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Everything posted by Houston19514

  1. LOL Just to be clear... you're making all of this up, right? I assure you, to the extent they have an interest in an I-35 line, they also have an interest in the line from Houston to Austin/San Antonio --- the whole Texas triangle.
  2. You're not making your point very well. If, as you admit, there is a limit to capacity for every system, perhaps it makes the most sense to choose the one that provides the capacity you need for any reasonable time line, like say 45 - 50 years (see your LA Orange line example). 1. Not sure why there would be more potential for TODs. I imagine you'll be able to quickly provide me with a long list of all of the TODs you are familiar with at commuter rail stations... (yes, I'm being sarastic). In any event, one of the MetroNext visions (which I actually mentioned in my earlier post) is to reimagine our Park & Ride lots with the idea having them NOT be just giant parking lots. 2. Again, let's put capacity where it will serve a purpose. Is there any scenario where we really need commuter rail cars that hold 200 people? Rather than providing high-capacity/low frequency service (as commuter rail tends to be), aren't commuter better served by right-sized capacity/frequent service? 3. Ah, yes... Metro buses sit in the same traffic as cars, except when they don't (which is a good portion of the time.) Nevertheless, that is a flaw in the current system, but see the MetroNext plan to fix that. Of course you ignore the fact that Metro buses also get commuters much closer to their ultimate destination without another transfer. Commuter rail can never do that as well. If you really think the Orange line will likely be fully converted to light rail sooner than 2050, you don't know how California works (or doesn't work). 😉 I asked you earlier how many additional commuters you imagine would use commuter rail. Of course you don't have an answer. Here's some useful information to consider: The Southern California Metrolink commuter rail system operates on seven lines with 62 stations and 534 miles of rail in a metropolitan area more than twice the size (both geographically and as to population) of Houston. Metrolink averages about 40,000 boardings on a typical weekday. Metro's park & ride system covering a smaller area and serving a far smaller population, averages almost 28,000 on a typical weekday.
  3. New stores announced for The Galleria: Uniglo (first location in Texas) Balenciaga (first location in Houston) Gianvito Rossi (a high-end luxury footwear brand - first location in Texas) Golden Goose (an Italian brand that primarily sells sneakers - first location in Houston) https://www.bizjournals.com/houston/news/2020/02/25/two-massive-international-brands-coming-to.html?ana=e_ae_set4&j=90488491&t=Afternoon&mkt_tok=eyJpIjoiTkdNME56UmtNbUkwT0dZNSIsInQiOiJDN29IaEwxelg1WHF3UjYzTFptRHJWVU05czdEejJWakpoZ3ptNFpVdmdWQ1ZaK3VPUnJVT0tDZTNPdUcyditrMVVWNXpYR1QrMjczN25WZGh2VEFUMkZWOG9zZmlaMG5FaTgwRUdSRlNZSlBaWDBcL0lSMDN5MmN3ZFwvTFduYjdjIn0%3D
  4. The portion south of Richmond is not scheduled to open this summer.
  5. On the one hand you tell us that "No one wanted to ride the bus" (which was apparently not even a BRT bus, so the story was of minimal relevance) and "People really have a stigma about buses" and BRT is not that different. But then you tell us that "some of these BRT lines will jump out the gate with ridership high enough to warrant conversion" to rail. You seem confused. How much higher do you imagine ridership would be if we had commuter rail rather than Park & Ride? And on what do you base that? You have the flexibility argument exactly backwards. Park & Rides serve many different stations. What is the benefit to an individual commuter to have a particular train stop at numerous stations? An individual commuter really only needs/wants one boarding station per ride. Any additional stations just lengthen the commute. FYI, the Katy Tollway is bi-directional and is open 24-7. The MetroNext vision is for all major freeways to eventually have bidirectional 24-7 HOV or HOT lanes. As for LA's Orange Line, it opened in 2005 and I understand their plan is to convert it to light rail by 2050 -- 2050!! Not bad, if a transit agency can get 45 years of service out of a route and then repurpose most of the infrastructure for another mode of service. Seems like a pretty good plan.
