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U.S. President  

63 members have voted

  1. 1. U.S. President

    • George W. Bush
    • John F. Kerry
    • Don't Like Them
    • Other

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Bush said he can't win the war on terror. The damage-control is just silly. Everybody knows that the reporter was not asking Bush if he'd ever sit down at a table with al qaeda and sign a peace treaty.

Its true, its going to be long, and not easy. Thats what he was pointing out. Its called metephors, they come in good use.

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Ditto. If everyone read about what Dubya's done to veteran's benefits, military pay and equipment, senior citizen's prescriptions, local police force funding, overtime pay, etc. they'd be crazy to vote for him.

Charisma? Screw it. We need a real president, and not one who can put on a fake, but comforting show.

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Its true, its going to be long, and not easy. Thats what he was pointing out. Its called metephors, they come in good use.

Well, he is right. As long as we are here on earth, there will always be terrorists.

I'm voting for Bush. I definitely don't agree with him on a number for issues, but I find myself in agreement with him far more than I do with Kerry.

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Listen, Bush is going to win. Why? Bush has powerful leaders backing him up, even the man has power himself. Kerry looks like a wuss, and having edwards backing him up just for the southern votes. Yes, they might get some southern votes like the poor southern states, louisiana, mississippi, alabama, those type of states. For high power states like, texas, and florida they may get some going to vote for kerry, yes, but majority will vote for bush. Really Bush don't have any comp, cause look what kerry has compare to bush. Bush has ms. rice, powell, dick cheny (whatever his name is). But I do agree that things bush did I disagree with them 100%. He's hurting the u.s. by spending billions and billions of dollars just to help rebuild iraq to me I think that's dumb. Why you going to go over their and blow the city up, and then spend our money on rebuilding it? Now that was silly by bush. Did iraq spent their money and help us to rebuild the world trade towers, and piece back up the pentagon? The answer, hell no.

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As James Carville said of Bush:"Which do you like better - the deficit or the lies?"

The Daily Mislead is an interesting site; all sources are credited.

I'm hesitant to get into this discussion, because by this time, most voters have already made up their minds. This seems more like an opportunity to lose friends than to persuade anyone.

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I liked Dean, but since he's no longer around, it's Kerry.

I don't like Bush. I love the fact how he's attacking Kerry's war record and the things he said then, when his own record is questionable.

I'm gay, so I'm def. against amending the constitution to ban gay marriages (which will never happen even if he gets 4 more years, but still a reason I don't like him.) I won't even begin on this topic.

How large should our deficit be? (Or in the style of Chandler Bing: Could our deficit BE any bigger?) Hey let's spend billlllllllllions of dollars to go to war based on lies, then spend more to help out the country we've invaded. Even IF the lies were simply mis-information, wouldn't you want to be absolutely sure before comitting your country to war? (Why can't this money go to teachers, the elderly and to affordable healthcare?)

There's always going to be a huge debate over the "Florida votes". I don't expect that to ever change. But it's VERY fishy to me that GW's brother is the governor of this state. Certainly makes me ponder what the hell happened. (And no, I don't like Al Gore, he's got the personality of a box of hair.)

The Swift Boat Vets...

GW's actions on 9/11...


Many many more...

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Out of curiosity, what is the President supposed to do about unemployment and other economic issues? That's right, nothing. Also, why is everyone using the same arguments? Whatever happened to wanting to make the government smaller? Whatever happened to reducing government waste? Goodness.

I do miss Howard Dean, though. Despite the fact that disagreed with almost everything he stands for, he always managed to brighten my day with his wacky antics.

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Whatever happened to wanting to make the government smaller? Whatever happened to reducing government waste? Goodness

You think Bush is the one to do that? After all, he is responsible for the largest budget defecit in US history, and most predictions show it growing exponetially larger as a result of his policies.

