many high-end stores were added to ROD in the same time period.) How does the Galleria continue to have probably the largest concentration of luxury retail in the state? Not all malls are dying. Generally, the higher-end malls (like the Galleria) are doing well. I agree we'll probably see more walkable development along Post Oak over the next 20 years. But I don't think that equates to the death of the Galleria. If that was in the cards, at some point, surely we would start to see some evidence; like stores moving out of the Galleria and into one of the outdoor walkable developments, rather than the other way around.
  19. There's a little place called the Galleria that has for many years been doing a very good job of attracting the luxury retail clientele (and probably has the biggest concentration of luxury retail in the state).
  20. Midtown, Downtown and East DT have the most mixed-use developments in all of the City? I'm skeptical. There are mixed-use developments existing and planned throughout this city, many of them much larger than any of the mixed-use developments in Midtown, Downtown, or EADO. Without trying very hard, I came up with 21 that are no where near any rail line.
  21. . . . Uniqlo is taking over the former Topshop location, which closed last year. The company is working with New Jersey-based KCG Architects to build out the two-story, 22,460-square-foot store, according to an architectural filing with the Texas Department of Licensing and Regulation. https://www.houstonchronicle.com/business/retail/article/Japanese-retailer-Uniqlo-to-open-in-Galleria-mall-15086819.php
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