  6. So you are just assuming they might at some point have some interest in working on a route from Dallas to San Antonio? Well done.
  7. Watching a MetroNext Business Now briefing right now. Some takeaways: University Line -- University Line is the "premier project in the program". -- This is going to be one of the first high-capacity transit projects that gets out the door -- Planners have already started the pre-project development process. Heading up to FTA in March. Inner Katy -- Ties into HSR station and Northwest Transit Center, and Uptown BRT -- Not just a BRT project. Park & Ride buses from 290 and I-10 will also be able to leverage this investment. -- Already funded. -- TxDOT will be doing this project. TxDOT right-of-way. Metro will be bringing engineering consultants to coordinate with TxDOT. BRT to George Bush Intercontinental -- Schedule dictated by TxDOT - Metro will be in inner lanes of IH 45 North project. So, probably a little bit more down the road. -- Will be having engineering consultant to coordinate with TxDOT. -- Most is in TxDOT right-of-way LRT -- First LRT project will be expansion of Green and Purple lines to the municipal courthouse. -- Relative low cost with tremendous benefits. -- Will be one of first contracts to come out of the hopper. -- LRT to Hobby - Hobby will probably not be done immediately because of cash flow. Regional Express -- Park & Ride - 2-way HOV on all major corridors is the grand vision. -- Better customer experience at the park & rides. Perhaps mixed-use development. Perhaps going vertical. -- Very soon will be soliciting general engineering consultants to re-imagine. -- 21 new or improved park & ride facilities. Missouri City will be the first to roll out. -- Looking for innovations; not just massive parking lots. BOOST and Signature -- Improving the walk or roll to Metro stops. -- Improving the bus stops. (Digital signage, next bus arrival, solar lighting, programmable spaces to improve experience for riders.) -- Improving the ride. Transit signal priority. -- 2 BOOST added annually for the next 7 years. -- Very soon will start demonstration aspects of this on the 56-Airline and the 54-Scott.
  8. What is your source for the idea this company is working on a line between Dallas and San Antonio?
  9. I believe that is an old drive-through bank. Is that under the same ownership as the old hotel building?
  10. Whether or not one agrees with the goals of the downtown living initiative, development in the Heights tells us nothing about whether the subsidies were necessary to get residential development downtown.
  11. I stand corrected. Nevertheless, as you mentioned, there is a lot of taxpayer money (whether it is federal, state or local tax money means nothing) that goes towards affordable and low-income housing in Houston. Any idea what those amounts are?
  12. They had been given an extension, but it required a temporary certificate of occupancy to be issued by May 28, 2020. So, they would apparently have needed another extension to still get those incentives.
  13. The maximum cost of those downtown residential tax breaks, if they are all used, will be $75 Million over 15 years. The City's annual housing and community development budget is more than $500 Million.
  14. The 20 Canal/Memorial runs right through the middle of Memorial Park with at least 4 stops in the park.
  15. While true of a lot of the 70s and 80s buildings, few of the buildings built either before or after that period are set back from the sidewalks -- 609 Main, 801 Main, Bank of America Tower, Marriott Marquis, Aris Market Square, Market Square Tower, Catalyst, Marlowe, Camden Downtown, SkyHouse Houston, SkyHouse Main, plus all of the mid-rise apartment buildings have no setbacks from the sidewalks.
  16. I believe the claim they traveled overseas on Harris County taxpayers' dime is false. It was reported at the time that Emmet used campaign funds to pay for the trip.
  17. What statement are you referring to? That study seems a bit lame; for starters, the Ion is not 4 miles long.
  18. No. The Amazon crew never said anything of the sort. It's doubtful the Amazon crew ever said anything about the NRG area, since it was not even proposed to them as a possible site.
  19. ?? It says it goes from Airline to Irvington. Going from Airline to Irvington on Cavalcade will necessarily intersect with the Red Line, right at Cavalcade Station.
  20. It (the Freed Library building) has never been owned by UoST. It is owned by the City. Related to this move to the Montrose Collective, the current building may be sold to the University of St. Thomas.
  21. I wish they would renovate the Heritage Plaza Parking Garage.
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