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Rio Frio


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Photos from a trip back up to Garner State Park from back in January. Despite this being such a popular park, I'd never been before, but even during the off-season, it gets a fair bit of traffic. The cabins even had a reasonably low vacancy rate considering the price.

Btw, I don't recommend the cabins for an attempt at a romantic weekend. They're far too utilitarian, almost institutional. Throws off the vibe from the rest of the park. Much better to rough it in a tent, even if temperatures get low, even (or perhaps especially ;) ) if there's a female companion in the mix.









Also check out my water shots. I like these because they make a good starting point for experimenting with photographic texture by changing color, hue, brightness, contrast, etc. The last one really only had one particularly good outcome that I could come up with (short of completely distorting the image), but I left the others in their original condition for the benefit of artistically-inclined HAIFers.





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I think he means there ain't now water in the river.

I remember that old Frio river where I learned to swim.

And it brings to mind another time where I wore my welcome thin.

My transcendental meditation, I go there each night,

But I always come back to myself long before daylight.

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My transcendental meditation, I go there each night,

But I always come back to myself long before daylight.

Coog, I didn't do TM, rather Silva. My place was "The Window" at Big Bend.

When I go to Garner in my mind, I can still hear "Blackland Farmer" playing at The Pavilion.

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