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  1. 1. U.S. President

    • George W. Bush
    • John F. Kerry
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Maybe you're not looking in the right places. I'm living in New York now, but would be glad to help any time. Seeing the protests first hand make me more conservative than ever. The Democratic Party should distance themselves quickly from the far left. They turn politcs into a freak show. I've never seen so much vulgar hatred delivered toward one individual. I think the party has better ideals than that, and should be quick to prove it.

On the seperation of Church and State. Find that in the Constitution. Doesn't exist.

I guess it's no surprise who I'll vote for. That being said, I'm debating writing in McCain.

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Yeah, IMO, the Bush ticket would sway tons of voters if they add McCain in, and get rid of Cheney, which some view as the evil CEO type.

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Wrong. God don't like people marrying the same gender, and that's in the bible. But like you said, let's stay on the topic.

It also states in the bible if you touch pig skin or work on the sabboth you are condemed to hell. :rolleyes: Have you ever touched a football? I am voting for Kerry. Before Bush came into office I was a huge republican. I was even one of the leaders of the College Republicans at LSU. Bush has over steped his roll as president. This is the largest budget deficit in the history of the United States. Pork Barrell politics is at an all time high. The constituion is being violated in Guantanimo Bay by holding prisinors without due process or a trial. I do not care if they are not American citizens we should treat others like we treat our own. Some of those prisoners are from countries that are our allies like Great Britian. The new constitutional ban on gay marriage is very wrong. Our consitituion in the past has given rigths to Americans not restricted them. (except for the 18 amendment which was amended by the 21 amendment). Bush has made me an independent. I do not care for Kerry, but anything at this time is better than Bush. He has violated many republican beliefs. He has expanded the budget, the deficet, and the government in just four years. Generations will have to pay the damage he has done finicaly to our country.

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Maybe you're not looking in the right places.  I'm living in New York now, but would be glad to help any time.  Seeing the protests first hand make me more conservative than ever.  The Democratic Party should distance themselves quickly from the far left.  They turn politcs into a freak show.  I've never seen so much vulgar hatred delivered toward one individual.  I think the party has better ideals than that, and should be quick to prove it. 

On the seperation of Church and State.  Find that in the Constitution.  Doesn't exist. 

I guess it's no surprise who I'll vote for.  That being said, I'm debating writing in McCain.

The seperation of Church and State is addressed in the First Amendment of the Constitution, and I quote:

"Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof."

The establishment clause calls for the seperation of Church and State. The free exercise clause prevents government interference with the practice of religion. Don't even bother arguing about it with me; take it up with the Supreme Court.

While the words "seperation of church and state" do not literally appear in the Constitution, the intent is there. It was Thomas Jefferson who argued for "a wall of seperation between Church and State." It has served our country well, and we will not allow the current crop of religious nuts to take away our freedoms.

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The seperation of Church and State is addressed in the First Amendment of the Constitution, and I quote:

"Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof."

The establishment clause calls for the seperation of Church and State. The free exercise clause prevents government interference with the practice of religion. Don't even bother arguing about it with me; take it up with the Supreme Court.

While the words "seperation of church and state" do not literally appear in the Constitution, the intent is there. It was Thomas Jefferson who argued for "a wall of seperation between Church and State." It has served our country well, and we will not allow the current crop of religious nuts to take away our freedoms.

And conversely, it protectes the Church from the State.

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It also states in the bible if you touch pig skin or work on the sabboth you are condemed to hell.  :rolleyes:   Have you ever touched a football?  I am voting for Kerry.  Before Bush came into office I was a huge republican. I was even one of the leaders of the College Republicans at LSU.  Bush has over steped his roll as president.  This is the largest budget deficit in the history of the United States.  Pork Barrell politics is at an all time high.  The constituion is being violated in  Guantanimo Bay by holding prisinors without due process or a trial.  I do not care if they are not American citizens we should treat others like we treat our own.  Some of those prisoners are from countries that are our allies like Great Britian.  The new constitutional ban on gay marriage is very wrong.  Our consitituion in the past has given rigths to Americans not restricted them. (except for the 18 amendment which was amended by the 21 amendment).  Bush has made me an independent.  I do not care for Kerry, but anything at this time is better than Bush.  He has violated many republican beliefs.  He has expanded the budget, the deficet, and the government in just four years.  Generations will have to pay the damage he has done finicaly to our country.

It may have been the biggest budget dealy in history, but money is not worth what it use to be. Tell me know how much a piece of gum is worth, not a penny, I'll tell you that.

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I will not vote for a flip flopper:

"We will win the war on terror"

"We will not win the war on terror"

"We will win the war on terror"

So, I guess that means I will be voting for Kerry.

Boy, talk about the pot calling the kettle black. But, I guess flip flopping is a hereditary trait......"Read my lips, no new taxes". :rolleyes:

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And conversely, it protectes the Church from the State.

That is quite true. The seperation of church and state was meant to protect the church from the government, not the government from the church.

