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Everything posted by Houston19514

  1. The surface is a (poorly-designed, and therefore completely unused) green space. The building is where people entered to report for jury duty. The surface level is pretty much just vestibule, elevators and escalators. Below the surface was the jury assembly: some open space, multiple assembly rooms, and tunnel connections to all of the county buildings and courthouses. It was flooded by, IIRC, Harvey. Last I heard they do not plan to reopen it. Once would think a local journalist might have inquired and reported on it...
  2. https://www.houstonchronicle.com/business/texas-inc/article/Pelican-Builders-Robert-Bland-preaches-the-15029882.php Interesting article about Pelican Builders and its owner, Robert Bland, including this: "Bland estimated that lenders will require that about 25 percent of a project’s units be presold before funding a project".
  3. i think the answer to your question is yes. But this particular project is downtown, where there are no minimum parking requirements.
  4. That was reported in the December issue of Paper City magazine... "The second experiential Lululemon flagship the first is in Chicago). Will include a café. http://papercitymagazine.uberflip.com/i/1188752-december-2019-houston/27?
  5. How many parking spots are there going to be?
  6. Looking forward to the BRT to Bush Airport, but the current buses already run about every half hour; 15 minutes during peak times (at least that's what the Metro schedule says...Unfortunately, I've noticed they have a number of routes that advertise frequent service but don't live up to the claims).
  7. FWIW, the 288 tollway project is not being built by the government. It's being designed, built and operated by a private company. Agree wholeheartedly with the comments on the Richmond work.
  8. That corner of the street has been sinking for quite some time. I don't know that the townhouse itself has been effected.
  9. Two questions. (1) doesn't the South Loop have at least four lanes? (2) in which segment of the South Loop have you found the third lane to be closed for more than a year?
  10. I believe its latest moniker is TC Energy Center and it's definitely iconic
  11. Cool project. Are they really totally demolishing the existing hotel tower or just gutting it and putting on a new skin? Different sources give different answers. The really interesting part of the project is the theater... They are going to literally pick the entire theatre up, stage and all, in order to elevate the theatre thirty feet, thereby creating more ground-floor retail space.
  12. Source for Midway's disappointment? In any event, I don't foresee any additional entrances and exits being added on the east side of downtown as a result of this.
  13. Even more recently, Texas Childrens Hospital added 19 stories to the top of an existing 6-story building.
  14. /\ I can't find anything in those materials (or in any other materials I can find on-line) that indicates that the Walkable Places ordinance would impose screening or other design standards on parking garages. I wish/hope they will and I think the City needs to impose design standards on parking garages city-wide.)
  15. 1st floor is for buses (BRT and buses coming from and going to Westpark). Third floor is for buses coming from and going to Southwest Freeway. Second floor is park and ride parking.
  16. In my experience you vastly overstate the level of noncompliance. From what I've seen, more people comply than do not comply. I am in agreement that they are helpful and more compliance would be better. FWIW, I think you also overstate the density of the Bay Area, no matter which definition of Bay Area one uses. Yes, it is clearly more densely populated than the Houston metro area, but not by a factor of 3x (let alone quite a bit more than 3x). Houston metro population density: 835/square mile San Francisco MSA population density: 1,912/square mile (2.3x Houston's) Bay Area (9 counties) population density: 1,113/square mile (1.33x Houston's) Houston CSA population density: 715/square mile San Francisco CSA population density: 710/square mile (99% of Houston's)
  17. I think saying the Museum District doesn't want to play ball is a bit of a mischaracterization. At the January neighborhood meeting, we were told that the Super Neighborhood was asking the City not to include the Museum District FOR NOW. Note that the quoted letter says "requesting that Museum Park not initially be included in the ordinances." There are a number of concerns they want clarified and addressed before being included. As the post above mentions, those concerns included residential buffering and some concerns about parking because of the huge numbers of visitors to the Museums and Hermann Park.
  18. Perhaps once it is built the contrast between the new and old won't be as stark as rendered. There's good reason to hope for this result given the renderings and reality of the renovations to One Houston Center and Two Houston Center.
  19. LOL I don't know. I presume they will handle the street crossings in a manner similar to what they did when they lowered the portion of the Southwest Freeway just to the west of this. Some streets might have to be closed for some period of time. Oh, the horror!!! 😉 No doubt it will be a complicated project.
  20. Adding a station without shutting down the line doesn't strike me as terribly difficult. The station structure is all beside the tracks, not over or under.
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