Okay, so he's not making government cheaper, but is he getting it off of our backs? No, he's actually made it more authoritarian than ever with the USA Patriot Act and his proposed Gay Marriage Ban Ammendment. If he gets another term, he will also impose limits on jury awards and continue the ban on stem cell research.

BTW, I don't think any of our arguments here blamed him for the weak economy in this country. I'm not sure why you brought that up.

Also, I am not gay, but I should tell you that Republican <i>really</i> hate homosexuals. They won't even accept money from gay-related organizations - Bob Dole returned everything from the Log Cabin Republicans when he ran for president. I know many of you are younguns, so you probably don't remember that. You were probably all raised Republicans, as most children of the 80's were.

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You think Bush is the one to do that? After all, he is responsible for the largest budget defecit in US history, and most predictions show it growing exponetially larger as a result of his policies.

Okay, so he's not making government cheaper, but is he getting it off of our backs? No, he's actually made it more authoritarian than ever with the USA Patriot Act and his proposed Gay Marriage Ban Ammendment. If he gets another term, he will also impose limits on jury awards and continue the ban on stem cell research.

BTW, I don't think any of our arguments here blamed him for the weak economy in this country. I'm not sure why you brought that up.

Also, I am not gay, but I should tell you that Republican <i>really</i> hate homosexuals. They won't even accept money from gay-related organizations - Bob Dole returned everything from the Log Cabin Republicans when he ran for president. I know many of you are younguns, so you probably don't remember that. You were probably all raised Republicans, as most children of the 80's were.

You can hate me all you want, but you didn't see aaronjjyes' comment on "Unemployement."

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I'm gay too, but I don't use that as an excuse to not vote for someone. Don't belive F. 9/11, its a load of C.R.A.P. Its to brain wash people, Micheal moore is a friggin idiot. Its just a cowinky dink that Bush had friends and family in the election, I mean, Its like you get lunch with your best friend back in High-School, maybe a couple of classes with them. Also, the economy and unemployement is not his Fault. Hes the president, its not his job to give us jobs. Infact, we are our own economy and market. Ever hear of democracy and free market? Its called supply and demand. I hire people, I fire people, I don't get a letter from the president to do so. I decide what is Hot, and what is lame, what is the new fad, and what the price of milk should be. Infact, we all do. The President doesn't, you should get that straight.

(The Following has nothing to do with the quote)

Kerry is so fake, and so is Micheal Moore. With his movies, hes presenting america to others in a hateful manner, no wonder why Europe laughs at us, ever watch Bowling for Collumbine? Micheal Moore is an idiot, and hes making us all look bad. Bush is strong, and is not afraid to do things. Think if Al Gore would have been president, we would probibly still be afraid to walk out our doors. Some times, you have to tuffen up. And nobody better blame the economy on Bush...

I am not gay, and never will be gay, it is totally wrong in my eyes. I am totally against gay marriage, or anything of the sort. I hope gay marriage gets banned. God did not created man and man, or woman and woman to marry each other. What HE wanted is man and woman to have intercourse with each other and marry. I just know that gay marriage is not right and i hope it gets banned during this Presidental Election.

Back to the subject:

By the way, I am with George W. Bush on this presidental election. He is much stronger than John F. Kerry is and has more expierience. I don't think people would have already made up their minds on who they are voting for yet because the Republican National Convention just started and they haven't seen both sides yet, but i guess that is just me.

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I am not gay, and never will be gay, it is totally wrong in my eyes. I am totally against gay marriage, or anything of the sort. I hope gay marriage gets banned. God did not created man and man, or woman and woman to marry each other. What HE wanted is man and woman to have intercourse with each other and marry. I just know that gay marriage is not right and i hope it gets banned during this Presidental Election.

Back to the subject:

By the way, I am with George W. Bush on this presidental election. He is much stronger than John F. Kerry is and has more expierience. I don't think people would have already made up their minds on who they are voting for yet because the Republican National Convention just started and they haven't seen both sides yet, but i guess that is just me.

