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Everything posted by Houston19514

  1. ???? What? No. DART does not serve the entire DFW metro area. Not even close. According to their website, DART's service area is 700 square miles; the DFW metro area covers more than 9,000 square miles.
  2. I don't think it's in the Partnership Building. Pretty sure it's in the GRB; a little south of the center of the building. It's the cafe located within the Welcome Center.
  3. W Wrong again. NRG Stadium, Toyota Center, Minute Maid Park and BBVA Stadium are all Harris County Houston Sports Authority facilities.
  4. Of course the transit center doesn't currently exist. Neither does the I-10 BRT line. Both are part of the same plan for future projects. The point of the transit center is to connect to intersecting bus lines and possibly also to a Park and Ride.
  5. I've ridden plenty of times on Metro buses and rail. I've had plenty of unpleasant experiences on the rail. The one time I had a slightly unpleasant experience on a bus, the bus driver made the drunk passenger get off at the next stop. That doesn't happen on the rail because there is rarely any "adult supervision." Also, I can see zero basis to claim that our rail cars are maintained either better or worse than our buses.
  6. The Astros control concessions at MinuteMaid Park and the Astros gave Aramark the contract.
  7. Yes, it appears to include the land on both sides of Chenevert.
  8. I don't know the status of the project, but in April 2018, City Council approved a plan to purchase of the former Heights Transit Center property from Metro and convert the property to a park.
  9. It took me a while, but I finally was able to tease the numbers out of the Census figures. The 2017 survey population in 77002 of 12,370 includes only about 4,448 living in households (the other 7922 would be in non-household housing, predominantly jail. Keep in mind those were 2017 ACS numbers (which may be based on 3 or 5 years of surveys, so it might include numbers going back as far as 2013). As we've seen, the downtown population has grown a lot since those years.
  10. 2nd Quarter, 2019: A net 209 units were absorbed in the CBD, while zero new units were delivered. (Assuming 1.4 people per occupied apartment, downtown added about 100 people per month during the 2nd quarter) Up to 90.3% occupancy. The "Central Houston" market (downtown, Montrose/Museum/Midtown, Heights/Wash Ave., Highland Village/Upper Kirby/West U, and Med Center/Braes Bayou) delivered 465 new units during the quarter, with 911 units net absorption (for approximately 1,275 additional residents). Since I started keeping track three years ago, more than the downtown apartment market has seen net absorption of more than 3,000 units. We are probably adding around 1,400 additional residents each year in rental apartments (plus a few in condos). Not bad.
  11. Interesting. From the name, I would have expected it to be somewhere in Hyde Park.
  12. Apparently, residents have not even been allowed back in to get their stuff... even the apartments that were not directly impacted.
  13. Even if there is room and it could physically be done, I would imagine that the terms of the HCFC easements would not allow for trails, meaning a separate easement would have to be negotiated with each property owner (and presumably paid for). I saw a BBP presentation some time ago where they talked of that missing link and said they are always working on trying to acquire property rights to make that connection.
  14. I don't think there is much question this will be approved. I think city council has been on board and ready to approve this for quite.some time. They've only been waiting for the mayor to put it.on their agenda.
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