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Everything posted by Houston19514

  1. I don't think you can flatly say that this expansion necessarily induces sprawl outward. It is at least as likely (and I think more likely) that this project will reduce sprawl. If access to downtown continues to be more and more restricted by congestion, its growth will be choked off. There are already a huge number of people and companies who have zero interest in locating downtown or anywhere inside the loop, because of the congestion (or perceived congestion).
  2. Downtown Dallas Office Building to be Imploded Saturday
  3. FWIW, they've been planning/working on the Uptown BRT project for more than 6 years.
  4. And none of this was unique to Houston. Cities all over America, if not the world, turned their backs on their waterfronts, to put it mildly.
  5. Website is open now: https://posthtx.com/ From the Chronicle article: "The redevelopment of the warehouse is expected to be completed by next summer."
  6. Cute they way you sidestep around your earlier false statement. But, yeah, they've been a great benefit for west-side commuters. They do the same thing for traffic that rail transit would do... provide alternatives.
  7. The only new freeway lanes in Segment 1 and 2/3 of the new freeway lanes in Segment 2 are MAX lanes (Metro buses and High Occupancy Vehicles). Those seem like options other than the single occupant vehicle transit option.
  8. 46,000 square feet. The new building is for Pk3, Pk4, Kindergarten, and Grades 1-5. (I don't know where on the website you saw that it only includes Pk3, Pk4, and K; the full list is on the website in several places. ) Early Childhood and Lower School Building seems to describe it pretty well. They have Middle School (Grades 6-8) classes in another building.
  9. This doesn't answer your question, but it will help avoid further confusion. I'm pretty sure the weather ball was on the building at 1300 Main, not 921 Main.
  10. Do they have a distribution center in Chapel Hill?
  11. Some basic familiarity with the city would go a long way...
  12. I think they've said they plan all-day and weekend service
  13. I admit I have not studied the plans in great detail, but after a quick look, the only 4' wide sidewalks I see are on the pages showing existing conditions.
  14. I suspect there the transit center will be substantially redesigned and rebuilt in conjunction with the freeway project. If losing the Blodgett connection is a problem for Metro, they can surely plan for direct access to Main Street from the rebuilt transit center. It seems like that would be pretty easy to do.
  15. According to Emporis (they don't show anything for McNair yet) 1. Williams Tower 901 2. San Felipe Plaza 646 3. 5555 San Felipe 562 4. The Post Oak 496 5. Five Oaks Place 477 6. Aspire Post Oak 453 7. Four Leaf Towers I 444 Four Leaf Towers II 444 9. 1330 Post Oak Blvd 420 10. The Mercer 401 11. Five Post Oak Park 389
  16. Agreed; cheap is a relative term. FWIW, HCAD has the McNair site on Post Oak also at $80/square foot. The vacant parcel at Post Oak and the Loop is $125/square foot. HCAD values vacant land near Discovery Green in the $150 - $200/square foot range. That is a Cafe and we're talking about a hotel and condos, but, yes, that is the same brand.
  17. It might be a gateway to Uptown for a number of locals, but it's hard to imagine it serves as a gateway for any significant number of tourists/hotel patrons. Agreed that downtown in the Convention Center/Discovery Green area would be a much better location for Hard Rock Hotel. They could even direct patrons to their Hard Rock Cafe on the other side of downtown.
  18. But let's not get carried away with the "cheap land" theory. It's not as if the subject property is really that cheap of land. (It's valued at about $80/ square foot on HCAD.) Having said that, I'm also a little perplexed by this site choice. Visibility is about the only thing it has to offer. It does not offer easy freeway access or easy pedestrian (or for that matter, vehicle) access to the rest of Uptown.
  19. Alexan Oak Grove to begin construction this summer in Dallas' Uptown District. (Oak Grove Ave between Hall and Lemon - just off McKinney.
  20. If your good friends are causing you this much embarrassment over not having a W Hotel, you need to find yourself some better friends.
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