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The health of our economy is always, in many respects, the result of proposed policies of our president (whomever that might be). If a prisident proposes tax cuts to spur the ecomomy, then he or she must control spending to keep the deficit under control. Too large a deficit, and investors do not choose to invest in our questionable economy. Too large a deficit, and the government must waste our tax dollars paying interest to those investors who own our debt (not always Americans). This is not a very wise policy for any country. It simply does not bode well for the future. On the other hand, too high taxes and there is limited money to create jobs or increase spending to help the economy grow.

The president negotiates trade agreements with othere countries, and can bring political pressure when they are violated. ( of course, Congress also has a big hand in this). The president sets the tone for what will and will not be tolorated and expected of corporations. The president, alon with the Congresss sets the priority for spending on services and goods in this country. I could go on and on. I just want to point out electing a president directly effects the creation of jobs, wealth, security, national image, and a host of other things. Please read, read, read, look at the records of both candidates and vote wisely. This is a critical election. Probably one of the most critical in modern times. Do not believe everything you hear. There is a record for both candidates. There beliefs are there for you to see. But most importantly...however you vote...Go to the polls and cast your vote. Me, for many reasons, and because he most closely holds the beliefs I do, I will cast my vote for Mr. Kerry.

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I will not vote for a flip flopper:

"We will win the war on terror"

"We will not win the war on terror"

"We will win the war on terror"

So, I guess that means I will be voting for Kerry.

Boy, talk about the pot calling the kettle black. But, I guess flip flopping is a hereditary trait......"Read my lips, no new taxes".  :rolleyes:

You're half right. I wish he hadn't corrected himself, personally, because there is no such thing as winning the war on terror, just like there is no winning the war on crime or the war on drugs. There will always be terrorists, but now we most certainly realize the need to fight it more than ever.

I'm still voting for Bush.

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Kerry. Didn't vote for Bush when he ran for guv or for President the first time. Didn't vote for his daddy either, although Bush Sr. at least had some brains and common sense about foreign policy.

As for Kerry, I generally like him, although I was a Dean supporter back when I thought he had a chance. But at this point they could run Donald Duck against Bush and I'd probably vote for him. I refuse to vote for anyone who wants to legislate discrimination against a group of Americans into our Constitution, while at the same time continuing to cause serious damage to our economy by funding a hugely expensive and unjust war and ignoring many serious domestic issues such as Social Security, health insurance, unemployment, and nearly bankrupt state governments.

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I think Zell's speech will probably do to George W. As Buchannon's speech did to George Sr. It may have hurt the chances for George W. to get reelected.

I didn't vote for George Sr. even through he had CIA experience and had many years experience. I mostly approved his overseas policies, but I HATED his domestic decisions.

Zell was a bit TOO vehement, he was a bit TOO sharp in his attacks after a relatively sedate "truce" that was offered at the DNC.

Geroge W. was nothing more than a 1/2 term Gov. here in Texas who didn't do much, rolled back the clean air act here in Texas and didn't even have an inclination to stay for an entire term from the begining!

If George W. had been a senator or done anything significant with his life in political office, it would have been interesting what HIS track record would have been.

His current policies, both foreign and domestic are a complete shambles.

My "Tax cut" got me an extra $15-30 bucks a MONTH. Yeah, thanks for allowing me to fill my tank one extra time a month.

Instead of being firm with Isreal he's been no tougher with them as the previous presidents have.

He opened up the forests for logging.

About the only thing he's done right (in my opinion) is the war on terror...and even then, that's iffy.

I wrote an article on how Buchanon was comparible to what would have happend if David Duke and Rush Limbuagh had a love child.

Sorry, but I think Zell's speech may have cost George W. the election.


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If George W. had been a senator or done anything significant with his life in political office, it would have been interesting what HIS track record would have been.
Couldn't agree more. I mean, you shouldn't even be qualified to run for President, much less serve, unless you have spent your entire adult life in political office, pulling your salary from the American Public. We need, strike that, must have a career beaurocrat in office!

Damn GW for his private sector successes and failures.

My "Tax cut" got me an extra $15-30 bucks a MONTH. Yeah, thanks for allowing me to fill my tank one extra time a month.

Agree here, too. That lousy George only gave me back $100 bucks a month of my money. We have got to get someone in there who will not insult me by giving me such a lousy amount. We need someone who will actually take more of our money and redistribute to some worthless government handout.

Also, I think we should string him up b/c he has the nerve to be the son of a US President. The nerve of him to choose a family like that.

Lastly, he is clearly not smart enough to lead this country. That whole Harvard & Yale thing is a breeze. If you are priveledged, (and he was the only one there who was), they just hand out passing grades.

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Well, Harvard and Yale aren't exactly known for handing out grades, so I'll have to give him a pass on that. He IS a member of the Skull's however, so that should have given him a leg up.

I agree, a president should have a record to be able to run behind as far as what they truly believe in.

Personally, I don't like taxes; I'll pay them grudgingly because I know my tax dollars pay for the things in this country that make it run. I just wish they would get rid of some of the loopholes that are big enough to drive a humvee through.

I can't stand the fact that corporations are ALLOWED to hide money overseas without our country penalizing them. There's a long list I can't stand about this, the only thing I DO approve of is the war..and that's iffy.


