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American Idol Shake Up!


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No the mod moved the picture portion of that thread from the old forum to the new. First pix has my name on the series.

Its a fun and jaded board. I love participating but I have never voted for the worst. After six years I still don't vote. I'm still haven'g gotten over Tamyra. :rolleyes:

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Okay, I laughed hysterically last night.


He was the only thing mentioned by the news this moring, smart move to cover his so-so singing.

He is changing his hair style each week.

Do I see a Sanjaya themed mullet in the future?

Who here is a FANjaya?

Edited by Pumapayam
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Sanjaya OBVIOUSLY just saw the movie "300"

Again on HLN's they talked to Ryan Seacrest about Sanjaya and how he is taking a talent show and making it more of a popularity contest.

Sanjaya may win this year if the underground "Vote for Sanjaya" movement is strong enough

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Again on HLN's they talked to Ryan Seacrest about Sanjaya and how he is taking a talent show and making it more of a popularity contest.

Sanjaya may win this year if the underground "Vote for Sanjaya" movement is strong enough

Who are THEY (FOX) kidding, they love the fact that Snjaya is still on, they have to have something to keep viewers watching this years HORRIBLE line up. Nothing special at all in this year except Melinda, and she could quit now and both Randy and Simon would be hitting each other over the head to sign her to a deal. I am sure FOx already has exclusive rights to her though.

American Idol IS a popularity contest, not just a talent show. Put Madonna, Christina Aguillera and Britney, and Whitney, Mariah, and J-Lo, Celine Dion, Cher, all on a show together and let them battle it out. Christina and Whitney, Mariah can outsing the hell out of the other three, but Madonna's popularity might outshine all of them. Simon Cowell acting like he didn;t know what he signed on for. You are looking for American Idol. Not, who can sing the best. Idol's are a mix of talent looks and charisma on stage. Sanjaya, is 0 for 3, but he has a website to help him out. Just goes to show the power of the internet.

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Nothing special at all in this year except Melinda, and she could quit now and both Randy and Simon would be hitting each other over the head to sign her to a deal.

Same thing was said about Ryan Starr and Simon said he'd sign her up, yet she still does not have a solid music career. Melinda can sing, and she is SOOOO sweet she give me cavities, but, she is tamed and a bit boring to market. I can see her on sunny 99.1, but she will never make it on popular radio.

I do hope Melinda wins though, but I am also looking forward to Sanjaya's next hair do.

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Same thing was said about Ryan Starr and Simon said he'd sign her up, yet she still does not have a solid music career. Melinda can sing, and she is SOOOO sweet she give me cavities, but, she is tamed and a bit boring to market. I can see her on sunny 99.1, but she will never make it on popular radio.

I do hope Melinda wins though, but I am also looking forward to Sanjaya's next hair do.

Melinda is totally R&B, that is the only market for her, so i would expect to hear her on 95.7fm or Mix 96.5

Maybe Sanjaya will go BALD as a tribute to Britney ?

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Maybe Sanjaya will go BALD as a tribute to Britney ?

That would have to be timed for his last stage performance then, unless he plans on using wigs thereafter. He has already built a small yet growing curiousity about his next hair style to perform with, and shaving his head would kill any future changes. :ph34r:

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That would have to be timed for his last stage performance then, unless he plans on using wigs thereafter. He has already built a small yet growing curiousity about his next hair style to perform with, and shaving his head would kill any future changes. :ph34r:

hopefully he goes bald, and then he goes off of the show.

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hopefully he goes bald, and then he goes off of the show.

That would mean he'd pull a Britney and make the cover of all the tabliods, (i.e. more attention).

That could only help him, but again, he has to maintain variety and having long hair helps that cause.

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I think Sanjaya will make it to the final 5 probably. Phil is definately going home.

And Phil live to see another week.

, considering next week was Country songs, and with Martina McBride.

That was her genre.

So not fair to her! :angry2:

Edited by Pumapayam
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We will miss

. :P

And as for Simon, I still think he was listening to Chris in the background, because he looks at Chris and immediate turns his head afterwards and rolls his eyes.

Watch Video of what happened

He does roll his eyes a lot, but I think he did it in reference to Chris potentially playing to the audience for votes, rather than rolling his eyes at Chris's singing like he is claiming. :rolleyes:

Anyways, Idol did what it does best, it gets it's name in the news, anyway it can.

Edited by Pumapayam
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We will miss
. :P

And as for Simon, I still think he was listening to Chris in the background, because he looks at Chris and immediate turns his head afterwards and rolls his eyes.