Really? Is that your opion? Then thats ok, I don't care. But if your gonna be blinded by my sexual orientation, and not my personality, then thats your own fault. The Replican party may feel the same way, but I still support them. God doesn't exsist, and don't attack me on the forum, keep it to the PM's ok?


George Bush, I hope he wins. I am kinda glad they didn't have the convention here, because then it would have become a stero type for the republicans to thrive in Houston, think of all the bashing we would get! Funny how New York City is basically democratic, and it hosted the Republican National Convention. Kinda ironic huh?

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I'm gay too, but I don't use that as an excuse to not vote for someone. Don't belive F. 9/11, its a load of C.R.A.P. Its to brain wash people, Micheal moore is a friggin idiot. Its just a cowinky dink that Bush had friends and family in the election, I mean, Its like you get lunch with your best friend back in High-School, maybe a couple of classes with them. Also, the economy and unemployement is not his Fault. Hes the president, its not his job to give us jobs. Infact, we are our own economy and market. Ever hear of democracy and free market? Its called supply and demand. I hire people, I fire people, I don't get a letter from the president to do so. I decide what is Hot, and what is lame, what is the new fad, and what the price of milk should be. Infact, we all do. The President doesn't, you should get that straight.

(The Following has nothing to do with the quote)

Kerry is so fake, and so is Micheal Moore. With his movies, hes presenting america to others in a hateful manner, no wonder why Europe laughs at us, ever watch Bowling for Collumbine? Micheal Moore is an idiot, and hes making us all look bad. Bush is strong, and is not afraid to do things. Think if Al Gore would have been president, we would probibly still be afraid to walk out our doors. Some times, you have to tuffen up. And nobody better blame the economy on Bush...

Alright. I'm not using my gayness as an excuse not to vote for the man. It's a reason. And the reason is: I'm an American. I work, I pay taxes, I don't commit crimes. I also love. I love another man. I want to be married to this man for the rest of my life. Shouldn't I have that option if I want it? Isn't that freedom?

I haven't seen F. 9/11. Don't want to see it. I don't need Mr. Moore pouring his crap down my throat. I'm smart enough to read, to study, to research, to form my own opinions. I don't jump on anyone's bandwagon without knowing where the hell it is I'm going.

It's not his job to give us jobs. Right. He doesn't create jobs, he can't point his finger, snap, and look 2000 jobs are made or loss. But he shapes, forms our economy. The (failed) Republican Economic Policy is a joke. Just because he says the words "tax cuts" doesn't mean that those tax cuts are for the right people, or the benefits will trickle down to where they need to be.

I am not gay, and never will be gay, it is totally wrong in my eyes. I am totally against gay marriage, or anything of the sort. I hope gay marriage gets banned. God did not created man and man, or woman and woman to marry each other. What HE wanted is man and woman to have intercourse with each other and marry. I just know that gay marriage is not right and i hope it gets banned during this Presidental Election.
Alright, so you think God doesn't like gays, so our constitution should be amended banning gay marriage. A religious issue. Hrmm... Whatever happened to separation of church and state? This actually is a WHOOOOOOOOLE 'nother topic. We'll leave it at that shall we?
I don't hate gay people, I just think it is wrong. I'll talk to them and things like that, but I don't hate them.

I don't hate straight people. I mean my cousin is straight. Hell, I had a straight roommate in college! And I have co-workers who're straight! (Kidding w/ you of course.)

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Wrong. God don't like people marrying the same gender, and that's in the bible. But like you said, let's stay on the topic.

Ok, don't try to squeeze in the last comment, and then say "get back on topic".

Right now, God has to do with this election, because religion plays an important role in our society, even the entire world. Everyone has to belive in somthing, right? Wrong, its freedom of religion, and thats what help spark the idea of a free world. Speration of church and state are the steel and foundation for us all (in America). You cannot say for sure, that god doesn't like gay people. Afterall, who created us? hmm, And unless you've spoken to god, or "found" him, let me know, I have been looking for him all my life...

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