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Well, Harvard and Yale aren't exactly known for handing out grades, so I'll have to give him a pass on that.


Well ricco67 that can well depend on exactly who your family is and how much money you have. So, no I don't believe Harvard and Yale as a whole are "handing out grades", but do not believe it is impossible for it to happen and wouldn't be surprised at all if it were ever revealed a few students over the years have gotten "assistance" because of who they were. Besides, wasn't George W. a "C" student anyway?

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My "Tax cut" got me an extra $15-30 bucks a MONTH.  Yeah, thanks for allowing me to fill my tank one extra time a month.

Ricco I'm jealous. The last tax cut saved me a whopping $7 a year!

I'm all for decreasing taxes but there's a price to pay for it. Either we cut services to keep things in balance are the country is forced to rack up huge amounts of debt. Bush has chosen to do the latter, while at the same time cutting some very critical social services, both directly and indirectly. His domestic economic policies have left all 50 states in a financial bind. The No Child Left Behind Act sounds good on paper, but most of it remains unfunded. I think it's wrong for the federal government to place huge financial burdens on states like this law and then not adequately fund those obligations. Same thing with children's health insurance and homeland security issues. Now in Texas we not only have schools that are in worse financial shape than ever before but also a children's health insurance program that has been severely cut. Okay, so we don't provide affordable health insurance to lower income families so their children can get preventative care. It saves everyone a little bit of money, especially those who are the wealthiest in the state. They didn't want their tax money going to those lazy poor people anyway. But this is so shortsighted! The cost of CHIP is far lower than the cost of Medicaid and providing ER care to all of those children whose parents could not afford to take them to the doctor so they wait until the child is so sick that they are forced to visit the ER. Where is the logic in that? We save a few bucks here, but spend a ton more there.

Four more years of the current domestic policy will result in nothing but continued escalation of unemployment, poverty, personal bankruptcies, corporate greed, and increased division among our citizens. I applauded the Democrats during their convention for reaching out and saying "Let's stop this ridiculous fighting and unite the country." I was disgusted by the repeated speeches at the Republican Convention that did nothing but attack the other side. I'm tired of the country being run by a bunch of hypocritical bigoted bullies who want this to be a theocracy, not a democracy. And yes, I am a Christian (lifelong United Methodist) but I think it's wrong that so much of the ruling party's platform is based on fundamentalist Christian ideas. It's time for a change!

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You're half right.  I wish he hadn't corrected himself, personally, because there is no such thing as winning the war on terror, just like there is no winning the war on crime or the war on drugs.  There will always be terrorists, but now we most certainly realize the need to fight it more than ever.

I'm still voting for Bush.

Urbanlandscape- Oh that wasn't the first and only thing George W. has flip flopped on......shall I go on?

I'm sure a lot of Bush's supporters wish he wouldn't have corrected himself, but you know, I heard a guy say something the other night that I thought was interesting with regard to the President's statements about the war on terror. He said, " George W. Bush, unscripted, is a very dangerous thing and many of his supporters know it." So Urbanlandscape you weren't the only one that "cringed," and apparently someone is on "pins and needles" WHENEVER he speaks.

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I will say this and I will leave this thread alone. I am a Christian who supports Kerry. I do not agree with Kerry on EVERY issue and I don't have to. I agree with Bush on some issues but still do not believe he is the man to lead our country. Many years ago, my pastor made a great statement. He said, "just because someone appears to have a religious backing or support system does not necessarily mean they have your best interest in mind". So it's possible to be Christian, oppose abortion, but still somehow manage to support the death penalty. It's possible to oppose gay marriage but still place people in jail unfairly and at a disproportionate rate. It's possible to love Jesus and still rape and pillage the earth in the name of profit. It's possible for one to pray everynight but turn a blind eye to the suffering two blocks away from your home. One can go to church every Sunday and still help the rich at the expense of the poor.

George W. Bush is a Christian (just like Bill Clinton is), but that does not make him qualified to be lead this country. Also, having good intentions is not well enough for me. One of my favorite sayings in life is, " Good intentions does not equate to being correct". One can have great INTENTIONS and still be wrong. We must not loose sight of that.

Again, I agree with Bush on some things but there is a bigger picture. And I will not let his use of the name of Jesus blind me to that bigger picture.

Peace and go vote.

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When George was at Yale, the Bush family was nowhere near as well-known as it is now. Only in America can many ignorant people call the president a dummy because SNL has led them to believe that. By the way, this isn't calling anyone on this forum out, becuase I can tell we have some very informed and very intelligent, and very passionate posters. But it irritates me sometimes to see people call the president an idiot, when they obviously have no idea what they are talking about.

Ricco, I have to agree. Taxes are a necessary evil. I too enjoy my national security. And I don't like the corporate loopholes either. Remember, I'm conservative, not necessarily always Republican.

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George Bush would be a better President because of his expierience. John Kerry, to me, does not no much about being a President. I am almost certain I made up my mind for who I am voting for, after watching the Republican Convention. I can't believe though, so many protesting people for one person at the convention.

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