Watch Video of what happened

He does roll his eyes a lot, but I think he did it in reference to Chris potentially playing to the audience for votes, rather than rolling his eyes at Chris's singing like he is claiming. :rolleyes:

Anyways, Idol did what it does best, it gets it's name in the news, anyway it can.

You have no clue what you are talking about Puma. I am sure you watched the replay last night. Simon was obviously rolling his eyes to what Paula was saying, and what Chris was saying about how singing "Nasally" was a "style." I rolled my eyes when I heard that also. It was simply a matter of bad timing and editing. Simon wasn't even listening to Chris when he was doing a "shout out" to VT families, he was talking to Paula. Simon is an @$$, but he isn't that friggin' stupid as to act as if VT doesn't mean anything. Get Real !

Edited by TJones
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Simon wasn't even listening to Chris when he was doing a "shout out" to VT families, he was talking to Paula. Simon is an @$$, but he isn't that friggin' stupid as to act as if VT doesn't mean anything. Get Real !

It was definately the editing that helped. . . but check out the sequence:

  • He is focused on Paula
  • Chris still talking and finished shortly after
  • Simon glances at Chris on stage
  • Simon nor Paula are talking anymore, audience cheers
  • Then quickly turns back to Paula
  • Rolls his eyes, Taps the desk
  • AND then proceeds to talk to Paula.

Who the hell rolls their eyes before talking unless you just heard what was said? :blink:

Like I mentioned, he rolls his eyes. . A LOT, so it was almost involuntary I think, and a big oops on his part.

He is asking Paula, "What does he mean it was intentional?", in reference to the nasally singing.

I can't see him rolling his eyes about a quesiton when he does not even understand what he is rolling his eyes at.

Rolling your eyes is a sign of annoyance or sarcasm, not confusion.

He was psuedo listening to Chris and rolled is eyes because he thought Chris was pandering for sympathy votes.

That is just was I saw. :ph34r:

The damage control is just a VERY conveniant cover up I think. -_-

Watch the video again . . . :huh:

Edited by Pumapayam
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I don't need to watch the video again, I saw the video side by side last night with what Chris and Seacrest were doing and what Simon and Paula were doing. If you want to try and Demonize Simon, by all means, I would actually be the last one to defend him, but I know he wouldn't stoop to such a level, he has a lot more class than that.

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It was definately the editing that helped. . . but check out the sequence:
  • He is focused on Paula
  • Chris still talking and finished shortly after
  • Simon glances at Chris on stage
  • Simon nor Paula are talking anymore, audience cheers
  • Then quickly turns back to Paula
  • Rolls his eyes, Taps the desk
  • AND then proceeds to talk to Paula.

Who the hell rolls their eyes before talking unless you just heard what was said? :blink:

Like I mentioned, he rolls his eyes. . A LOT, so it was almost involuntary I think, and a big oops on his part.

He is asking Paula, "What does he mean it was intentional?", in reference to the nasally singing.

I can't see him rolling his eyes about a quesiton when he does not even understand what he is rolling his eyes at.

Rolling your eyes is a sign are annoyance or sarcasm, not confusion.

He was psuedo listening to Chris and rolled is eyes because he thought Chris was pandering for sympathy votes.

That is just was I saw. :ph34r:

The damage control is just a VERY conveniant cover up I think. -_-

Watch the video again . . . :huh:

I agree with what you said, the only reason I think he acted so harsh 1. he is an @sshole 2. he is from the UK. While we may be upset about something from the UK you know we wouldn't be as effected by it as if it happens here with the VT situation.

Also I am happy Sanjaya is gone.

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While we may be upset about something from the UK you know we wouldn't be as effected by it as if it happens here with the VT situation.

Simon got nipped in the rear, I am glad people complained. Maybe he will start being a bit nicer.

I know people watch to see what will come out of his mouth, but sometimes he is just cruel.

I am glad Sanjaya can at least avoid being heckled by him now. Can't wait to see him on the talk show circuit.

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Simon got nipped in the rear, I am glad people complained. Maybe he will start being a bit nicer.

I know people watch to see what will come out of his mouth, but sometimes he is just cruel.

I am glad Sanjaya can at least avoid being heckled by him now. Can't wait to see him on the talk show circuit.

Sorry, Puma; TJ is right and you're dead wrong on this one.

I was watching it and I TIVO'ed it a few times to make sure. What you probably didn't hear was that Paula was talking all the way up to the time I rolled his eyes.

To assume that everyone in the UK (or any other country) is unanimous in an opinion is absolutely absurd.

He stated that he may be a bit callous a times, but he's not THAT bad.

That's like saying every Illegal Alien is Hispanic or of south american decent.

I'm just glad Sorry Sonjaya is gone. He seems like a nice kid, but I'm sure he's glad to be gone.

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