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Everything posted by Houston19514

  1. At least some of them (Greenbriar and Buffalo Speedway for sure) are being built higher than the former bridges, in addition to being longer and having fewer piers.
  3. Even if true, that hardly demonstrates that little or no thought was given to how the building will be perceived by visitors or passers-by. Sorry, but your initial claim was just false.
  4. I don't think there is any reason to think it was sold to a developer. It appears to still be owned by the University of St Thomas. The writer of that Eater piece must be preparing their portfolio for an application for a job at the Chronicle.
  5. Hopefully, the whole article is as accurate as the bit about the "building at 4100 Montrose" having been sold to a developer earlier this year. Very odd thing to write, especially when it's linked to a story about the development of the Montrose Collective (which has some connection to the separately-owned Freed-Montrose Library Building, but neither building was sold to a developer earlier this year).
  6. It has 8 levels of office and 7 levels of parking. They do that so that they can provide the parking sought by prospective tenants.
  7. Again, anyone who has even casually perused the TMC 3 materials knows the yoga lawn is not the core of the project. Nor is the green space the only concrete proposal. You are intentionally obfuscating. The point of the project is the shared/adjacent lab spaces, not the yoga lawn. I am happy that you chose to follow your wife from Houston to Chicago for perceived better opportunities for her research. Really, I am. But if high-ranking officers leaving for greater opportunities is your standard, you'd better start packing your bags. Some might have heard that the prior Dean of Feinberg School of Medicine and Vice President of Medical Affairs at Northwestern University moved to Penn!!!! Is Northwestern just a stepping stone??
  8. So, more opportunities for serendipitous encounters is not better. (Someone should alert Dr. Quaggin.) It's always amusing watching you tie yourself into knots. FWIW, no one at TMC is remotely as focused on the yoga as 102IAHexpress. It's a tiny little additional amenity that is one possibility of activities that may be available in the open/green space.
  9. And yet, there is a lot of talk of collaboration in Northwestern's discussions and promotions of this building, including serendipitous collaborations that arise from physical proximity and "collisions." For example: “Collaborations will explode on campus,” said Dr. Susan Quaggin, director of the Feinberg Cardiovascular and Renal Research Institute. “I just know scientists will start talking about things that will lead to new directions and experiments, and bridge clinical and basic science.” It seems Northwestern, similar to the TMC, is under the impression that physical interactions and not just technological collaboration, are still important.
  10. No inside information. I just posted the wrong link. https://www.khou.com/article/news/local/12-billion-iah-international-terminal-expansion-underway/285-2fcb3588-5fb3-4717-af90-a1ad4a4e8d98
  11. Typical high-rise construction goes up about 1 floor every 8 days or so. Both this building (once they started on the tower portion) and the Doha structures referenced above are right in the same ballpark. (10 floors in 3 months is about 9 days per floor.) If you follow the pictures posted above, they seem to be rising very close to one floor per week.
  12. It's a 2 minute walk to a bus stop; 3 minute walk to the Judson Robinson Community Center; maybe a 6 minute walk to get on the Hermann Park trails. As already clarified above, there is no apparent reason to think the project is targeted at seniors; it is being developed as a mixed income multi-family (most multi-family developments are predominantly one and two-bedroom).
  13. How deep has the water gotten on that property during our worst floods?
  14. Cool Video of international terminal plans
  15. There are some clues in this video. India A "major city in China" (Shanghai?) Another two to Southeast Asia Secondary cities in Europe (Barcelona, Madrid, Vienna)
  16. The cross sections posted above by Luminaire show 3 stories, but that is only of one building (Building B). The renderings of the other buildings clearly show 4 and 5 stories.
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